Section 3.5 Other Provisions Pertaining to Permits contains more information on holds. In some cases, applications and supporting documentation must be submitted in person, however the majority of permit applications may be submitted online. RESTORE ALL TRAVEL LANES WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED CONTRACTOR MAY CONTAIN A MAXIMUM OF 25 LINEAR FEET, 8 FEET ADJACENT TO THE CURB DURING NON-WORK HOURS. THE PERMITTEE MUST HAVE APPROVAL FROM NYCDOT STREET LIGHTING FOR INSTALLATION/REPLACEMENT OF POLES. WORK 9 PM TO 6 AM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY, MAINTAIN TWO 11 FOOT LANES FOR TRAFFIC, RESTORE FULL WIDTH TO TRAFFIC WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED. This form cannot be used if the permit has already expired. After obtaining HIQA's authorization, the applicant will be referred to the Permit Office in the borough in which the canopy will be located. If these applications are successful, solar lighting could reduce the amount of time without street lighting after major flood events. Print his/her name and title and provide a signature. By eliminating manual steps, most permit requests now may be approved and issued within 1-2 business days. PERMITTEE MUST EMAIL DEP AT. Tel: (718) 390-2080, The Bronx It includes capital construction projects. Learn about ParkNYC. Send corrections and additions to the Standard Drawings team. This chapter describes the different types of permits that are issued by the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), the one-time permittee registration process, the application procedure for each permit type, and special circumstances and procedures. Any emergency work on a street that involves opening a utility access cover to gain access to an underground facility on a critical street during restricted hours requires an EAN. For further information, call (212) 839-9435. Special Notice: This edition was finalized before the state of emergency due to COVID-19; as city processes adapt in response to the crisis, they may temporarily differ from the guidance provided here. If the location is deemed suitable, HIQA signs the Canopy Authorization Form indicating HIQA approval and returns it to the applicant. The construction, alteration or repair of any building vault or transformer vault requires a permit from NYC DOT. ALL OCCUPANCY OF THE ROADWAY SHALL BE CONFINED TO THE PARKING LANE ONLY, WITH NO IMPACT ON THE BIKE LANE OR TRAVEL LANES AT ANY TIME. A sample of an acceptable Certificate of Insurancecan be viewed here and in Appendix B. NYCStreets confirms that the applicants insurance is current; approves application and auto-generates an Emergency Street Opening permit number, which authorizes the emergency street opening/excavation work. CPO holds will typically be released by DDC if the proposed work does not interfere with its schedule. A list of partially and fully restricted streets where canopy placement is limited or prohibited can be found in the Highway Rules, Section 2-04(f). The applicant must maintain valid insurance and a canopy maintenance permit as long as the canopy exists. Glossary | Street Works Manual Attn: Forestry The Office of Permit Management (Permit Office) provides extensive customer support for all applicants, registers permittees, receives and reviews for accuracy and completeness permit application submitted in person,and also reviews appropriate fees for both online and in-person applications. PLACE LEFT LIGHTED ARROW BOARD 24/7 NE CORNER OF AMSTERDAM AVE/W.60 ST. NO IMPACT ON 4 TRAVEL LANES AT ANY TIME. It seems that JavaScript is not working in your browser. Restoration Once work in the street has been completed, permittees are required to restore the street excavation to provide a smooth riding surface. WORK HOURS 7 AM - 10 PM MON-FRI, AND 8 AM - 10P M SATURDAY, AND 9 AM TO 10 PM SUNDAY. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Staten Island 619 Maintenance and Protection of Traffic - New York State Department A CITYBENCH IS/WILL BE LOCATED ON THIS STREET. SignageSigns must be displayed at the work site or at 100-foot intervals along a series of excavations or continuous cuts indicating the name of the entity performing the work, the name of the entity for whom the work is being performed and, if applicable, the name(s) of the subcontractor(s). NYC DOT's HIQA unit inspects work sites for compliance with Title 19 of the NYC Administrative Code, NYC DOT Rules and Regulations, NYC DOT specifications and NYC DOT permit stipulations. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTENDED TRENCH MORE THAN REGULAR CUT-BACK AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Sub title REVISED DRAWINGS COVERING PEDESTRIAN RAMPS Agency Design and Construction, Department of (DDC) Additional creators DDC & DOT Subject Traffic Safety Transportation Streets and Highways Report type Street excavations also adversely affect the condition of the streets, reducing the number of years the pavement would otherwise be expected to remain in good or excellent condition following resurfacing or reconstruction, and increasing repair and life cycle costs for the city. WORK 10AM-3PM TO SET UP WORK AREA INCLUDES SHIFTING MOVING LANE TO CENTER STRIPED AREA AND ESTABLISING WORK ZONE ONCE WORK ZONE ESTABLISHED MAY WORK 24/7 WITHIN WORK ZONE/DRILLING ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH DRAWING MPT-3 8/28/07. IF MORE THAN 50% OF THE SIDEWALK FRONTAGE IS AFFECTED THE ENTIRE SIDEWALK MUST BE REPLACED WITH THE NEW 4.13C STANDARD. PROJECT COORDINATED THROUGH PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITY FOR PILOT PROGRAM. Applicants should indicate on the application, Application for Governmental Work Permit(s), their name and the name of the governmental agency or authority for which they are working. The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when it is submitted for renewal and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. The Bronx Any foundation material not meeting specifications must be removed. SPEED REDUCERS ARE PROPOSED FOR THE ROADWAY OF YOR WORK AREA. (212) 839-2410 Street lights and signals at corners must be sited so that they do not obstruct pedestrian ramps, ensuring sufficient access to the sidewalk for all pedestrians, including those using mobility devices. MAINTAIN 2 LANES SOUTHBOUND AND 1 LANE NORTHBOUND FROM 7AM-9AM M-F. The Highway Rules, Section 2-02(k) contains additional information. WHEN APPLICABLE, NYCT OR PRIVATE BUS COMPANIES MUST ALSO BE NOTIFIED. MAY WORK 24/7, OCCUPY CURB LANE, ALL EQUIPMENT, STORAGE OF MATERIAL ALLOWED. These holds can only be released by HIQA: Cobblestone (COB) hold All permits issued to work on a cobblestone street are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. Ride the Staten Island Ferry. A full sidewalk accommodates both pedestrian traffic and a range of street furnishings and fixtures. Sidewalk Construction Permits are designated as the "04" permit series, meaning all permits in this category begin with "04". OCCUPY TWO 11 FOOT LANES 12:01 AM TO 5 AM NIGHTLY. Bronx, NY 10457 Long Island City, NY 11101 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Brooklyn First, the applicant must obtain authorization from the Highway Inspection and Quality Assurance (HIQA) unit for the placement of the canopy at the proposed location. Information on the restoration requirements for sidewalk repairs can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. Bridge (BOB) hold Any planned work requiring a Building Operations/ Construction Activity Permit that may potentially be within 100 feet of a bridge structure will be placed on a Bridge hold. Building Operations/Construction Activity Permits are generally taken out by entities that perform construction activities, including developers and contractors. Emergency utility access cover openings and emergency street openings/excavations, Permittee telephone number in case of complaints, Contractor's telephone number, if different from the permittee, The permit number under which the work is being performed, The purpose of the street opening/excavation, The start and scheduled completion dates of the work. The milling and resurfacing schedules are organized by borough and are sent electronically each week to utility companies and other city agencies. For New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) capital projects, a CPO hold can only be released by DDC. To this end, NYC DOT has dedicated time and resources to enhance its own systems and coordination efforts. With advance notice of proposed excavation work, NYC DOT can sequence the timing of the large number of roadway and utility works being undertaken across the city. In order to assist the goal of advanced coordination, information about planned NYC DOT projects is available via theDOTMapportal within the NYCityMapwebsite. An overview of major permit categories, is provided below. This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which summonses/NOVs may be issued.). A valid permit issued by DOB is usually required in order to apply for permits in this category. ALL PERMITS MUST BE ON SITE. Fax: (212) 860-1359 DESIGNATED AS COBBLESTONE STREET. (212) 839-8847 PARKING OF NON COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE ROADWAY, SIDEWALK OR WITHIN THE WORK ZONE IS PROHIBITED. Unsafe Conditions If the permittee has been notified and fails to address an unsafe condition, all future permit requests may be placed on hold until the unsafe condition has been eliminated. FIVE OR MORE SPEED REDUCERS ARE LOCATED IN THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL M.U.T.C.D.MANUAL. If applicable, a permit from the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) for the placement of a canopy in ahistoric district or attached to a landmarked building. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Queens 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, South Queens (south of the LIE) ON STIP 109). NO LANE CLOSURES PERMITTED TWO HOURS PRIOR TO BARCLAYS CENTER EVENTS THROUGH TWO HOURS AFTER THE EVENT HAS ENDED. Lighting | NYC Street Design Manual CLOSURE GRANTED AT REQUEST OF SCA LETTER. WITH NYCDOT MILLING AND PAVING OPERATION. Further information on permits is available in Chapter 3 Permits and Approvals. 130 Stuyvesant Place, 6th Fl. PERMITTEE MAY ALSO OCCUPY ONE TRAVEL LANE ADJACENT TO EAST CURB LANE 830PM TO 4:30AM.NIGHTLY FROM 10/4 THROUGH 10/15. FULL CURB LANE RESTORATION WOULD BE REQUIRED FOR 8' WIDTH OF CURB LANE AND THE LENGTH OF ALL CUTS PLUS ANY LL14 CUTBACKS. If a permit is about to expire and the permittee has not completed the work, the permittee must apply for a permit renewal as all work must be performed pursuant to an active permit at all times. Permeable Interlocking Concrete Paver (PICP). APPLICANT INFORMATION (JOINT VENTURE), 1D. CGL insurance. CRITERIA & PROTOTYPE FOUND AT: THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CURB LANE ONLY RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. Full Closure Review (FCR) hold An FCR hold is automatically placed on the 90th consecutive calendar day of any full street closure. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Street excavators, including utility companies and developers, can access New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) data and attend NYC DOT coordination meetings to facilitate effective communication regarding planned street work. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Click here for a copy of the Instructions for Permittee Registration Application. DOT is also testing solar-powered lighting at select locations in flood-prone areas. Worker's Compensation Insurance. MAINTAIN 8 FOOT CLEAR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY ON SIDEWALK. They are accessible for the few years before September 2015, and for thelettings since September 2015. Kew Gardens, NY 11424 Please note that although permits can be submitted, paid for and printed out 24/7, the permit review process occurs only during normal weekday Permit Office hours. 2 HOURS BEFORE UNTIL 2 HOURS AFTER ALL YANKEE HOME GAMES ALL MOVEMENTS INTO AND OUT OF THE SITE ARE RESTRICTED ALONG EXTERIOR STREET. A dismissal inspection is always required to close out a violation. WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR WESTBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 AM-4 PM, SATURDAYAND SUNDAY, WITH NO NOISY OPERATIONS AFTER MIDNIGHT. 120-55 Queens Blvd., Room 201 WORK 9 PM TO 6 AM NIGHTLY. Resources | NYC Street Design Manual 59 Maiden Lane, 37th floor Thousands of miles of utility pipes, cables and other equipment are beneath the streets of New York City. New York City Department of Transportation Details about the exact holiday embargo dates, times, and locations are posted on NYC DOT's Special Traffic Advisory page, generally in mid-October. DOT is committed to making our streets and sidewalks networks accessible to all, particularly aging New Yorkers and persons with disabilities. COLORED ROADWAY AND OR SPECIAL MARKINGS ARE LOCATED ON THE ROADWAY OF YOUR PROPOSED WORK AREA. CRBRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #2 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. All applicable fees will apply. Under the surface, the same streets support the city's water, sewer, power and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as its subway tunnels and building vaults. NYC ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, 19-142, WORKERS ON EXCAVATIONS: A PERSON TO WHOM A PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO USE OR OPEN A STREET, SHALL BE REQUIRED, BEFORE SUCH PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED, TO AGREE THAT NONE BUT COMPETENT WORKERS, SKILLED IN THE WORK REQUIRED OF THEM, SHALL BE EMPLOYED THEREON, (CONT. DOTs lighting-levels and uniformity guidelines are based on those established by the IES Roadway Lighting standard RP-8-14 (or more stringent where needed). DURING RESTORATION SAW CUTTING IS REQUIRED AS PER DRAWING H-1042A, THE PERMITTEE IS NOT PERMITTED TO ENTER, OCCUPY OR USE ANY PUBLICLY-OWNED OR PRIVATELY OWNED, NON-PAVED, LANDSCAPED OR NON-LANDSCAPED LOCATION WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN PERMISSION. The screen image below displays the "NYC DOT 10 year Capital Plan" projects in green and protected streets in blue. It also covers installations above the street such as banners and decorative lights and permanent installations on the street such as bike racks. WORK INCLUDES: CURB/SIDEWALK REPAIR AS NEEDED; ROADWAY MILLING/REPAIR AND RESURFACING; REMOVAL OF CENTER MEDIAN; RESETTING UTILITY OPENING; REMOVAL/REINSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS INCLUDING CONDUIT; INSTALLATION OF PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND PARKING SIGNAGE. All active permits in the affected area(s) are suspended during the dates and times of the embargo period and no new permits may be approved, unless a waiver for the work is granted by OCMC. Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-05 of the Highway Rulesand should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. To request release of a RED hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed. A $35 filing fee is required for all vault applications. Based on the documents submitted, HIQA makes a preliminary determination as to whether the proposed location may be suitable for a canopy. WORK ALLOWED 8 AM TO 4 PM SATURDAY. * Clear Path (pedestrian walkway): This directive is intended to provide pedestrians with the maximum amount of safety and space to traverse the sidewalk. PERMITTEE SHALL NOT DISRUPT OR DAMAGE SENSORS INSTALLED WITHIN THE PARKING_LN. While the situation is evolving, the agency remains committed to applying the principles and proven treatments included in the Street Design Manual to support the health and safety of all New Yorkers. OR PUBLIC PARK WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM CITY OF NEW YORK PARKS AND RECREATION IS REQUIRED. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. (212) 839-2475 SEND RESPONSES TO NYCDOT DIV. Staten Island, NY 10301 A SEPARATE 221 PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED FOR CAPITAL/GOVT PROJECTS. ON STIP WAGE02), WORK NORTHBOUND 7AM-4PM M-F AND 9AM-6PM SAT/SUN. Tel: (718) 993-6110 FULL BLOCK SEGMENT RESTORATION IS REQUIRED FOR THE LENGTH OF THE ROADWAY CURB TO CURB. Raising the base of the traffic signals or street light poles reduces the chance that the electrical components of the poles will be submerged in salt water during future flooding events. PERMITTEE MUST CONTACT DOT TRAFFIC & PLANNING OFFICE BY EMAIL AT. NOTARIZE THE FORM. If guide sheets are to be included in a project, they should be included in a subset under that project. **DOT's lighting division generally classifies cross streets as local roadways*DOT's lighting division generally classifies avenues and boulevards as collector roadways. Fax: 212-720-3219, Manhattan Additional requirements are contained in Sections 2-02 and 2-09 of the Highway Rulesand should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. The term "street" means a public street, avenue, road, alley, lane, highway, boulevard, concourse, parkway, driveway, culvert, sidewalk, crosswalk, boardwalk, viaduct, square or place, except those streets adjacent to any waterfront property designated as a marginal street on a city map. Click here to view a sample certification formand in Appendix B, Forms. Links were last checked January 2023. Outlined below are the basic application procedures for Street Opening Permits. Canopy permits are generally taken out by building owners, business owners, and canopy installers. Tel: (718) 482-4516 All materials used for backfill must be free from bricks, blocks, excavated pavement materials and/or organic material or other debris. A 4' X 4' FIXED ORANGE CONSTRUCTION SIGN WITH 5" BLACK LETTERING MUST BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 7 CALENDAR DAYS PRIOR TO CLOSURE AT A LOCATION ENTERING THE STREET TO BE CLOSED. (718) 391-1110 View the, Applicants must obtain all applicable original permits and/or approvals from any other governmental agencies prior to applying for a permit. NO WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED WITHIN A BLOCK FRONTING A SCHOOL INCLUDING INTERSECTIONS FOR ONE HOUR PRIOR TO SCHOOL START TIME THROUGH ONE HOUR AFTER END OF SCHOOL TIME. With over 185,000 corners, the Pedestrian Ramp Program is a robust program focused on installing and upgrading pedestrian ramps (curb ramps) throughout the five boroughs. IF RENEWED OR REISSUED, THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BE PLACED ON HOLD. Any given permit or permittee may be subject to one or more holds. Street Works Manual BACKFILL OR PLATE BEFORE PROCEEDING. APPLICANT SHALL NOT PLACE CONTAINER IN A WAY THAT CONFLICTS WITH OTHER PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES ON THE SAME BLOCK. A hold is a "do not release" order that can be placed on permits or permittees to prevent the permit from being processed.
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