lafayette high school staff directory

School Improvement Specialist 470 - WEST BUFFALO CHARTER SCH. Centaurus High School. Important Dates LPSS Student Dress Code Guidelines Find them using the search tools below. For additional assistance, please contact West Lafayette Community School Corporation at 1130 N. Salisbury St. West Lafayette, IN 47906 or call 765-746-1602. District Employees - Lafayette County School District - SharpSchool First: Last: Email: . Lafayette High Wrestling Practice (Girl's Gym Activity Room) | March 1, 2023 Parking Permits Purchased Here Track & Field (Indoor) State, 3:15 PM - 4:00 PM It is the policy of the Walker County Board of Education to provide equal educational opportunities without regard to race, sex, age, religion, national origin, handicapping condition, or veteran status in its educational programs and activities. Welcome; Attendance. About Us. Immunization Information. The 2022-2023 school year ushers in our transition to a block schedule. Library District . Jefferson Blanks. Staff Directory Reset ~ Attendance, Lafayette. Macon County Schools ; - Staff Directory. Dr. Stephen Hammock Athletics; Clubs/Organizations; Counseling. First Bell 7:00 ACT Online Staff Directory / Staff Directory - Wayne Public Schools Library District . Lafayette High School For Parents" Welcome to Lafayette High; About Us; ABC Calendar; Bell Times; LHS Student Handbook 2022-2023 . Indiana high school football: Bishop Chatard beats West Lafayette 9th and 10th Grade History Teacher. . Students & Parents. 706-638-1240 / (fax) 706-638-7827 . 765-463-3511. At Lafayette High School, the administration, faculty, and staff work together to create a caring learning environment where students can achieve academic success. Staff Directory. Phone: (315) 504-1000 We are one of the largest school districts in Louisiana, with over 4,000 employees serving over 30,000 students. Faculty & Staff - Lafayette High School - SharpSchool Nicole Petranchuk, Principal, Onondaga Nation School 5178 Round Pond Road LaFayette, GA 30728. School Office Staff; Faculty Directory; Health Services; Counseling; COVID-19; Home. Find them using the search tools below. High School 1105 N. Grant St. West Lafayette, IN 47906 Voice: 765-746-0400 Fax: 765-360-8001 Ron Shriner . More than 150 Rockwood School District students and staff members were honored for their achievements during the Board of Education Awards Ceremony on March 2 at Marquette High. Indiana Department of Health COVID Guidance for Parents. Visit Website. Staff Directory - Lafayette High School | Lafayette High School La Follette High School is home to a mosaic of scholars with limitless possibilities. 973-457-2505 (fax) Site Map. Teachers & Staff - LaFayette High School See this page for instructions. 448-CHARTER SCHOOLS OF INQUIRY. Staff Directory - Walker County School District Lafayette County Elementary 870-921-4275 Lafayette County High School 870-533-4464. Lafayette High School. Extracurricular Show sub menu for Extracurricular. End: Computer Technician. Enrollment in our school is handled through the Boulder Valley School District. West Lafayette CSC . This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. A potential plan for the new Lafayette High School could include a three-story building and a new auditorium but would lose the baseball and softball fields. It is the policy of the West Lafayette School Corporation not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability in its educational programs or employment policies as required by the Indiana Civil Rights Act, Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1973, Title II, Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 3000 West Congress Street Lafayette, LA 70506; Phone: (337) 521-7980; Attendance: (337) 521-7988; Fax: (337) 521-7981; Band Concert Camp, 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Main Menu. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Vision and Hearing Screening. It gives the exam first, then the lesson. Contact Us / School Directory - Rockwood School District Students & Parents. High School. About Us. Wednesday Late Start: 9:35 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education, Boulder Community School of Integrated Studies (BCSIS),,, Lafayette County School District. 255 Lafayette Avenue Chatham, NJ 07928. Staff Directory - Lafayette High School KAAC General Knowledge Academic Test, Attendance Fax 859-381-4021Counseling Fax 859-381-4950Lafayette Fax 859-381-3487 401 Reed Lane. Jr. High School; Tecumseh Junior High School; High Schools; Jefferson High School; Oakland Academy . ESS - Social Studies, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Amanda Lewis. Collaborative Teacher 9-12. LPSS is a public education institution for children in grades PreK-12. 700 South 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47905. (opens in new window), Consent to Use Electronic Resources (CUER), Football Practice (Football Field & Practice Field), LHS Mighty Lion Baseball Beau Chene Tourney @ Rayne (Beau Chene), Sadie Hawkins Dance (ALL ADMIN - Boy's Gym), Apply for Meal Benefits (Non-CEP schools), download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. Summer Reading Box 29, 201 S. Duke Street. 2nd 5th Period 10:58 - 11:48 Phone: (757) 565-0373, Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools , Student Clubs, Groups & Activities Handbook, Williamsburg Regional Library Database List, The Teacher Supply Shop receives over 300 orders in the first month, Sneak Peek at Career & Technical Education in WJCC, School Board Approves Substitute Pay Increase, Congratulations to the 2023 WJCC Schools Level Teachers of the Year, School Board discusses 23-24 academic calendar Share your feedback, Congratulations to our 2023 Teachers of the Year, Daily Announcements for Thursday, March 2, 2023, School Board Budget Public Hearing & Work Session. If you have a question, please give us a call. Home - Lafayette County School District 4th Period 9:33- 10:23 Lafayette County High School 870-533-4464. Staff Directory - Centaurus High School - Boulder Valley School District All of our district employees work to enhance our district every day. Student voice is uplifted and centered to create collective ownership. JHS Staff Only. Jr./Sr. Medical Staff; LHS Wall of Degrees; School Directory; Daily News. Skip to Main Content. Macon County High School . Phone: (315)677-3131 Send an Email. Nearly 100 Rockwood Students Qualify for FBLA State Leadership Conference, Rockwood Celebrates 2023 ROSE Award Recipients, March Board of Education Awards Program Honors Outstanding Rockwood Students, Staff Members, Rockwood Teachers of the Year Announced for 2023-2024, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Lafayette Harrison 54, Lafayette Jeff 39 . PS 207 Lafayette International High School / Home Page Our School Show sub menu for Our School. Medical Staff; LHS Wall of Degrees; School Directory; Daily News. Mar 2, 2023 - 3285 State Route 11A West Lafayette, OH 43845 Telephone: 740-545-6354 Fax: 740-545-6336. 1st Lunch10:23 - 10:53 Skip Sidebar Navigation. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Teacher Service Portal, PRIDE BELL SCHEDULE YOU SUCCEED. 457 - ENTERPRISE CHARTER SCH. Staff Directory - Essential Info - Lafayette School 3000 West Congress Street Lafayette, LA 70506; Phone: (337) 521-7980; Attendance: (337) 521-7988; Fax: (337) 521-7981; Child/Youth Resouces; Clothing Assistance; . High School 1105 N. Grant St. West Lafayette, IN 47906 Voice: 765-746-0400 Fax: 765-360-8001 Ron Shriner . 334-864-9343 Lafayette High School | Lafayette High School - Staff Directory - McCutcheon High School. Lafayette - Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools Acalanes Union High School District; Staff Logins & Access; AUHSD Staff Login and Access to Services . . Hardy Named 2022-2023 Principal; Spring Break 2022; Regional History Day Contest; Happy Social Worker Week to Ann McClintick; All-MEC Scholar Bowl Team 366 RESEARCH LAB HS. Lafayette Elementary School / Staff Directory. Lafayette High School Lexington, Kentucky Translate Open Search Menu . Fax 925-280-3903. LBCA All-Star girls basketball game to feature some of the state's best SOFTBALL -The lady lions Softball team are now . Phone: (315)469-6991 | Attendance (765) 772- 4702(765) 772-4700. 11:00 PM. Our community is anchored by engaged staff and students who together take ownership of our school. Christy Brock-Johnson. Want to contact a faculty or staff member directly? The mission of Fayette County Public Schoolsis to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society. View Job Openings at LCSD. LHS- CNP Manager. 2022-2023 School Calendar ; Staff Directory; Staff. Contact the LLA Hotline if you suspect misappropriation (theft), fraud, waste or abuse of public funds by anyone. Facebook (opens in new window . Staff Directory - William Henry Harrison High School. Lafayette School is located in Everett, MA. Please report student absences via the Infinite Campus Portal. Lafayette Catholic School System is located in Lafayette, IN. . Central OfficeHours: Click Image for Ticket Sales Careers Staff Directory Accessibility Site Map Legals Our Ethical Principles . Lafayette High School Our People Staff Directory. Keyword First Name Last Name. It is the policy of the Walker County Board of Education to provide equal educational opportunities without regard to race, sex, age, religion, national origin, handicapping condition, or veteran status in its educational programs and activities. William Henry Harrison High School Special Education Stacy Affee Teacher William Henry Harrison High School . Our goal is to provide the best education available to all students so that they can compete globally. Steve Blackmon. Faculty Directory - West Lafayette Junior-Senior High School 2021-22. Lafayette High / Homepage Staff Directory; School Profile; Attendance; Calendar of Events; Time and Rotation Schedules; CHS YouTube Channel; . Report Child Abuse & Neglect: 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,, Powered by Campus Suite(opens in new window). TOP TOPICS 2022-2023 Bus Routes PEBT Press Release. LaFayette High School. 720.561.7500. ESS - Chemistry, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Driver's School Compliance Verification Request, General Outfitters (Lafayette School Store), Senior Bowler Wins Girls' Singles Title at State, Lafayette a Model in Earning Certification as Family Friendly School, eSports Team Places Second in State Championships, Academy for Leadership at Millcreek Elementary, Girls Varsity Lacrosse @ Lexington Catholic, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Lafayette High School; Staff Directory ; Quick Contacts (859) 381-3474. Staff Directory - McCutcheon High School - Tippecanoe School Corporation Listed below are resources you can take advantage of to help you succeed academically and prepare you for life after college. Fax: (315) 504-1004 Students & Parents. about Lafayette High School Students Awarded with Academic Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs. (662) 234-3271. Staff - Lafayette High School CO. 80026. High School 1105 N. Grant St. West Lafayette, IN 47906 Voice: 765-746-0400 Fax: 765-360-8001 Ron Shriner . Lafayette High School. Congratulations to the 31 Rockwood Teachers of the Year for 2023-2024! 4951 US HWY 231 South . West Lafayette School Corporation Floyd Administration Center 1130 N. Salisbury St. . Bring your written gram and money to Ms. Valdez (room 218) or drop in the collection box in the front office by Thursday, March 9. Mar 1 2023. Adams, Cynthia. High School West Lafayette Jr./Sr. Mar 4, 2023. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM 7:00 PM, 7:00 PM 2021-22 - Staff / c. Staff. Severe Allergy Information. Principal. Principal High Sch Assistant. Bell Schedules Open main menu. Main Office: 720.561.7500 . 5957 US Rt 20 Staff Directory - Lafayette High School. Student Services Directory; Lafayette School Corporation Anti-Bullying Plan; Bully Reporting; Schedule an Appointment with a School Counselor; Student Services Resources. Parent Portal / Student Progress Center West Lafayette School Corporation Floyd Administration Center 1130 N. Salisbury St. . Our teachers are highly qualified and dedicate their time and talents to meeting the needs of our student body. , EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Non-Discrimination Notice. High School West Lafayette Jr./Sr. Here's your high school basketball sectional scores from Tuesday night . 412 E. Highland Ave., St. Joseph, MO 64505; 816-671-4220; Lafayette High School / Homepage - Fayette County Public Schools Lafayette High 4460 Longhill Road Williamsburg, VA 23188 Phone: (757) 565-0373 Click a name below to view more information. Wea Ridge Elementary School, Woodland Elementary School, Wea Ridge Middle School, McCutcheon High School, Mayflower Mill Elementary School, Wea Ridge Elementary School, Woodland Elementary School, Wea Ridge Middle School, McCutcheon High School, Battle Ground Elementary School, Mayflower Mill Elementary School, Southwestern Middle School, McCutcheon High School, Woodland Elementary School, McCutcheon High School, William Henry Harrison High School, McCutcheon High School,,,,, Athletics; Clubs/Organizations; Counseling. Shareka Burton. The Large School (Class 4A and 3A) and Small School (2A and A) all-state teams are secondary accolades. 2023 - 2024 LHS Course Listings Staff Directory. 3122 Rt 11 North Mar 1, 2023. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 15 of 72 constituents. Students & Parents. Last item for navigation. Shamrock grams will be on sale until Thursday, March 9. Principal Girls JV Lacrosse @ Lexington Catholic, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Central Catholic Jr.-Sr. High School Staff - LCSS Copyright West Lafayette School Corporation. Alumni Association; Alumni eMail; AlumniClass Site; Classmates Site; . Fax: (315) 677-3154 Staff Directory - Tecumseh Junior High School Jefferson High School Staff Directory. Assistant Principal / Physical Education Teacher, Chemistry, Physical Science, Earth & Space. WE SUPPORT. Staff Directory / Staff Directory - School District of the Chathams Office Staff Directory; Alumni. Nearly 2 years of exploration, decision making, and planning have gone into the process that ultimately became what we believe to be the best decision for our Commodores as we continue our journey at LHS. 3000 West Congress Street Lafayette, LA 70506; Phone: (337) 521-7980; Attendance: (337) 521-7988; Fax: (337) 521-7981; Lehigh plays Lafayette in Patriot Tournament | National Sports ESS - Electives, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. First name . With knowledge of the developmental needs of children from Kindergarten to High School, Bentley's faculty members are mentors and leaders guiding students along a path of exciting academic discovery. Report Child Abuse & Neglect: 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll-free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Follow us on Facebook! Staff | Macon County High School EARSS Absence Login Inspiring and Empowering Students . GEAR UP Nedrow, NY 13120 Directories - Lafayette School Corporation