hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Removed an incorrect module from one of the Union of Britains starting ships. The Manchurian Model Cities focus now requires Concordia Association influence to be above 30%. Fixed the Left Kuomintang automatically having their capital moved to Nanjing. Puppeted countries now have their elections disabled by default unless they're democratic. Fixed a Japanese event causing TRM to annex Russia mid-war. NatPop and PatAut Poland are now more likely to join the Moscow Accord and attack Germany, but less likely if the Third International has capitulated. Romania will now deny Albania an alliance, should Albania have supported Bulgaria in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed Li Zongren not taking over in Liangguang after the KMTs coup. Adjusted the Commune of Frances starting air bases and naval bases. Pataut Norway will now try to naval invade Denmark if they are at war. The Left Kuomintang can no longer turn SocDem, as Song Qinglings ideology has been changed to RadSoc, with her content remaining otherwise unchanged. Tweaked an Ottomans tooltip so the effects are clearer. Hunans SocCons now start in coalition with its AutDems. Fixed a missing Poland event about Germanys reaction to the peasant unrest. Fixed the Siamese infrastructure decisions. Added Shalva Maglakedize as a general for Georgia. Fixed the United States being able to request the return of a capitulated Hawaii. Fixed a case of an aircraft carrier not being able to be refitted. Fixed Johor being referred to by its German name even if German East Asia is dead. Then they can either restore the Italian Federation or release Lombardy and go their own way. Fixed the effect of the Rural Schoolbuilding national spirit for White Ruthenia. Fixed Liberia not getting paired impassable states when peacing out with the French Republic. Rwanda & Urundi cores no longer exist at gamestart, and get added during the Mittelafrikan collapse instead. Fixed two Fengtian factory-building decisions not building factories in the relevant states. Fixed a potential oversight in Icelands game rules. Fixed Bolivia's NatPop coup not firing correctly. Added the option to release a puppet Bulgaria as either a puppet or a monarchy. All Anglophone Entente countries will now send volunteers to Assyria. Fixed a Pacific States event firing for China. Fixed Nguyen Son not moving correctly between Indochina and the Left Kuomintang. Fixed NatPop puppet Kingdom of Georgia not having a king. Reworked Legation American recognition - they will now grant all American powers observer rights, and grant the eventual winner voting rights (or not). Japan's Powerless Imperial Family national spirit is now removed, if they're restored. Hello everyone! Not sure if set_ruling_party boosts the ideology on it's own. The Don-Kuban Union now gets the Ostwall cooperation ideas, if puppeted by Germany. Fixed the Chinese Unification Conference game rule not working. Fixed the Ikhwan rising against a non-Ottoman-puppet Arabia. Fixed some broken national spirits in Natal. Canada now returns any non-American lands and puppets to the restored United Kingdom, if the former leaves the Entente. Several new event pictures for Russia and the Commune of France. The Railway Reaches Barotseland national focus for South Africa now actually makes a railway to Barotseland. Rebalanced Russian victory points to reduce the incidence of stalemates. Added air aces for Canada, CSA and Norway as well as RAF-specific generics for Canada and the United Kingdom. Added a unique intelligence agency to Right Kuomintang-aligned Liangguang. Increased the amount of civilian and military factories gained by NatPop Poland from the puppets of their Slavic Union. Fixed Germany not having access to Azerbaijani oil. Fixed Reginald Hildyard not correctly becoming Field Marshal in the West Indies Federation. Fixed Turkeys Yakup Kadri Karaosmanolu being available as an advisor to non-authoritarian Turkish governments. Improved Germanys naval invasion defence AI (particularly against the Union of Britain). Removed Ling Bin, Cao Shijie and Fan Zhijan as generals for Qing. Rebalanced the Combined Syndicates To the Bitter End national spirit. Removed a reference to a deprecated Ottoman flag. Increased Canadas AI weight for completing the Quid Pro Quo national focus. Fixed Indochina not getting a core on Stung Treng due to not owning Cambodia. Fixed Japan still being in the Co-Prosperity economic sphere after defeat. The Legation Cities have had their political power gain lowered. Added Latvias steel mining decision to the United Baltic Duchy. Added a news event for America and Japan going to war with each other. Removed the Sichuan/Yunnan peace deal for performance reasons. Fixed instances of ships spawning when the country has either no naval base or not enough manpower. Updated the AI so that countries with smaller amounts of factories are not going to try to build tanks. Fixed numerous typos, text inconsistencies and overly-long descriptions. Fixed Poland getting locked out of its foreign policy, if Austria goes the Military Occupation route. Increased the population gain in a Xinjiang national spirit. The Commune of France no longer tries Mass Mobilisation against an opponent with twice its population, and instead uses Mass Motorisation. Updated a Dominion of India focus so that it now constructs railways. Dutch East Indies will now turn into an exiled Netherlands, if the latter is annexed by someone else. Fixed an edge case of two FNG unification conference events firing in the wrong order. Added party names to Galicia and Lodomeria. Australasian factory-building focuses have been given easier triggers. Kaiserreich . Nancy now starts the game owned by France. Shanxi can no longer attack Qing if they've signed a neutrality agreement. The Socialist Republic of Italy has had their tree simplified. Fixed Ethiopia being unable to complete the DKAEB mission in time. Austria can no longer conjure oil from the ether. Added a news event for the Italian Civil War resuming. South Africa's armoured production bonus now applies to heavy tanks as well. Changed the state borders for Murmansk so that the railway isn't cut off. Fixed the Liangguang revolter not getting any advisors. Reduced compliance requirements for Peru-Bolivian Confederation cores via conquest. Gave a military factory to Kumul in their industrial tree. Added four new Deutschland class interwar Battleships to Germanys starting navy. Added an event for Yunnan, reacting to the Manchu Coup in Qing. Improved the translation on some Irish abbreviations. Fixed Germany not being able to access the Economic Boom national focus. Fixed Lazaro Chacon being incorrectly retired from Guatemala. Fixed some bugs in the spawning of Natal and Southern Rhodesia. Removed some events in the American Civil War that made participants surrender earlier than they otherwise would. Fixed India stealing occupied Ceylon from Japan. Bulgaria can no longer reconcile twice with the same country. Updated the companies for the Legation Cities. Austria no longer releases Bulgaria as SocCon. Added a manpower bonus to Latvias Red Peasantry national focus. Fixed the United Kingdoms national foci not accounting for non-New England leaders of the Entente. The system can now be switched on and off via a button in the UI. Improved the AI focus factors for Socialist South Africa. I believe there should be a underscore between the words, e.g. Fixed Greece raising World Tension, when renouncing their claims. Ma Clique political events now flow more smoothly. Updated Austria's Syndicalist Menace decision for joining the Reichspakt, taking socialist Poland into account. Fixed Iraq pulling the Reichspakt into Egypt's wars. Fixed South Africas Minority Government idea sticking around after a new election was held in 1938. Puppeted non-Socialist Japan is now known as the State of Japan.. Poland now cannot demand Teschen or start other wars in the gap between declaring the Republic and joining a faction. Japan can no longer offer peace if capitulated or not a faction leader. Fixed Legation Cities not being able to join with Fengtian, and a missing trigger tooltip. Fixed Dutch East Indies still doing Netherlands-in-exile focuses after the mainland is recovered. Netherlands guard their ports more against UoB. He now becomes recommissioned after the start of the Weltkrieg. Edited the Red Eagle loading screen to match the changed Franco-German and Eastern European borders. For Belgium, swapped Hendrik de Man with Achille Van Acker. Slightly tweaked Irelands starting templates, units and technologies. Added transport planes icons from By Blood Alone. Fixed socialist Netherlands joining the Reichspakt. Fixed Austria never releasing Hungary locking itself out of its paths, Austria no longer peaces out with the Belgrade Pact when Germany falls, Fixed a crash bug caused by a PRF event picture. Fixed a remaining mention of Sikorski in the PLC. Fixed Ottoman parliamentary support tooltips appearing for centralists in the focus tree. Socialist Russia now forms its own temporary faction (the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale) with any syndicalist neighbours, and will only fully join the Third Internationale after Germany is defeated. Tweaked event pictures for the Third Weltkrieg and the Assyrian revolt. Removed most uses of the Bearer of Artillery trait, to be replaced with the KR-specific Artillery Officer trait. An ACW event for Minnesota now lets the player know the fate of Iowa has also been decided. Fixed the Ottomans gaining Kardzhali without Western Thrace when intervening in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed the Return Lands decision sometimes not transferring state control correctly. Fixed Zhongchang's decisions being available to Nanjing, plus some optimisation. Fixed Poland trying to restore Sikorski when he isnt there. This can occur as early as mid-1939, or as late as 1941 (rarely). Added weapons/tech loc for Angola, Brazil, Union of Britain, Canada, Commune of France, Denmark, Estonia, French Republic, Germany, Goyaz, Grao Para, Guararapes, Italian Republic, Japan, Kingdom of Two Sicilies, League of Eight Provinces, Piratini, Portugal, Romania, So Paulo, Socialist Republic of Italy, Sardinia, Vera Cruz, various Chinese warlords. Buffed Fengtians starting factory count to give them parity to the Qing Government. When released, FNG should now start with party popularities that wont break its influence system. Added a description to Qings Aisin-Gioro Jixing. BUL reconciliation decision now removes negative Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers, The Treaty of Budapest will now release any Italian countries in Austrias faction prior to peace being made, so war will continue with them, Fixed some issues with countries improperly peacing out with Austria if its part of the Reichspakt when Germany falls, Brazil will no longer capitulate too easily, Serbia no longer gets a claim on Western Salonica at the Balkan War outset, The ISAC tech sharing icon now no longer says IEDC, Wallonia can no longer go multiple political routes as a puppet, Katanga now keeps its current government type when puppeted by Portugal, Norway will now automatically annex states it claims from focuses if theyre owned by puppets, Qing can now actually take the admittedly inferior Baili plan. TAN can now integrate China if led by a Han regime, The Gruppa di Difesa Della Donna template added for the SRI is no longer locked, SRI can no longer join the Third Internationale if it declares war on a fellow socialist country before joining the faction, All SRI decisions to build factories now require PP and civilian_factory_use, and take longer to build; they no longer need to be done only one at a time, however, The bonuses provided by many SRI economic and military ideas have been significantly nerfed across the board, Italian focuses which add resources have been moved to decisions, so they can be available to other tags if/when Italy is united, Legionary Italy now gets its navy back from Venice, upon taking Venice during the revolt, Fixed Portugal not joining the Entente if MAF is dead, again, The Netherlands no longer trade with their enemies, Fixed Japan's collapse resurrecting a dead Russia in Transamur, ROM can no longer release Greater Hungary, ANI Italy actually tries to beat Venice, for real this time, America can now actually ask for their vote back in the Legation Council, Fixed Legation Council vote timer appearing for nations not on the Council, Austria can still do their Secret Deal path. Fixed Romanias Great Game decision screen being available, despite Michael taking over. Fixed black-coloured text showing up on tooltips with dark backgrounds. Monarchist Burma is now actually referred to as a Kingdom, and has the correct flag. Fixed Masud Sabri not taking over in East Turkestans Republic of Unequals route. Fengtian's "From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf" national focus can now be taken if Beijing is controlled, and Qing has been capitulated for at least a month (previously Beijing had to be owned). Fixed the Totalist Wallonia national spirit swaps. Updated the game rule names for several countries. Fixed the fake divisions created by intel counting towards the Division Limit. Kerman state is now pastoral instead of a wasteland. Unit Limit calculations are now daily instead of weekly. Fixed the Legation Cities not following their game rule. Rebalanced several Second in Command traits. Merged Akanland state into the Ivory Coast. The ideologies assigned to the political parties in the participants of the American Civil War have been standardised and restructured. When Canada intervenes in the ACW on behalf of a faction, it no longer shares military access - this is so Canada and the Entente keep their own zones of control. The Fengtian Government now gets a notification about countries accepting or refusing to attend the Unification Conference. Removed the starting heavy tank variants, technologies and templates from the French Republic, as they had the 1939/1940 gun, and also to prevent the AI from using them as garrisons. Fixed Greece not getting Western Thrace if the Ottomans are controlled by a player who did not attack Bulgaria. Added An Idea Worth Dying For to the Kaisercat submod. Added some more oil to Bolivia, reduced it in Paraguay. Added custom difficulty settings for most major conflicts and alliances, GRE - can now have the outcome of the Monarchy Referendum chosen. Increased the stability debuff from Canadas Anglo-French Tensions national spirit. Canada can now experience strikes triggered by the CSA indefinitely, but each time it is done, its cost is increased by 20PP. Fixed Sardinia being unable to core Piedmont, if they join the Italian Confederation. Fixed the event that fires upon the breaking of the Halifax Conference deal firing multiple times. Germany will no longer have the Occupation of France penalty for creating a puppet France after beating the Commune of France. Fixed a few inconsistencies with strategic region names. Releasing Brittany now requires owning both states. The West Indies Federation can now retain Belize if it conquers Centroamerica. Anton Pannekoek is now the leader of the Netherlands syndicalist KAPN. The French Republic's Lingering Communard Resistance modifiers are now applied in territories returned by the Lyon Conference. The Left Kuomintang now gets a claim on Tawang in the Renounce the McMahon Lines national focus, if they already own the state itself. Fixed the American Union State trying the Federalist generals twice. Syndicalist and RadSoc Combined Syndicates now have the same flag. Swisss Paranoid Francophobe leader trait now gives bonuses against National France too. Fixed one of Venices generals having three copies of the same Mountaineer trait. Added a lvl 1 bunker to Wuchang, as the city was somewhat fortified, Siam will now convert its king's guard to ceremonial guard unit if gone republic, and vice-versa. Fixed a German national focus trying to build them a coastal bunker in a province they dont own. Added custom difficulty settings for Argentina, Brazil and Patagonia. Removed hundreds of unused global and country variables (flags) in the code, potentially improving performance. Fixed Yunnan being able to join the Zhilis faction. Puppet monarchist Korea is now known as the Korean Empire instead of the Joseon Kingdom. Removed ideology drift from national spirits in Peru. Argentine army tree now provides an armoured template and a free light tank variant. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Austria now attacks Serbia if they annex Illyria during the rebellions. Fixed OTT being able to increase Egyptian centralisation before the prerequisite foci. Fixed the borked Patagonian national spirit triggers. The Adrian helmet has been removed from the Brazilian unit counters. Improved the AI focus priority for Brazil. Sweden now starts with four less factories but higher starting stability. The Internationales music mod - new songs. Added missing claims for the USSR on Ashkabad, Cernauti and the Kuril Islands. Not every piece of pre-NSB content has been converted and balanced. Rebalanced the Serbian elections so that the Republicans win slightly less. Converted the Nancy state into a Barn state. Tweaked the effect of the Three Principles national spirit for Tibet. All intra-Chinese alignment is now represented by the puppet system. Updated several victory points in the Pacific Islands. Fixed the Ottomans looking for oil in Basra, and in other areas, even if they have already lost them. Fixed some generals not joining their respective revolts in NatPop Brazil. Moved the West Prussia-Masuria border to the Vistula. Fixed an event chain for National France in relations to the imprisonment of Lvi Strauss. Fixed puppet Italian Republic or Socialist Italy not having claims on the rest of Italy. Initial Iraqi events regarding the Muntafiq revolt and its outcome were changed so they are no longer RNG (whereas before it was up to Persia if the Muntafiq revolt event fired at all), and the outcome is decided by the player, rather than via random chance. Japan will no longer naval invade as much. HOi4 console commands. Ireland can now be released by the leader of the Entente, should the United Kingdom not already be restored. Decreased Russias naval production and naval invasion priority. Rebalanced Polands Austrian-aligned economy national spirits. The Absorbing the Guiyidao national focus for Shandong now also grants NatPop popularity. Fixed the flavour event about the Fourth Balkan War firing out of context. Mittelafrika - converted the Cape to Cairo national foci to decisions. Re-added Manfred von Richthofen as a Chief of Air Force for Germany, after being forgotten from the initial release. Fixed Iceland having access to an Entente-related decision while in the Third International. Mittelafrikas elections now add the winning ideology as a coalition member to the existing colonial government, instead of having the colony choose its own government. When American demands Hawaii be re-annexed, Hawaiis faction leader now has a say. The Mexican NatPop party is now called the National Synarchist Union (Unin Nacional Sinarquista). Added proper ship name lists for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ireland, Lithuania, Portugal, South Africa. Reinviting members to the BP now has the correct loc, If you beat the MAF revolts in the last few of the mission it no longer then happens anyway, instead using the mission timing as it should. The French naval OOB no longer spawns the entire fleet in one port. Greeces Fight for Macedonia is now a decision activated by the focus, Greece can no longer start the monarchy referendum until after the 1938 elections, at minimum, Revamped the annexation missions throughout Southern Europe, Added separate annexation missions for Scotland and Wales, Reworked the Serbian-Bulgarian union event chain so it is no longer a trap for Serbia. Fixed Austria granting lands to an unfriendly Ukraine. Iceland also now leaves its old faction when joining a new one during the Cod War, Iceland can no longer do its resistance decisions once it has broken free. The Third Internationale will now research oil tech more but has fewer bonuses for it. Chad now starts with resistance and a low compliance, as intended. Persia winning against Russia now creates a Non-aggression Pact between them. R-KMT Yunnan and Long Yun take half the time to go through any focus that starts a war now. Fixed Aspremont-Lynden's missing portrait in Wallonia. Fixed the Chetnik strength variable not being set if Bulgaria is already at war. Some 30+ new Terrain GFXs, mostly for the US Great Lakes region. Updated the party names in German puppet splinters. Fixed a few Serbian national spirits not being correctly removed on puppeting. Fixed the Reichspakt not disbanding sometimes if Austria took over its leadership. Fixed South Africa having a Governor General when it was a Republic. Fixed the other factions within Romanias PNT now joining the dominant faction in government, if they win the election. Fixed AI Georgia not joining the Reichspakt. Improved the supply availability on the Fengtian / Qing border. Fixed opinion modifiers for the French Republic and Spain. Rewrote two of Mexico's foci to be ideologically neutral. Canada now has access to the Iceland decisions to build up Icelands port and airport level once Iceland is in the Entente. Fixed Idris forming Ifriqiya without owning Tripolitania. Fixed the democrats in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies getting +40% production efficiency. Fixed a Cambodian annex event not transferring land to German East Asia. Added Pesnya Kommuny (Song of the Commune) for Russian socialists. Updated the icon for the Left Kuomintangs Glorious Revanchism national spirit. Ma Clique-puppeted Mongolia and Tibet will no longer get their claims in the peace deal, and will instead just be released. Nerfed Manchu Qings Unifying Emperor and Mandate of Heaven national spirits. Mustafa Fevzi akmak is now re**added to Turkey if he was retired by the Ottoman Empire coup. Fixed the IMRO rebellion firing for puppet Serbia. Added A Brown Slouch Hat, Along the Road to Gundagai, Blue Smoke, God Defend New Zealand and Remembrance for Australasia and New Zealand.