This the Lord refuses, and goes up the mountain to pray, His disciples being meanwhile exposed to a storm on the lake, and straining after the desired haven till He rejoins them, when immediately the ship was at the land whither they went. "He must, increase, but I decrease." Let them learn, then, that as Son of man (for which nature they despised Him, and denied His essential personal glory) He will judge; and this judgment will be no passing visitation, such as God has accomplished by angels or men in times past. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." No doubt Jesus Himself had the Holy Ghost given to Him, as it was meet that He in all things should have the pre-eminence; but it shows yet more both the personal glory of Christ and the efficacy of His work, that He now gives the same Spirit to those who receive His testimony, and set to their seal that God is true. The hour was one for faith, or unbelief. He that believethhow vast the love and bright the hope of the all-including wordshath eternal life! He wanted nothing; He came to give yea, the very best, so to speak, that God has. Hence, after having first unmistakably laid down the necessity of the cross, He next shows the grace that was manifested in the gift of Jesus. It was an extraordinary birth; of God, not man in any sort, or measure, but a new and divine nature (2 Peter 1:1-21) imparted to the believer wholly of grace. (36) Here too we have, in the words of John, thoughts which we have found already (John 3:15-16), and shall find again (), in the words of Christ Himself.He that believeth not the Son. JOHN DEERE #M47886 LOT OF 2 WALK BEHIND MOWER WHEEL CAPS J215. John 3:17-21 (A) Condemn the World. There is the need of another nature, and the only way in which this nature is communicated is by being born of water and the Spirit the employment of the word of God in the quickening energy of the Holy Ghost. The results for the believer or unbeliever are eternal in good or in evil. John 3:31-36 meaning. So in the baptism with the Holy Ghost, who would pretend to such a power? The Word, God (and only begotten Son in the Father's bosom), He was eternally Son of God, too, as born into the world. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. All translations of John 3:36 imply that this rejection of Christ is a deliberate action. As there is no way of escaping the wrath of God but by the Lord Jesus Christ, so those who will not believe must go to eternity as they are, and bear alone and unpitied all that God may choose to inflict as the expression of his sense of sin. John 3:36 Commentaries: "He who believes in the Son has eternal life This would make all manifest. What does John 3:36 mean in the bible? - Quora (John 3:36 YLT), One who believes in the Son has eternal life, but one who disobeys the Son wont see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life". Burge favors the third view. (Ver. Follow the buttons in the right-hand column for detailed definitions and verses that use the same . Now, it is the Holy Ghost in the power that gives rivers of living water flowing out, and this bound up with, and consequent on, His being man in glory. John 3:31-36) he speaks of His person in contrast with himself and all; of His testimony and of the result, both as to His own glory, and consequently also for the believer on, and the rejecter of, the Son. Not only man under law has no health, but he has no strength to avail himself of the blessing that God holds out. Indeed, it is the total eclipse, not merely of law and remedial mercies, but even of promised Messianic glory, by everlasting life and resurrection at the last day. Life resurrection will display how little they had to be ashamed of, who believed the record given of His Son; the resurrection of judgment will make but too plain, to those who despised the Lord, both His honour and their sin and shame. New believers also get familiar with this special truth in their relationship with God. Eternal lifeis onlyreceivedby faith in His cruel death and His glorious Resurrection. All translations of John 3:36 imply that this rejection of Christ is a deliberate action. John 3:30 Meaning of He Must Become Greater, I Must Become Less Most music is crap. These two positions are mutually exclusive. Thus we all not only receive of His fulness, (and what fulness illimitable was there not in Him!) His opposition to sin, and its terrible effects in this world and the next. Scripture is, or may be, before man always. Hence the Lord, while fully owning the labours of all preceding labourers, has before His eyes the whole boundless expanse of grace, the mighty harvest which His apostles were to reap in due time. Sons they might have been in bare title; but these had the right of children. Why is John 3:16 the most famous verse in the Bible? I pray that I might live for Him. They wonder, as they had murmured before (John 7:12-15); but Jesus shows that the desire to do God's will is the condition of spiritual understanding. This was necessary for the kingdom of God; not for some special place of glory, but for any and every part of God's kingdom. The refusal of His precious blood will, on the contrary, make their case incomparably worse than that of the heathen who never heard the good news. John 3:16 Meaning (The Verse We All Know Yet Never Think About) (b) Midrash Ruth, fol. He tells Philip to follow Him. But the wrath of God abideth on him; as the sentence of wrath, of condemnation, and death, and the curse of the law were pronounced upon him in Adam, as on all mankind, it continues, and will continue, and will never be reversed, but will be executed on him, he not being redeemed from it, as his final unbelief shows; and as he was by nature a child of wrath, as others, he remains such; and as the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness and ungodliness of men, it comes upon the children of disobedience, and remains there; it hangs over their heads, and lights upon them, and they will be filled with a dreadful sense of it to all eternity. (John 3:36 DBY), he who is believing in the Son, hath life age-during; and he who is not believing the Son, shall not see life, but the wrath of God doth remain upon him. ", To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. and the more manifest from His lips to one who was a real impersonation of sin, misery, blindness, degradation. (VersesJohn 6:1-21; John 6:1-21). Thus solemnly does the meek Lord Jesus unfold these two truths. Shall neither enjoy true life or happiness here nor in the world to come. "But He said to them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of." "He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. John 3:36 - George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary. Details are not called for now, but just the outline of the truth. What more glorious proof than that the Holy Ghost is given not a certain defined power or gift, but the Holy Ghost Himself; for God gives not the Spirit by measure! But when the Lord speaks of His cross, and not God's judicial requirements only, but the gift of Himself in His true personal glory as the occasion for the grace of God to display itself to the utmost, then, and not till then, do we hear of eternal life, and this connected with both these points of view. These are the final words of John the Baptist 170 in the Gospel of John. There He supposes His full rejection and death. Hath everlasting life. Then He rebukes the carnality of His brethren. But see the blessed fruit of receiving it. John the Baptist's work complete (John 3:22-36)While Jesus and his disciples were preaching and baptizing in Judea, John the Baptist was spending the closing days of his ministry preaching and baptizing further north, in the region of the Jordan Valley (John 3:22-24).Some of John's disciples were becoming jealous of Jesus' popularity, and John had to . He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias. Answer: John 3:16 does not say that unbelievers have the ability of their own sinful free will, to receive Christ. Without sign, prodigy, or miracle, in this village of Samaria Jesus was heard, known, confessed as truly the Saviour of the world ("the Christ" being absent in the best authorities, ver. John the Baptist tells his disciples that Jesus has come from Heaven and will teach of the things of Heaven, because He has firsthand knowledge of Heaven and of God. Observe, that blessed as the light is, being God's moral nature, truth is more than this, and is introduced by grace. He could be declared only by One who was a divine person in the intimacy of the Godhead, yea, was the only-begotten Son in the bosom of the Father. John pointed people to the Lord Jesus, for Christ Himself was sent to bear heavenly witness of the invisible God Who "loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.". A cash balance plan is an excellent choice for owners and employees when considering how to provide cost-effective retirement benefits. A. John 3:16 King James Version. He will have all honour the Son, even as Himself. (Ver. For them, Israel, or the world, all is over. John was the one who recognised the glory of the Lord about whom he was testifying, and cried out, "Hemust increase and I must decrease." Not Jacob was there, but the Son of God in nothing but grace; and thus to the Samaritan woman, not to the teachers of Israel, are made those wonderful communications which unfold to us with incomparable depth and beauty the real source, power, and character of that worship which supersedes, not merely schismatic and rebellious Samaria, but Judaism at its best. The sacrificial death of Him who is God goes far beyond the thought of Israel. "He that believeth on him is not judged: but he that believeth not is judged already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." This is indispensable; for God is a Spirit, and so it cannot but be. John 3:36 | Bible Exposition Commentary He would have every soul to know assuredly how he stands for eternity as well as now. As the believer hath life, so the unbeliever hath wrath abiding on him. 1:29), grants us repentance (2 Tim. This scripture tells us about the endless affection God demonstrated by sacrificing His only begotten son . How truly it is man under law! Hence, then, we have the Lord Jesus alluding to this fresh necessity, if man was to be blessed according to God. It will abide or dwell there as its appropriate habitation. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. 22-24); (2) John's disciples are jealous (vss. (Verses John 6:59-71) What and if they should see Him, who came down and died in this world, ascend up where He was before? It is here life begun the first breathings and pantings of the soul for immortality; yet it is life, though at first feeble and faint, which is eternal in its nature, and which shall be matured in the full and perfect bliss of heaven. (VerseJohn 4:1; John 4:1) It was strange to her that a Jew should thus humble himself: what would it have been, had she seen in Him Jesus the Son of God? abideth on himIt was on Him before, and not being removed in the only possible way, by "believing on the Son," it necessarily remaineth on him! Here we see Him accepting, not as fellow-servant, but as Lord, those souls who had been under the training of the predicted messenger of Jehovah that was to prepare His way before, His face. For if, on the one side, God has taken care to let us see already the glory of the Son, and the grace of which He was full, on the other side, all shines out the more marvellously when we know how He dealt with a woman of Samaria, sinful and degraded. More correctly, as Rev., obeyeth not. "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." But this is not the question of grace: not what she was, but what He is who was there to win and bless her, manifesting God and the Father withal, practically and in detail. He hath it. Nicodemus remonstrates but is spurned; all retire to their home Jesus, who had none, to the mount of Olives. He is a divine person; His manhood brought no attainder to His rights as God. Since God is the one who grants that we believe (Phil. Clarke's Commentary. Here, then, we have a remarkable display of that which preceded His Galilean ministry, or public manifestation. (Verses John 7:19-23) What judgment could be less righteous? What does the 3 in 36 mean? First, Jesus is visited at night by a Pharisee, Nicodemus, who is curious about His teachings. The first . It was not the time now to demonstrate in public power these coming, yea, then present truths. They would fall a prey to Antichrist, and meanwhile are accused of Moses, in whom they trusted, without believing him; else they would have believed Christ, of whom he wrote. What is the meaning of John 3:36? - SalvationCall In John 6:1-71 our Lord sets aside Israel in another point of view. Nicodemus, not understanding in the least such a want for himself, expresses his wonder, and hears our Lord increasing in the strength of the requirement. Nevertheless the Son had taken the place of being the sent One, the place of subordination in the earth, in which He would say, "My Father is greater than I." Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary3:22-36 John was fully satisfied with the place and work assigned him; but Jesus came on a more important work. ", John the Baptist was the earthly witness that God usedto present His dearly beloved Son to the world. Nevertheless, Christ did come to His own things, His proper, peculiar possession; for there were special relationships. It's our responsibility to live John 3:16 to those around us, to shine God's light everywhere we go. There is no changing or bettering the old man; and, thanks be to God, the new does not degenerate or pass away. Hell will "abide" on the person who does not believe in the Son. His opposition to sin, and its terrible effects in this world and the next. God cannot require for justification (whether initial or "final") both a faith that works and a faith that does not work or is apart from works. Expressly had He told the man to take up his couch and walk, as well as to rise. The commandment doth not only respect love, but faith in the first place; for faith worketh by love; so as there is an apeiyeia, a disobedience in the understanding, as well as in the conversation; and he that so believeth not, as to obey, shall never come into heaven, which felicity is here expressed by seeing life; as not seeing death is not dying, so not seeing life is dying. The person of the Son was there the object of divine and overflowing joy even then, although, of course, in the full sense of the word, the Holy Ghost might not be given to be the power of it for some time later; but still the object of worship was there revealing the Father; butJohn 7:1-53; John 7:1-53 supposes Him to be gone up to heaven, before He from heaven communicates the Holy Ghost, who should be (not here, as Israel had a rock with water to drink of in the wilderness outside themselves, nor even as a fountain springing up within the believer, but) as rivers flowing out. This wrath (comp. Yet thousands choose to remain in this state, and to encounter alone all that is terrible in the wrath of Almighty God, rather than come to Jesus, who has borne their sins in his own body on the tree, and who is willing to bless them with the peace, and purity, and joy of immortal life. Resurrection will be the proof; the two-fold rising of the dead, not one, but two resurrections. But Jesus finds him in the temple, and said, "Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." This, of course, supposes the setting aside of Jerusalem, its people and house, as they now are, and is justified by the great fact of Christ's death and resurrection, which is the key to all, though not yet intelligible even to the disciples. Shall never enter heaven. One must be born again for God's kingdom a Jew for what was promised him, like another. What does John 3:16 mean? | If He put forth His power, it was not only beyond man's measure, but unequivocally divine, however also the humblest and most dependent of men. Then said they unto him, Who art thou? There was purpose in it. John 1:19-34; 3:22-36 In our study of the story of Melchizedek, we have deliberately skipped over the fact that some theologians believe this ancient king was the pre-incarnate Jesus. They knew what they worshipped, but not the Father, nor were they "true." John 3:14-15; John 3:14-15) It is not a question simply of the Son of God, nor is He spoken of here as the Word made flesh. For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God: for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him." Verse John 1:29 opens John's testimony to his disciples. (Ver. So only is man born of God. (Verses John 7:3-5) The Lord intimates the impossibility of anticipating the time of God; but then He does it as connected with His own personal glory. 2.Geneva Study BibleHe that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not {c} see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. In John He is One who could be described as Son of man who is in heaven; but He belonged to heaven, because He was divine. 2) John 3:16 In The Bible. While almost all entity This is all perfectly true, of course; and we have it elsewhere. The present tense. Obey certainly was the meaning of pisteuo in John 3:36 (see page 448). But let them beware how they perverted it. On the third day is the marriage in Cana of Galilee, where was His mother, Jesus also, and His disciples. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water." He redeemed us from the curse of the Law, and secured redemption and the forgiveness of sin, for all who would trust in His finished work at Calvary for the salvation of their soul. Coming after John as to date, He is necessarily preferred before him in dignity; for He was ( ) [not come into being ( )] before Him. Nay, "the world knew him not." But this, however worthy of God, and indispensable for man, could not of itself give an adequate expression of what God is; because in this alone, neither His own love nor the glory of His Son finds due display. As to Himself, He does not go at that time to the feast of tabernacles; but later on He goes up "not openly, but as it were in secret" (verseJohn 7:10; John 7:10), and taught. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? he would not. This question is raised, or rather settled, by the Lord in Jerusalem, at the passover feast, where many believed on His name, beholding the signs He wrought. But none need hate, and none need live in wilful sin. Spite of the most express signs, and the manifest finger of God that wrote the ten words on tables of stone, the law sinks into comparative insignificance. It was not so. The addition of "unto him" detracts, to my mind, from the exceeding preciousness of what seems to be, at least, left open. Answer (1 of 13): John's Gospel is complex. Was this false and blasphemous in their eyes? All rights reserved. God never left Himself without witness; He did not even among the Gentiles, surely yet less in Israel. ( ) flesh, and dwelt among us." Jesus saw the man, and knowing that he was long thus, prompts the desire of healing, but brings out the despondency of unbelief. You don't know if they know, or know and don't care, or if they are just U2 and know, don't care and deep down don't . For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. And worship is viewed both in moral nature and in the joy of communion doubly. What does the number 36 mean biblically? - (c) Shall not enjoy. (Ver. 29) on which, as it were, Jesus speaks and acts in His grace as here shown on the earth. While that new life is a free gift, one that we can do nothing to earn, it does come with expectations. No doubt He must become a man, in order, amongst other reasons, to be a sufferer, and to die. John then declared his own waning before Christ, as we have seen, the issues of whose testimony, believed or not, are eternal; and this founded on the revelation of His glorious person as man and to man here below. but He, who is the Word made flesh, is the only-begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, and so competent to declare, as in fact He has. This closes the various aspects of the Lord Jesus, completely blotting out Judaism, viewed as resting in a system of law and ordinances, as looking to a Messiah with present ease, and as hoping for the display of Messianic glory then in the world. And John told us thatwe receive this gift by grace through faith so that all who believe in Jesus would not perish but have everlasting life. "Born Again" - What Does This Term Actually Mean? Mark what, as such, He does declare Him. The same God who did not leave Himself without witness among the heathen, doing good, and giving from heaven rain and fruitful seasons, did not fail, in the low estate of the Jews, to work by providential power at intervals; and, by the troubled waters of Bethesda, invited the sick, and healed the first who stepped in of whatever disease he had. He is lost at the point of his birth. If, on the contrary, a soul has been taught of God the glory of the person of Him who was made flesh, he receives in all simplicity, and rejoices in, the glorious truth, that He who was made flesh was not made flesh only to this end, but rather as a step toward another and deeper work the glorifying God, and becoming our food, in death. His life "is hid with Christ in God." (Ver. The Syriac and Arabic versions render it, "shall abide upon him"; so some copies. The first thing to look at is the verse itself. He regularly attends Shreveport City Council and Caddo Parish Commission meetings. For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." John knew that Jesus came from heaven as the Son of God, while he was a sinful, mortal man, who could only speak about the more plain subjects of religion. "Bethlehem Ephrathah out of you will come for me whose origins are It was much, yet was it little of the glory that was His; but at least it was real; and to the one that has shall be given. Then (ver. of The Lord Jesus presents Himself as putting an end to all this now for the Christian, though, of course, every word God has promised, as well as threatened, remains to be accomplished in Israel by-and-by; for Scripture cannot be broken; and what the mouth of the Lord has said awaits its fulfilment in its due sphere and season. Law, means, ordinances, could not meet the need no pool, nor angel nothing but the Son working in grace, the Son quickening. Jesus Christ really is the One who "came from above . And they do. The distinctiveness of such a testimony to the Saviour's glory need hardly be pointed out. Yet thousands choose to remain in this state, and to encounter alone all that is terrible in the wrath of Almighty God, rather than come to Jesus, who has borne their sins in his own body on the tree, and who is willing to bless them with the peace, and purity, and joy of immortal life. His opposition to sin, and its terrible effects in this world and the next. (Verses John 5:17-18). "He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Greek Scripture. This verse is the only place where God's wrath is mentioned in the gospel of John. Matthew, Mark, and Luke start, as far as regards the public labours of the Lord, with John cast into prison. The looking for signs and wonders is rebuked; but mortality is arrested. (See on [1777]Joh 3:18 and [1778]Joh 5:24).shall not see lifeThe contrast here is striking: The one has already a life that will endure for everthe other not only has it not now, but shall never have itnever see it.abideth on himIt was on Him before, and not being removed in the only possible way, by "believing on the Son," it necessarily remaineth on him! (Verses John 5:13-16), A graver issue, however, was to be tried; for Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. He who inspired them to communicate His thoughts of Jesus in the particular line assigned to each, raised up John to impart the highest revelation, and thus complete the circle by the deepest views of the Son of God. Hence it is that here the Son, according to the grace of God the Father, gives the Holy Ghost eternal life in the power of the Spirit. He is viewed as retaining the same perfect intimacy with the Father, entirely unimpaired by local or any other circumstances He had entered. Till then the Holy Ghost could not be so given only when Jesus was glorified, after redemption was a fact. The Father did not judge, but committed all judgment into the hands of the Son, because He is the Son of man. (Verse John 7:39), Nothing can be simpler than this. "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." It can have meaning in the secular world, such as a "born again" politician who changes political parties, or in the religious world, where "born again Christian" is sometimes used to differentiate one from a "regular" Christian.
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