mole valley council planning

Welcome to Mole Valley District Council Welcome to Mole Valley District Council's Interactive Local Plan. Mole Valley Local Plan paused: official Latest news from Mole Valley District Council. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Written statements Written questions, answers and statements UK Parliament, Letter from Secretary of State Michael Gove Planning and Local Control in England.pdf (, Communities put at heart of planning system as government strengthens Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill GOV.UK ( Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Land South of The Caravan, Povey Cross Road. Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) Representations, Programme Officer Letter to Regulation 19 Respondents, Regulation 19 Representations with Councils Comments & Disclaimer, Regulation 19 Representations with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional comment C1307 & Appendix 122), Regulation 19 Representations with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional Appendix 80a), Regulation 19 Representations with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional comment C1308), Inspectors Note 1: Inspectors Initial Questions to the Council, Response to Inspectors Initial Questions, Summary of Regulation 19 Representations in policy order with Councils Comments & Disclaimer, Summary of Regulation 19 Representations in policy order with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional comment C1307 & Appendix 122), Summary of Regulation 19 Representations in policy order with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional Appendix 80a), Summary of Regulation 19 Representations in policy order with Councils Comments & Disclaimer Updated Summary (additional comment C1308), Inspectors Note 2: Stage 1 Matters, Issues and Questions, Inspectors Note 3: Examination Guidance Notes, Inspectors Note 4: Draft Hearings Programme V1, Inspectors Note 5: Stage 2 Matters, Issues and Questions, Inspectors Note 6: Draft Hearings Programme V2, Letter from Housing Minister to MVDC Cabinet Member, Inspectors Note 7: Note & Agenda for Matter 1 Legal & Procedural, Council Note: Interim Local Strategic Statement for Surrey, Inspectors Note 8: Next Steps to the Examination following the Stage 1 Hearings, Inspectors Note 9: Draft Hearings Programme V3, Schedule of Main Modifications Local Plan (Living Document Superseded by ED32), Schedule of Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal (Living Document Superseded by ED33), Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map General (Living Document Superseded by ED34), Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map Minerals & Waste (Living Document Superseded by ED35), Schedule of Additional Modifications (Living Document Superseded by ED36), Mole Valley Five-Year Housing Land Supply Annual Review 2021, Mole Valley Five-Year Housing Land Supply Annual Review 2022, Mole Valley Five-Year Housing Land Supply Annual Review 2022 to 2027 Appendix 1 Deliverability Assessment of Sites Considered Deliverable in Principle, Housing Delivery Test Action Plan 2022 Appendix 1 Major Housing Developments in Mole Valley, Inspectors Note 10: Stage 3 Matters, Issues and Questions, Inspectors Note 11: Draft Hearings Programme V4, Draft Local Plan Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement 2022, Draft Local Plan Five-Year Housing Land Supply Statement 2022 Appendix 1 Deliverability Assessment of Sites Considered Deliverable in Principle, Inspectors Note 12: Updated Stage 3 Matters, Issues and Questions, Statement of Common Ground between National Highways & Mole Valley District Council, Transport Technical Note M25 Junction 9A, Inspectors Note 13: Note & Agendas for Stage 2 Hearing Sessions, Schedule of Main Modifications Local Plan (Living Document Supersedes ED17), Schedule of Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal (Living Document Supersedes ED18), Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map General (Living Document Supersedes ED19), Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map Minerals & Waste (Living Document Supersedes ED20), Schedule of Additional Modifications (Living Document Supersedes ED21), Councils Note 2 Older Persons Housing, Councils Note 3 Baseline Densities of Residential Development Opportunity Areas, Councils Note 4 Main Modifications from Hearing Day 2, Councils Note 5 Green Belt Review Site Visits, Councils Note 6 Green Belt Compensatory Measures, Councils Note 7 Dorking Town Centre Building Heights, Councils Note 8 Economy Policies Main Modifications, Inspectors Note 14 Confirmation of Examination Proceeding to Stage 3 Hearings, Inspectors Note 15 Agendas for Stage 3 (Week 1) Hearing Sessions, Consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations and Implementation, Inspectors Note 16 Additional Question on Policy D1, Ockley Parish Council Response to Additional Question on Policy D1, Inspectors Note 17 Draft Hearings Programme V5, Inspectors Note 18 Agendas for Stage 3 (Week 2) Hearing Sessions, Councils Note 9 Electric Vehicle Charging, Policy EN13 and Building Regulations, Councils Note 10 Main Modification to Policy H9 (Housing Mix), Councils Note 11 Oct 11, 12, 14 Matters Arising, Councils Note 12 Hall Farm Mickleham Transport Information, Appeal B Ref: APP/C3620IAIOS/1186444 Heathside/Longheath, Longheath Drive, Burnhams Road, Bookham, Leatherhead, KT23 3BH, Mole Valley District Council Proposed Main Modifications for Final Week of Hearing Sessions, Councils Closing Speech at Hearing Sessions, Inspectors Note 19: Lisa Smith V SSLUHC (2022) EWHC, Councils Note 13 Strategic Highways Assessment Report, Councils Note 14 DS8 Land North West of Preston Farm Bookham and the relevance to the Legal Covenant, Councils Note 15 DS8 Land North West of Preston Farm Bookham and suspected Chalk Stream and Priority Habitat Area, Councils Note 16 DS11 Appeal Decisions on Traffic Impact, Councils Note 16 (Updated) DS11 Appeal Decisions on Traffic Impact, Councils Note 17 DS33 The Foundry Update, Councils Note 18 DS41 Access and Airport Parking Refused Application, Councils Note 19 DS54 River Lane Leatherhead Update, Councils Note 20 DS56 Priests House Leigh, Access Note, Councils Note 21 DS59 Land Rear of The Chimes Update, Councils Note 22 Main Modifications from Final Week of Hearings, Councils Note 23 Density Justification, Councils Note 24 Housing Trajectory Breakdown, Councils Note 25 Site Selection Review, Councils Note 26 Hypothetical Route to Adoption, Councils Note 27 Response to Inspector Note 19, Councils Note 28 Exceptional Circumstances of Minor Alterations to the Green Belt, Inspectors Note 20 Exceptional Circumstances for proposed changes to the Green Belt, Inspectors Note 21 Post Hearings Action Points, Inspectors Note 22 Timetable for Main Modifications Consultation, Councils Note 29 Effect of Main Modifications on Housing Supply, Councils Note 30 Response to Inspectors Note 22 on Timetable for Main Modifications Consultation, Councils Note 31 Removing Green Belt Sites, Inspectors Note 23 Reply to Councils Note 31 on Removing Green Belt Sites from the Local Plan, Councils Note 32 MVDCs reply to Inspectors Note 23; Request to pause examination, Inspectors Note 24 Reply to Councils request to pause examination, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, National Highways & Mole Valley District Council, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. Dorking South: MO/2020/1360/PCL - Certificate of Lawfulness for a replacement garage door. Parking Ticket (PCN) Payments. "I'm so pleased that families and children in Mole Valley have had their voices heard. Broadly, those announcements were suggestive of changes being made to the National Planning Policy Framework before Christmas. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Please see the Hearing Sessions page to view the documents. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Updates in your area sent directly to your email inbox, We connect you with the people and communities that matter to your business, Contribute to your community by becoming an area ambassador, Search for trusted local businesses near you, Mole Valley planning applications week commencing August 28, Macclesfield Nostalgia: Looking back at local library memories, Spotlight shines on Cheshire youth theatre for National Theatre event, Mayor Councillor Ali Ahmed column for Saturday, March 4, Historic Cambridgeshire pub receives MP visit following 186,000 revamp, Hampshire resident found guilty of fly-tipping, New Swansea men's choir set up for well-being and prostrate health, Medical memories of hospitals in North Wales, Kent and Essex are safest places to be during zombie apocalypse, Cats Protection appeals to Hitchin residents for vital shop support, MP shows nuclear power company around Anglesey to identify reactor locations. However, the DtC is an ongoing requirement through plan preparation and there are a number of unresolved matters, including those relating to housing need, The longer we are without an adopted plan the more at risk our green sites are. The planning inspector agreed to delay examination of the local plan until May 25 at which time there should be greater clarity around future national planning policy and will also accommodate the implications of the councils all out local elections in May. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. You are here: Home Local Plans Maps Proposals Map. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If you still cannot find the meeting you are looking for then please make use of the search facility. Local plans are the basis for planning decisions in an area. Council only pledge for 2030 "Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) declared a climate emergency in June 2019. Video cameras atMole Valley District Council meetings capture the live information and send it to a central server, which in turn sends it to anyone that would like to view the meeting. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The , We need someone to help us maintain high standards of conduct by councillors. Planning Application - Apply. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Normandie, Boxhill Road. (Application for Listed Building Consent.) 35 The Park. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Ashtead Village: MO/2020/1387/PLAH - one dormer window to front and side elevations and gable at rear to create rooms on roof space. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This is a brief introductory guide for those living in conservation areas, which answers some of the questions most regularly put to the Council. Seeking Agreement to Remove Green Belt Sites from Draft Local Plan January 17, 2023 At an Extraordinary Council meeting held on Monday 16 January 2023, Members unanimously voted to seek the. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. It is not intended to be an exhaustive document covering every legal and technical aspect. Through the use of your internet connection you can view the meetings live from the . Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions, Quick Links :Select an Area AshteadBeare GreenBetchworthBookhamBoxhillBrockhamCapelCharlwoodDorkingDorking Town CentreFetchamHookwoodLeatherheadLeatherhead Town CentreLeighMicklehamNewdigateOckleySouth HolmwoodWestcottWesthumbleWoodlands Rd, Bookham, Click the Info. On 6 April 2022, the Inspectors Initial questions were published at ED3 on the Examination Documents page, with the deadline for responses of 5pm on Friday 22 April. Mole Valley District Council: Maps - planvu Following discussion at an , At an Extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 15 September 2021, Mole Valley District Councils Cabinet will consider a report recommending that the draft Local Plan is , Buy tickets for Mole Valley Community Lottery, Parking - Silver - Business Permit. This council declared a climate emergency on June 18, 2019. CS 2 CS 3 CS 4 CS 5. Two more councils delay plans after Gove housing climbdown As well as ensuring our planning policy is followed, undertaking formal enforcement and action with those who have breached planning controls, the team also ensure work to protect trees and. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Mole Valley parking review 2023 drawings 12 to 22 (PDF) By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. cookies. Agendas for the Stage 2 Hearing Sessions and an updated Draft Programme with Participants (V6 23 September 2022) are available on the Hearing Sessions page. 20 Rykens Lane. The Councils request is set out in ED56 on the Examination Documents page. fJV 4HmvUKP-Y@!0(yrD4a6Y?my7{}B$_y?~lo|5:>/a %nn3oum[b}qV]}cjhPx}!$zj:O/j(nm;>KPEkh^]=`w`o ?H9|2e+DJPOoRcG4"05 Nt{g' dQ,_{^Q|#o'xHWg+j3< GMT548B@r,}(krPT9M ,o$I  LRC.nKW|BWGBT^! Pest Control. She said they have already received an application to build on one of the green belt sites they are trying to remove from the local plan. 2023 / All Releases / Leader's Message. It does not store any personal data. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. My Mole Valley Planning Bins & Recycling Flooding Councillors Climate Change & Sustainability Council Tax Parking Jobs Committee Agendas & Minutes Dorking Friday Market - a celebration of. The Councils note can be viewed on the Examination Documents page atED58. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Planning Applications | Mole Valley District Council Stockport, a Greater Manchester metropolitan authority, and Mole Valley, a district council in Surrey, both issued statements shortly before the end of the year making clear . Examination Overview - Future Mole Valley A webcast is basically a transmission of audio and video over the internet. Home - Mole Valley Webcasting - Public-i These essential cookies enable you to remain logged in and for your site preferences 6 The Lorne. Mole Valley 6,000-home plan paused amid green belt removal attempts 30 Dene Street Gardens. Full details on the sessions and relevant documents can be accessed on the Hearing Sessions page. It does not store any personal data. More new school places for children and young people with additional No Ward: MO/2020/1464/CONS - demolition of detached groom's accommodation and attached garage. Recent developments in the examination process. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Correspondence and documents from the Inspectors, Council and Representors following submission of the Local Plan. Something went wrong, please try again later. A schedule of the draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) representations in policy order with the Councils comments and disclaimer can now be accessed on the Draft Local Plan (Regulation 19) Representations page and at ED6 in the examination documents. An updated Draft Hearings Programme including a list of Participants for each of thehearing sessions is now available on the Hearing Sessions page. %PDF-1.3 Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Planning applications received by Mole Valley District Council, Surrey, this week include: No Ward: MO/2020/1464/CONS - demolition of detached groom's accommodation and attached garage. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Secretary of State will appoint an Inspector to carry out the examination in due course. Woodstock House, Mole Street, Ockley. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Bookham North: MO/2020/1413/PLAH - pedestrian and vehicular metal railing gates with brick piers. The Inspector has published two notes. Inspector Barrett will be completing the examination as, due to work reasons, Inspector Wilders is no longer available. Future Mole Valley (Local Plan 2020-2037) Government Correspondence.