Swelling accompanied by pain isnt the only thing that can occur after hammertoe surgery. Or should I check in with my dr. Other reasons for surgery include toe deformity, a drifting in of the big toe toward the small toe, and an inability to bend and straighten the big toe. What are the Beginning Stages of an Ingrown Toenail? Once the incisions heal and the swelling subsides, the patient can gradually apply weight and move. Since you will need to rest a lot the first few days after your foot surgery, elevating your foot will significantly reduce swelling. Copyright 2017-2023 Nagy Footcare. Chronically swollen toes can also be the result of a symptomatic non-union at an attempted arthrodesis site. I also interviewed a lot of doctors. Does glucosamine or MSM reduce arthritis pain? I know it will all be worth it and I have no sign of bunions now at all, which is wonderful! Your doctor will inform you about all the possible risks before you schedule the procedure, but here are a few of the most common surgery-related complications that can happen: Before you book a hammertoe surgery, you will have to come in for a consultation with a podiatrist. My doctor said that I could drive when I can wear normal shoes. I am practically under house arrest. Please help! Bandages and stitches removed on day 15 (Dec. 6th) and there was an infection beside my right big toe. what is your take on this & can you recommend some other therapies for me to try I would ask my surgeon myself, but I am vacationing 2,200 mi. If your feet are still swollen please don't force them in shoes. One of the most effective ways to reduce swelling is to ensure you get enough rest. If that fails, surgery might be the only option. Everything look good,until the day I hit my toes.My surgeon told it's all the swelling and that's why they look short. But you might have to try a few different shoes before you find the right ones. You may be a good candidate for bunionectomy, After surgery, most people can resume their activities in six to 12 weeks. So, this shouldnt alarm you unless it persists for some period of time. I was allowed back in normal shoes after 7 weeks but at first I could only wear sandals, then aqua shoes for quite a while. Recovery doesnt always need to be painful, so some patients dont need medication to deal with the pain. Is it because of the swelling? This comment is to let one know what to expect with hammertoe surgery. 6 weeks after bunion/hammertoe surgery - foot quite swollen Hammertoe surgery is a procedure to correct a deformity in the second, third, or fourth toea bend at the middle joint that makes the toe look like a claw or hammer. Toe fusion surgery - treatment, recovery & long-term impact (Regina, Sk, Canada) My daughter had surgery on her foot for turf toe (repair of plantars plate) and for a hammer toe. The reduced space in the toe box causes your toes to bend to fit in the available space. Is swelling this high up away from the surgery normal. This problem developed years ago and became a problem in the last two years. Initially, you should change your shoes, switching to shoes with a wide toe box. My incisions are pretty much healed now. I guess patience is KEY! My doctor, voted best in my state, did not put any permanent hardware in my foot and he also does not believe in physical therapy. You are lucky to live in So. You will need to wrap the tape under the big toe, over the hammer toe, and under the toe next to the hammertoe to help keep it in a straight . Now the infected area is drying up but looks unsightly. You can see my right foot is fatter and swollen in comparison to my left. Your foot will be bandaged, and the doctor will remove it on their own or instruct you how to do it at home. I still have the strips in the other places. Its very frustrating to still be so swollen. Now there is a big gaping hole there, horrifying, oozing. The surgeon did not instruct me to do any taping or PT or anything, he said I could resume normal activity. Certain food groups have a tendency to raise your blood sugars and should be avoided. Move from the ankle, and you will exercise every muscle. Yay.. 1st shower( without pin and plastic cover) at 6 weeks too. Pain and Swelling. People with unusually long toe bones, a history of toe injuries, and rheumatoid arthritis are more at risk of developing hammer toe. The swelling has really gone down more - my foot looks normal from the top (well few scars and a funny colour and some bruising still) but it's still swollen when you look at it from the side, so I couldn't yet put my foot into most of my shoes (even if I was allowed). I asked whether I should do some mobility exercises with my foot and toes and he said "Just walk". When you are showering or bathing, the foot has to be kept covered to keep the stitches dry. It is normal to experience swelling and pain after foot surgery especially if tissue has been cut or removed and bones were moved back into place. Swelling after an extremity procedure is common. at our local hospital. Walking is actually good for you after minimally invasive hammertoe surgery. I wish I didn't have the surgery. Ugg boots are tolerable . I'm finding that for me this procedure has been an emotional journey as well as a physical one. It takes a long time to get back to normal. I was told the steri strips would eventually come off by themselves. Minimally Invasive Hammertoe Correction | Dr. Bruce A. Scudday DPM, PA After classifying your hammertoe as either flexible or fixed, . It's not always in the same joint or even the same toe. All rights reserved. Deformity recurrence hammertoe can return after surgery if the surgeon hasnt treated its underlying issue or selected the wrong surgical procedure. I went out and purchase a pair of soft cloth shoe in a size bigger. If you have pins or screws in your toe, they may be taken out a few weeks after the operation.. Thank you ladies! Toe-strengthening exercises, such as picking items up off the floor with the toes, may also help. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. I don't think that would be helpful for healing, since we've had major work done on our bones and I don't want to ruin that. Strangely feels good to have someone to snivel with. The foot doctor said to massage it everyday, but after all this time it is still swollen and has a slight hump even though I did all that was said to do after he surgery. The foot may need to be kept elevated for a few weeks after the surgery. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I appreciate you having this website. An article revealing that older type 2 diabetics have a higher incidence of cancer then non-diabetics. We commonly utilize the Silipos or silicone hammertoe pads. Our board . Hammer toe surgery can be highly effective in people for whom the primary or only issue is hammer toe. Make sure there's a half-inch (1.27 centimeters) of space between your longest toe and the inside tip of your shoe. My big toe and its neighbor are super stiff. I want myself back! Surgery was done to stop pain from fractured toe that was still painful after 2 years so I've had this pain for 3 years now. I do not have any pain in my toes; however they still look swollen and do bend like the other toes. Somersworth, NH 03878 In some cases, you may need to stay off of your feet for a few days. The deformity typically causes calluses or corns to develop on the toe. I was prescribed antibiotics but 2 days later (a Sunday) I wasn't improving, the seeping and pain was getting worse, so I went to the Emergency dept. Rarely can they overgrow and turn into a keloid scar (red and inflamed tissue overgrowth). how are you now? I know that swelling is normal and it will last quite a while. 23 users are following. How To Handle Complications Of Hammertoe Surgery Please help, I am not sure what to do now! A rigid hammer toe means the joint is no longer movable. How Long Does It Take to Recover After Bunion Surgery? Reduction in swelling in bunion and hammertoe surgery Patients usually have few. What is the long-term impact of toe fusion surgery? Take care! This is not wise. I am limping worse than before and I feel quite discouraged. Hammer toes can become painful over time, as the joints lose flexibility. Pain killers will be prescribed for the same. I'm yet another person with an ugly swollen second toe several weeks after surgery..much more swollen than it was weeks ago. All rights reserved. About Us How To Fix Hammer Toe Without Surgery? - Get Second Opinion Now People should discuss the risks and benefits of each option. What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery? Foot Surgery The pin remains in the toe for 4-6 weeks. So, I am still elevating my foot a lot. by Sheri. about laying down on sofa or bed with my feel elevated. However, when these conservative treatments dont correct your hammertoe or if the deformity has become too severe, you may need surgery to correct your toe. Extreme swelling and pain 7 months after foot surgery Right now my foot doesn't fit into anything, except still the surgical shoe. Elevating the foot can speed up healing and reduce pain. I had 2 bunions and all 5 hammertoes on right foot done 4 mths ago. You had surgery to repair your hammer toe. The progression is predictable-from five days with absolutely no pressure on the foot, to the resumption of modified activities in six to eight weeks. This is called amputation. FAILURE TO KEEP THE FOOT ELEVATED DURING THE FIRST WEEK CAN RESULT IN SWELLING, PAIN, HEMATOMA, AND INFECTION AND NOT ONLY SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE RECOVERY BUT ALSO PLACE THE FOOT AT RISK. ive been so depressed , i just cant wait to be back to normal. A fusion procedure can reduce the severity of a fixed hammer toe. Everything you need to know about hammer toe. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Keep in touch! Patience is key for this kind of healing journey.. and rest with your foot propped up on a stack of pillows and apply ice for 10-15 minutes every 2-3 hours to relieve swelling. My Steri strips cam off at about 3 weeks (actually removed by dr. ) and he used Neosporin and gauze with ace bandage until 6 weeks when pin removed. Tendons attach muscle to bone. I don't know about you but I was hoping to be back on my bike at 12 weeks and now at 6 weeks I cannot imagine putting on a cycling shoe. Depending on the success of the surgery and recovery rate of an individual, this condition of swelling could remain for one month to one year. I am now 6 weeks post hallux varus - big toe fusion with 4 pins (2 in each) in 2nd and 3rd Hammer toes. Locations How can I minimize the swelling and pain in my toes 7weeks after surgery? In some cases, a keloid scar can form. Post-Op Care: The Best Way to Elevate Feet After Surgery - Lounge Doctor How are you now? Hammertoes are common in women who wear high heels and children who wear shoes that are too small. The second toe on both feet is shorter than the first and third toes and crooked! Still swollen and painful. Contact Us Big toe joint fusion surgery - treatment, recovery & long-term impact The doctor will tell you the dose you need to use and for how long. Cal. It still hurts to walk. However, you should talk to your doctor to make sure that everything is alright. Learn more here. Last wk. We want the forums to be a useful resource for our users but it is important to remember that the forums are
all hammertoe , no bunion. Still, if there is too much swelling, that might slow down the recovery, which is why we take steps to reduce it sometimes. They rarely persist after the first six months post-surgery. . Recovery Time The amount of time it will take you to recover from hammertoe surgery will vary depending on the type of surgery performed, but generally, you can expect the following: Bunion Surgery: For many people, the continued use of conventional footwear (i.e., shoes that possess heel elevation, toe spring, toe taper, and rigid, inflexible soles) after surgery encourages a recurrence of the original problem, be it a neuroma, a hammertoe, or a bunion.
i did 4 toes 2 on each foot. My husband is a pediatrician who works very long hours. I still can't drive as my right foot is my braking foot and still too sore. During a lapiplasty, our surgeons use tiny, highly specialized tools to completely rotate your misaligned metatarsal bone. There is also the chance of developing a flail toe, one that does not sit flat on the ground. The isolation, frustrating swelling, lack of activity, plays havoc with my emotions. It should also reduce pain. I started doing floor yoga stretching and some dumbbell weights at home. By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. Once healing takes place, the pain should continue to decrease until it subsides. Sometimes, nerve tissue can become trapped, creating a painful scar called an adhesion. Minimally invasive surgery requires only a few small incisions. Bunion Surgery Before & After Gallery | Bunion Institute LA How To Address Complications Of Hammertoe Surgery How is this expected to continue? Could be normal : Because the foot is the lowest part of your body, swelling may persist for weeks after surgery. My 4th toe is still swollen and hurts 6 months after hammer toe surgery. The most common surgical techniques employed to address the rigid or so-called fixed hammertoe deformities are PIPJ resection arthroplasty or PIPJ arthrodesis. I would like to know.When you have excessive swelling,why do your toes look shorter? Hammertoe reoccurs in about 5 to 10% of people who have surgery. After surgery, a person will typically feel some pain in the toe and must have someone drive them home. To understand this, its crucial to know that every surgery presents a certain level of trauma to the tissue even quick, outpatient procedures like minimally invasive hammertoe surgery. For this surgery, a doctor cuts ligaments and tendons to help straighten the toe and may also remove a portion of the bone. During the procedure, the surgeon made an incision (cut) in your skin to expose your toe joint and repair the toe. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions before the procedure, so lets see how you can reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation. A presentation of newer skin protection combinations in an effort to better protect the skin from the hazards of sun exposure. What to Expect After Bunion Surgery - Next Step Foot & Ankle Clinic Hammertoe surgery may be the best option for patients who are still in pain after trying non-invasive hammertoe treatments. I've found when I've tried bare feet, maybe when I've sat down with my feet elevated and then realised I forgot to get something, that it hurts and I tend to automatically keep my toes up and walk(?) What is your experience with walking around in the house just in socks or even bare feet? It's 5 weeks today since my surgery. Two to three months after your operation, you should be able to return to all of your usual activities and sports, although some mild swelling may remain for up to twelve months. Often elevation will help. Recovery From Bunion Surgery: What Is Normal and What Is Not In rare cases where a person experiences severe pain from a hammer toe and no other treatment works, a podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon might recommend removing the toe. thank you for your response. After hammer toe surgery heals, it leaves a small scar that becomes less noticeable over time. I'm 69 yet fit and (usually) active and fast moving. Then, the surgeon will use pins to help keep the joint in place. So, what can you do in case you have a swollen toe after hammertoe surgery? Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use
Infection following hammer toe surgery can usually be handled with a short course of oral antibiotics. The pins remain in place to allow the bones to grow together and are removed after the joint has fused. Ice packs to reduce pain and swelling can help with pain and inflammation. This is not you; after bunion surgery, gentle movement is important, so you must take your time and be realistic. We don't and now I am in an enforced prolonged house arrest. The boot is TOO hard and heavy for me to walk! Its actually the first pain I'm experiencing since the surgery. How Long Are You Non-Weight Bearing After Hammer Toe Correction Surgery Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. So, yesterday I was 6 weeks after bunion and hammertoe surgery. This year it is not going to happen. After picture taken immediately after surgery. "The most common complaint is stiffness and swelling of the toe, which can last for a few months," says Dr. Botek. Immediately following the outpatient surgical procedure, your orthopedic surgeon will place a boot on your foot. I'm so paranoid and just want a 2nd opinion. Removing the forces that caused these problems in the first place (e.g., pinching . Stitches (25) removed at week 2. I feel really cut off not even being able to duck out to the shop for, say, a bottle of milk. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
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