Water mythology - Lenntech However, the three heads are more commonly associated with paintings and other visual representations, understandably for the ease of capturing this beast on canvas. archiveofourown.org Norse mythology has some pretty epic dragons, but most are slain by mortals, so the volume of Greek dragons could probably take them down. He and Tyr would kill each other in battle. Abraham Flemings account of Black Shuck A straunge, and terrible wunder at the church of Bungay, Suffolk in 1577 (via Wikimedia). [4] In Lower Brittany there are stories of a ghost ship crewed by the souls of criminals with hellhounds set to guard them and inflict on them a thousand tortures. These black dogs were famous for their viciousness and led to the loss of many lives. A Hellhound is a supernatural dog in folklore. Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 17:58, Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen, The dingo in Aboriginal folklore and mythology, Prickett, Katy. so any ideas if u see like 9 at one time? In early Norse culture, the god Odin was said to be accompanied by one or two monstrous wolves, who helped protect him from danger. 89. It lived in a cave named Gnipahellir at the border of Helheim. Nessian warhounds are coal black mastiffs the size of draft horses, and are often fitted with shirts of infernal chainmail. Black Shuck is said to patrol lonely, poorly lit streets and the dim sections of the coastline, usually avoided by the town folk. After the first occurrence of this refrain the Fimbulvetr is related; the second occurrence is succeeded by the invasion the world of gods by jtnar; after the last occurrence, the rise of a new and better world is described. In cultures that associate fire with hell, the hounds are also able to play tricks with flames. Hellhound - Guarding The Gates Of The Dead - WordPress Nicknamed Bearer of Death in some parts of the world, they can often be found guarding the entryways to the afterlife or skulking in the shadows behind a person who is doomed to die soon. According to this theory, then, Svartalfheim is the homeland of the dwarves. Behavior Hellhounds are very intelligent; they can easily outwit a human of average intelligence, and even of above-average intelligence. I didnt see that. They are supposed to hunt on specific nights (the eves of St. John, St. Martin, Saint Michael the Archangel, All Saints, Christmas, New Year, Saint Agnes, Saint David, and Good Friday), or just in the autumn and winter. The dog is said to haunt the Hanging Hills: a series of rock ridges and gorges that serve as a popular recreation area and can also be known as a protector of the supernatural. Still, in addition to this, the ability to summon storms and predict deaths is also mentioned, although in scattered forms. The "Father of all Monsters". Garm is one of at least half a dozen such creatures who will break out of bindings or imprisonment at the end of the world. Fenrir - A son of Loki, huge ferocious wolf Freki - Wolf warrior created by Odin Garmr - Hellhound who protects Hel, the overseer of the realm of the dead It was during this attack that he allegedly killed a man and a boy, before the church steeple collapsed through the roof. Hellhounds have been said to have a very pungent smell around them. p. 264. Because of this, the Aesir failed to get him back from the dead, and Baldur will stay in Helheim until Ragnark. In Japan, a wolf-like demon, called Okuri-inu, is said to follow men and women who travel by night. Hel, the skeletal goddess of death, was one of the children of Loki who was cast away by the gods to prevent the coming of Ragnarok. Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt - Gaston Maspero 1915 a hellhound guarding the Helheim. Most witnesses claiming to have encountered them range from the size of a large dog to that of a horse, and in cases like Cerberus, they are gigantic. Led by the god akra in the guise of a forester, Mahkanha scares unrighteous people toward righteousness so that fewer people will be reborn in hell. Locals described sightings of Black Shuck in graveyards, forests, and roadsides. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. [7] Dip is pictured on the escutcheon of Pratdip. Notable sir include Odin, rr (Thor), Frigg, Heimdall, Tr, Bragi, Iunn (Idunn), Baldr, and Loki (though not always). Registration confirmation will be emailed to you. Although he is described as bloody, there is no story that says why the gods thought he was enough of a threat to chain him in a distant cave. She is the mother of Balder. Three-headed hellhounds. If, however, the traveler displays cowardice or clumsiness (usually by tripping or falling), the hound will devour him. The hounds have many supernatural skills that make them both powerful allies and fearsome enemies. When Baldur arrived at Hel, he was welcomed as a guest of honor, and he was served fresh food. He will break his chains and, for the first time, leave Hels realm and enter Midgard. London, England: Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN-13 978-0-140-44755-2, Anthony Faulkes (1995) Snorri Sturluson, Edda. All point to the idea that he was a later addition to the story. [9], Not to be confused with the sword known as, Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 09:00, "God of War Ragnark - PS5 and PS4 Games", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Garmr&oldid=1139281637, This page was last edited on 14 February 2023, at 09:00. Due to the size and date of the bones, many have speculated that these large canine remainscould be connected to the legend of Black Shuck. Hel has a huge hall, and inside her hall, everything has names associated with misfortunes. One eye on a dog is entirely unheard of, and the description of this single eye goes further to fan the flames of fear than envelope Black Shuck. Try your search in the crossword dictionary! Complete with a creation myth that has the first gods slaying a giant and turning his body parts into the world, various realms spread out beneath the World Tree Yggdrasil, and the eventual destruction of the known world in the Ragnark, the Nordic mythological world is both complex and comprehensive. In Norse mythology, Hel (or Hela) which translated from old Norse means "that which hides" is the goddess of the dead, but she is not assigned to either the sir or Vanir gods, but the giants. To bind the great wolf, he sacrificed his hand. "Great black"). cap Of Invisibility, greek Sea Gods, trident Of Poseidon, percy Jackson The Olympians The Lightning Thief, twelve Olympians, roman Mythology, Poseidon, Zeus, trident, Neptune Garm: Norse Mythology's Hellhound. "[13], The term is also common in American blues music, such as with Robert Johnson's 1937 song, "Hellhound on My Trail", Jinn, although not necessarily evil, but often thought of as malevolent entities, are thought to use black dogs as their mounts. Hel as Baldr's Keeper. Master Your Gay Bandana (Hanky) Codes in 5 Minutes, Male Orgasm: Understanding Pleasure and Climax, CNC KINK: YOUR ALL IN ONE FORCED SEX FANTASY GUIDE, Kink: Understanding the Ways of Brats and Sams. Imagine seeing a flaming dog the size of a horse, dragging a metal chain behind it, heralding a storm. There's a reason we all love to study Greek mythology. Still, if you keep alert, you might smell a sulfurous odor as the beast gets closer, or you might notice a trail of scorched ground where his path crosses yours. Last yearDigVentures, a London-based archaeology group, unearthedthe bonesof a gigantic dog from a shallow grave, about 20 inches deep, in the ruins of Leiston Abbey, Suffolk. Bruce Lincoln brings together Garmr and the Greek mythological dog Cerberus, relating both names to a Proto-Indo-European root *ger- "to growl" (perhaps with the suffixes -*m/*b and -*r). Throughout Norse mythology, Loki and his offspring are framed as the antagonists of the gods. 1. Breathing fire and brimstone is another one of their many abilities. Hellhounds are loyal to the demon or entity they serve. You will, at least, in the case of Hermd be allowed to enter and leave again, if you are not dead. The indigenous people of Mexico and Central America have many legends about the Cadejo, a spirit dog that is often seen by travelers, especially at night. The hell hound appears in the fourth edition Monster Manual for this edition, under the Hound entry.[28]. These black dogs were famous for their, Fearless and persistent, some of these dogs have very alluring characteristics. I mean, you never know; how would you tell if you are in the presence of a hellhound? Belonging to the evil goddess by the same name, Hel was the most realm of the Norse afterlife. Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.[5]. Little is known about him, since the references to him are sparse and vague. They will kill one another, both dying in the great battle of Ragnarok. Shucks most famous attack happened on August 4, 1577 at two churches in Blythburgh and Bungay in the English countryside. Instead, the Prose Edda says that Tyr falls in a fight against Garm, a hound he has no personal connection with and is not shown as presenting a real threat before Ragnarok begins. Others believe that Cerberus had snakes all over his back that account for the multiple heads and one of these serpents accounts for its highly venomous tail, that bit many heroes trying to gain entry or leave the underworld. Tyrs most famous story involves Fenrir. As soon as you lay eyes on one of these dark specters, your days are numbered; you will soon die. The hound of Hel would break loose at Ragnarok, along with many other bound and imprisoned monsters, to ravage the world of men. The army will at Ragnark embark on the ship Naglfar which has been built by using the nails of the dead. His appearance portends the moral degeneration of the human world, when monks and nuns do not behave as they should and humanity has gone astray from ethical livelihood.[15]. To the Greeks, Cerberus was a monstrous three-headed dog, or "hell hound" with a serpent's tail, a mane of snakes, and a lion's claws. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Some are ghostly hounds, while others are plain physical. Sign up for our newsletter and enter to win the second edition of our book. The Barghest belongs to the Yorkshire area in northern England. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. This list will be organized according to category of object. Enter the length or pattern for better results. One of the foremost examples of this theme is the bloodstained beast that watches over the entrance to the realm that gave us that name. It is the fastest of all Hellhounds, and it likes to terrify travelers by galloping in circles around them. Jackson Crawfords translation of the Poetic Edda. If this has any reference to Fenrir, vaguely understood as a dog and even sometimes as a wolf, it remains a mystery. A favorite pack tactic is to silently surround prey, and then cause two hell hounds to close in and make the victim back into another hell hound's fiery breath. Hellhounds occur in mythologies around the world, with the best known examples being Cerberus from Greek mythology, Garmr from Norse mythology, the black dogs of English folklore, and the fairy hounds of Celtic mythology. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dog sacrifice, lawless war-bands, and coming of age on the Russian steppes. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. This raises the question, is the hellhound fact or fiction? What the people during the Viking Age really thought of Hel has mostly been lost, and even Snorri Sturlusons descriptions of her have most likely been influenced by his own Christian faith. Hell Hound - Mythical Creatures Guide Hel - Goddess of Norse Mythology - History Lists She ruled over the underworld, Niflheim, where she received the dead. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Long after the Vikings had passed into the pages of history, Scandinavia continued to be haunted by church grims. These spectral black dogs guard the churches where they live, protecting it from evil spirits who might try to invade the sacred ground. The problem with this theory is that descriptions of Norse cosmology give a specific home world for the dvergr other than Svartalfheim. Hod. "What could you possibly know about it? In some stories, Hellhounds are valiant and devoted guardians. "The dog at the farm in Pfeiffering could grin as well, even though it was not called Suso, but bore the name Kaschperl". Each realm hangs on its own branch, but if the tree should shake or fall, so will all the realms. Garmr was kept chained to the underworld entrance, and his lonesome howls are said to haunt the very pillars of the underworld. Hellhounds attempt to instill as much fear as possible when it comes to color. One of the refrains of Vlusp uses Garmr's howling to herald the coming of Ragnark: Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir, One extremely unique feature of Black Shuck is its cyclops nature. However, other rare cases have documented the hounds attacking churches or other religious gatherings, which paints them in a nastier light. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. Yggdrasil is the World Tree, a cosmic tree that connects all Nine Realms and the entire Universe. Some say there are two heads, while others claim even more, usually three. He is closely linked to one of the monstrous creatures who is spoken of in more detail, however. Right then, right there. They are often spotted in a completely black coat, except for the Celtic fairy hounds. Various monsters of Greek Mythology. That, for me, after the initial shock and trauma, would be a sight to behold. From their close association with hell, they have also been said to possess, Hellhounds have been said to have a very pungent smell around them. Black Shuck was said to tell people when they would die, usually sooner than precedented, sometimes later on in the year. He is usually described as being chained inside his cave, Gnipahellir. Hydras that grow back lost heads. From their abilities and appearances, it is hard to imagine if hell hounds have any weakness whatsoever, but like kryptonite, the man of steel, iron, silver, and salt is said to stop these creatures dead in their tracts. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. Each of the gods who died at Ragnarok could be given a different enemy to fight, making the scene more dynamic and exciting. Black hellhounds with fiery eyes are reported throughout Latin America from Mexico to Argentina under a variety of names including the Perro Negro (Spanish for black dog), Nahual (Mexico), Huay Chivo, and Huay Pek (Mexico) alternatively spelled Uay/Way/Waay Chivo/Pek, Cadejo (Central America), the dog Familiar (Argentina) and the Lobizon (Paraguay and Argentina). Each of them is different from the last, but they are equally interesting to read through. There are two tribes of gods in Norse mythology: the sir and the Vanir. With yellow eyes, razor-sharp teeth, sometimes there is mention of a horn or horns and a red glowing appearance, they are completely gruesome creatures. Every single person who dies from an illness, age, or is considered a coward or dishonorable by the Gods and Goddesses will end up in her realm called Helheim. A hellhound is a mythological hound that embodies a guardian or a servant of hell, the devil, or the underworld. Vikings norse god odin wolfs ravens wood carved wall art home. The familiarity of this theme, however, is part of what makes historians think that Garm might not have been the original Hellhound at all. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. The same day, Black Shuck was rumored to have rampaged through St Marys Church in Bungay, about 12 miles away, which was described inA Straunge and Terrible Wunder, a pamphlet written by the Reverend Abraham Fleming in 1577: This black dog, or the divel in such a linenesse (God hee knoweth al who worketh all,) running all along down the body of the church with great swiftnesse, and incredible haste, among the people, in a visible fourm and shape, passed between two persons, as they were kneeling uppon their knees, and occupied in prayer as it seemed, wrung the necks of them bothe at one instant clene backward, in somuch that even at a mome[n]t where they kneeled, they stra[n]gely dyed., Title page of Rev. Other cultures have similar concepts but they don't use that term. The dragon Nidhogg (Old Norse: Nhggr) is always nearby chewing on one of Yggdrasils roots when the dragon hears the howling from the dog, it comes flying into the cave to suck the blood out of all the dead people, so they become completely pale. Afro Emperor Fiction & Mythology 21.4K subscribers The hellhounds or black dogs from the British Isles, known as the black dogs, black shuck, gytrash and other names were hellhound black dogs. They scorch the ground where they walk, and their claws are as hot as flames when they lash out. The creature is an enormous turtle whose back resembles an island, often developing foliage and even becoming home to wildlife over time. Overall, the Hellhounds most dreadful ability is his uncanny sense for death. Others believe that Cerberus had snakes all over his back that account for the multiple heads and one of these serpents accounts for its highly venomous tail, that bit many heroes trying to gain entry or leave the underworld. Here are 12 swords from European, Middle Eastern, and Asian mythology that are sure to impress. Norse mythology, which speaks of a world inhabited by humans, gods, giants and monsters even contained some powerful wolves. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to "Hellhound of Norse mythology", 4 letters crossword clue. Loki - Mythopedia A Hellhound is a monstrous dog, leashed to the spiritual world. This mythology has a very different take on ghouls, who are usually portrayed as flesh-eating evil spirits who haunt graveyards. Updates? Hellhound (mythology) | All Species Wiki | Fandom There are many mentions of black dogs in different parts of the country, some of which have common characteristics while others couldnt be more different. The tourist business is extremely important in Pemkowet as summer visitors flock into town looking for photo ops with supernaturals. From their abilities and appearances, it is hard to imagine if hell hounds have any weakness whatsoever, but like kryptonite, the man of steel, iron, silver, and salt is said to stop these creatures dead in their tracts. Garmr | Myths and Folklore Wiki | Fandom Some even claim that there are shape-shifting black dogs, which are humans that take on a canine form. In terms of personality, there is a lot to like about hellhounds, which is the primary source of my interest in them. "Hellhound" is a pretty specifically Renaissance Christian term. Throughout history and in numerous cultures creatures known as hellhounds have appeared in mythology, legend and folklore - sometimes as guardians of forbidden areas or as sinister drifters that spread death and misery wherever they tread. They are also masters of disguise, able to conjure up cloaks of mist, shapeshift into various forms, or even vanish into thin air. Famous Mythological Swords & Swordsmen [Updated] - Working The Flame Spotting a Hellhound can be difficult, since they are mostly nocturnal creatures, and their black hair blends in with the darkness of the night. Contents 1 Gameplay 1.1 Units 1.2 Buildings 1.3 Multiplayer 1.4 Scenario Editor 2 Civilizations 3 Campaign 3.1 The Golden Gift Add-on Campaign 4 Development 5 Soundtrack 5.1 Track listing What Are Hellhounds? - 7 Types of Hellhound From Great - YouTube It is unclear whether these black specters appear merely as omens of death or if seeing them actually causes death. And the saddle he laid | on Sleipnir's back; Although unnamed, this dog is normally assumed to be Garmr. Sometimes, this monstrous beast can run so fast that it actually creates a storm. Chessie Ahellhound, or devil dog, is a supernatural animal found throughout mythology, folklore, and fiction. Cerberus is a guard at the underworlds gates and prevents the dead souls from leaving their eternal prison. Hela, as you might expect of a ruler of the underworld, was known . Most recently hellhounds wereused in fiction inThe Hound of the Baskervilles,the Grimin theHarry Potterseries, and in movies likeThe OmenandCujo. Given as a gift, Cerberus is part of a more prominent and vicious family. A Hellhound is a monstrous dog, leashed to the spiritual world. How Joanne K. Rowling uses real Mythology in her Novels - Cindy Hrcher 2015-10-06 Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject English . Thence rode he down | to Niflhel deep, A hellhound resembles a mangy, skinny, somewhat demonic hyena-like creature with red eyes and draconic ears. This in relation to the Viking Age, meant if you didn't die in battle you would simply just go to Hel. Yggdrasil is also called Mimir's tree (Old Norse: Mmameir) and Lrad (Old Norse: Lrar). hellhound, a dog represented in mythology (such as that of ancient Greece and Scandinavia) as standing guard in the underworld. Hellhounds occur in mythologies around the world, with the best known examples being Cerberus from Greek mythology, Garmr from Norse mythology, the black dogs of English folklore, and the fairy hounds of Celtic mythology. In this, Hermd the brave volunteered to ride down into the darkness for nine days on Sleipnir to bring Baldur back from the dead. A Definitive Edition of the game was announced on October 25, 2022, on the 25th Anniversary of the Age of Empires series, as Age of Mythology: Retold . In Welsh mythology and folklore, Cn Annwn (/kun nn/; "hounds of Annwn") were the spectral hounds of Annwn, the otherworld of Welsh myth. The Hellhound has been seen several times throughout history, and it is not specific to any one place, but they are commonly associated with graveyards and the underworld. Hellhound. The Himinbjorg dweller is said to have such an amazing hearing and eyesight that he could hear a pin drop anywhere in . It was the largest canid besides Fenrir in Norse mythology, and it always appeared with its body covered in blood. If youre traveling through the countryside at night, a whiff of brimstone or a blood-chilling howl can alert you to the presence of a Hellhoundbut we dont recommend that you look around for the beast. 3rd. What remains of this encounter is words of how a demonic black dog with a single glowing red eye, with a body the size of a mastiff, mauled several locals in the two churches. In some accounts she is Odin's wife, making her foremost among the Aesir goddesses. Hell hounds cannot speak, but understand Infernal. Hellhounds are a common creature in fantasy fiction . No purchase necessary. Christians came to dub these mythical creatures as "The Hounds of Hell" or "Dogs of Hell" and theorized they were therefore owned by Satan. Sky Deity, Persephone, Poseidon, Underworld, Zeus, Hades, Greek The river was guarded by a hellhound that allowed no soles ever to leave the realm of the dead. Potential answers for "Hellhound of Norse mythology" GARM ODIN EDDA VALHALLA AESIR ASHTREE LOKI What is this page? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The gates of Hel are called Corpse-gates (Old Norse: Ngrindr) and they are located in the Gnipa cave (Old Norse: Gnipahellir), where the dog, named Garmr which means Hellhound, is howling every time new people arrive. Hod is a son of Odin. Black Dog of Bungay, Suffolk on a street light (photograph by Keith Evans). Hellhounds appear in the mythology and folklore of many cultures and have many names including the three-headed Cerberus in Greek mythology, the jackal-headed Anubis in Egyptian mythology, Garmr in Norse mythology, Perro Negro in Latin . [2], In France in AD 856 a black hound was said to materialize in a church even though the doors were shut. Along the way he meets a dog. Some black dogs are said to be guardians, but not all are known for their kindness and consideration. The surviving myths do not give an origin for the hound or explain why he is chained in Gnipahellir. Nicknamed "Bearer of Death" in some parts of the world, they can often be found guarding the entryways to the afterlife or skulking in the shadows behind a person who is doomed to die soon. As the hellhound departed, he left claw marks on the north door of Holy Trinity Church that are supposedly still visible today. Black dogs were also rumored to protect travelers on long, precarious journeys. [2] However, Daniel Ogden notes that this analysis actually requires Cerberus and Garmr to be derived from two different Indo-European roots (*ger- and *gher- respectively), and in this opinion does not establish a relationship between the two names.[3]. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. and the Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991). A wide variety of ominous or hellish supernatural dogs occur in mythologies around the world. A Hellhound is a supernatural dog in folklore that originates from the Underworld. A demonic dog of hell, usually referring to Cerberus, the dog of Hades from Greek Mythology. edition. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . edition. The Yeth Hound belongs to Devon. A red glowing eye, fixed right at the center of its ghastly head, meeting Black Shuck on a lonesome path is bound to leave anyone shaken to their core. Tearing limb from limb, Black Shuck wreaked havoc on the locals before disappearing into thin air. The image of the dog at the gates of the Underworld is so often seen in mythology that it has a name: the Hellhound. Baldrs draumar describes a journey which Odin makes to Hel. To tell you of your impending visit from the grim ripper or to protect you from danger in the offing, these creatures require precognition to accomplish these tasks. [5], In Germany, it was believed that the devil would appear as a black hellhound, especially on Walpurgisnacht.[6]. At best, the sightings of this huge, domesticated dog by superstitious people may have sparked the rumors about Black Shuck. In Norse mythology, Hela (also called Hel) ruled one of the realms of the dead, known as Helheim or Hel. Friday is named for her. To begin with, they have incredible speed and strength, even for large predatory animals like themselves. The Hellhound is an enormously popular character in todays fantasy stories. During the Ragnark, Garmr and the war god Tyr killed one another. Right in the middle of mass, the church of the holy trinity was met by a different malevolent being. Garm was the Hellhound of Norse mythology. Hellhounds are usually depicted as being vicious and aggressive, similar to dog breeds like pitbulls, rottweilers, German shepherds . Yggdrasil | The World Tree | Norse Mythology - All the Facts Sif - World History Encyclopedia https://www.britannica.com/topic/hellhound. She is the daughter of Loki and giantess Angrboa (old Norse "she who offers sorrow") and sister of Fenrir (Fenris-Wolf) and Jrmungand (Midgard serpent.) Pin By Marla Sparkels On Hellhounds In 2020 | Greek Mythology Art, Dark. Cerberus: Legendary Hell Hound of the Underworld [citation needed] The Cn Annwn also came to be regarded as the escorts of souls on their journey to the Otherworld. Leiston Abbey (photograph by Ian Patterson), A Middle Ages wood cut of a rabid dog (via Wikimedia). This has only ever significantly occurred, and even so, the heroes barely made it out with their lives. Viking Names for Dogs - [155+ Awesome Norse Dog Names] - My Dog's Name The Poetic Edda poem Grmnisml mentions Garmr: The best of trees | must Yggdrasil be,Skblanir best of boats; My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) NORNS Poster - Yggdrasil Print - Norse Mythology - Destiny - Fate. According to Jackson Crawfords translation of the Poetic Edda, the dog Garmr could also be Fenrir because both of them are described as chained up. The chained monster is also a well-known trope in Norse mythology. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Sometimes referred to as the Ghost dog of Eastern England, Black Shuck is among the more ominous versions of hellhounds. Introduction To Mythology Thury 3rd Edition
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