An individual, partnership, company, firm, corporation or association that maintains a main office, a branch office or warehouse facilities in this state and that bases and operates motor vehicles in this state. Specifies that the jury commissioner or jury manager must redact any information from the questionnaire that is not necessary for the county recorder to accurately identify the person in the voter registration database. Once the local election office receives your request, they will remove them from voter registration lists and send confirmation to you. Renew Your Vehicle Registration. In August, the attorney general of Arizona wrapped up his investigation into the Cyber Ninjas claim that hundreds of dead voters cast ballots in the 2020 election. You may complete a Voter Registration Cancellation form and scan and email to: or fax to (404) 463-5231 Voter Registration Cancellation Form You may also mail completed forms to: 2 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. S.E. Replace your lost, stolen or damaged ID. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey vetoes election bill on voter registration In pushing the bill, Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, noted that he decided to look into the issue after the Attorney Generals Office spent thousands of hours investigating claims of dead voters. General Information. Arellano said that creates problems for the groups he represents because their staff and volunteers help register voters. Voter registration deadline approaching | AllSides He also pointed out the law has a provision to allow outside third parties to provide recorders with credible information that a person has registered to vote in a different county. That will enable targeted voter suppression to cancel voter registrations, even if there is no evidence an individual intends to vote in more than one place, Arellano said. 19. Suite 802, West Tower Atlanta, GA 30334 Voter Registration Cancellation Form Your voter registration must be received by the county recorder at least 29 days before the election for you to be eligible to vote. Or that a hand count of up to 70 races on 3 million or more ballots is likely to last until Christmas. How to Change Your Voter Registration After You Move The toll-free number is 1-800-274-8683. This is necessary so that your record can be located on the MVD system. The next step, is to follow up a couple of weeks later and check to Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. Arizona GOP governor signs legislation requiring proof of - CNN "Its totally in conflict with NVRA.. And he said that happens when people move because they dont automatically cancel their old registration. He said prosecutors would have to prove a parent knew the child had registered to vote elsewhere. These procedures are checked and double-checked by both the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division and IBM's security experts on a regular basis. The act also requires states to make a reasonable effort to remove ineligible persons by reason of the persons death, or a change in the residence of the registrant outside of the jurisdiction.. To cancel, you should contact the appropriate elections office and request that your name be removed from the voter rolls. Not even so much as a small crypt of conspiracy. You may also want to fill in the voter registration number. Call the Office of the State Election Commissioner at (302) 739-4277 if you have questions about your eligibility. Please print, sign it and mail it to the Elections Department. Attorney Daniel Arrellano said SB 1260 requires a county recorder to cancel someone's registration on learning that person is registered to vote somewhere else. 16-165. AG investigators also checked out four other reports of up to 6,500 supposedly dead people who either cast ballots or were on the voter registrationrolls. Our agents investigated all individuals that Cyber Ninas reported as dead, and many were very surprised to learn they were allegedly deceased, Attorney General Brnovich wrote in an August letter to then-Senate President Karen Fann. Who can register to vote?To register to vote, you must:Be a citizen of the United States.Be an Arizona resident at least 29 days before the election you wish to vote in.Be 18 years of age or older on or before the date of the election you wish to vote in.Not have been convicted of a felony or treason, unless your civil rights have been restored. You can also request an application by calling (800) 815-2666 Option 2. The state law requires a county recorder to cancel someones registration upon learning the person is registered to vote somewhere else, said attorney Daniel Arrellano, who represents Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Voto Latino and Priorities U.S.A. Only thing is, he told U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow in filing a lawsuit challenging the law, theres nothing illegal about being registered in more than one place. Be an Arkansas resident. 3. The chairwoman of the House Municipal Oversight and Elections Committee is Rep. Jacqueline Parker of Mesa, who, like Rogers, was a co-sponsor of then-Rep. Mark Finchems 2022 proposal to decertify Arizonas 2020 presidential election. If your name or address changes, you will need to update your voter registration. To view your current voter registration status, visit or click the link below to access the Arizona Voter Information Portal. Certain content each day will be avai, Arizona voters won't get a chance to make a series of changes in state election laws. You can also look up your voter registration using your state's voter registration lookup tool online. If you move out of state, please let your County Recorder know to cancel your Arizona registration. There was no vast graveyard full of dead voters determined to deny Donald Trump his due. 9. Voter Registration :: California Secretary of State Cyber Ninjas' claim of dead people voting in 2020 presidential election debunked by state investigators all but one of the voters are still alive. Use AZ MVD NowAZ MVD Now to verify your residence street address on file with the Motor Vehicle Division, and update it if necessary. Arizona Republican Gov. Click here to change your address. Instructs the Secretary of State, at the end of each quarter, to report to the Legislature the number of deaths reported by the Arizona Department of Health Services and the number of voter registration cancellation notices issued by the Secretary of State to the county recorders as a result of those reports. Democrat Katie Hobbs said Sunday she won't share a stage with Republican Kari Lake. Government Employees in Four States Assist Left By Providing Voter b) Compare people who are registered to vote in that county and who the county recorder has reason to believe are not United States citizens with the systematic alien verification for entitlements program maintained by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services in order to verify the citizenship status of the people registered. You need to re-register if your party preference changes or you move from one county to another county in Arizona. Ducey, a Republican, said the bill could allow for subjective decisions and lead to peoples voter registrations being canceled "based on fiction rather than fact." Record the date you processed the form to maintain a paper trail. Voter Registration IBM conducts audits of every security checkpoint several times a year. Contact information for your county recorders and the Secretary of State can be found at OR . Lawsuit challenges Arizona's new voter-registration-cancellation law, Lawmakers want to strip 19 cities' rights but Tucson is real target, Celebrity Las Vegas chefs opening Tucson restaurant, A bunch of photos of today's snow across Tucson , The highly anticipated Portillo's is now open in Tucson, 'Attainable' apartments coming to northwest Tucson, A big ol' guide to this weekend's Tucson Festival of Books, Watch: The most notable things Tommy Lloyd said after Arizona's heartbreaking loss to ASU, New game, entertainment center makes southwest Tucson a bigger draw, South Tucson motel sold to soup kitchen for housing, 100 fun events happening in Tucson this March 2023 , Tim Steller's column: Converting Tucson's big boxes, vast parking lots into housing tantalizes, Tucson lawmaker loses first bid to dump cities' rights, 'Extreme weather' closes parts of Interstates 17, 40 in Arizona, Here's why we're adding subscriber-only content to, Initiative to make voting easier is knocked off Arizona ballot, Feds: Arizona could face lawsuit over voter ID law, Arizona AG finds no evidence of 2020 voting by hundreds of dead residents, Hobbs refuses to debate Lake in Arizona governor race, Rep. Juan Ciscomani on bilingual upbringing, Alaskas Iditarod kicks off with ceremonial start, Recapping Christopher Clements' trial in Tucson, Removal of golf course saguaros stirs controversy. Please cancel my Pima County voter registration. The National Voter Registration Act outlines how and when a persons name can be removed from the voter rolls, for example if he or she requests it or moves or dies. The way the law is worded, he said, makes a felon out of anyone who does voter registration if they do not first confirm the person has canceled a prior registration. It violates federal law, Jen Marson, of the Arizona Association of Counties, warned the committee. Coconino County 219 East Cherry Avenue Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Phone: 928-679-7120 Toll Free: 877-679-7120 But Mesnard said his legislation will make it clear what the law requires. Canceling Voter Registration If you wish to cancel your Arizona voter registration, contact your local County Recorder's office for instructions. Requires the county recorder to regularly review relevant city, town, county, state and federal databases that the county recorder has access to in order to ensure people who are registered to vote are qualified electors pursuant to statute. 16-161 (B) there are 43 persons registered to vote who have not provided proof of citizenship as of January 2, 2023. PHOENIX Groups involved in signing up people to vote are asking a judge to block a new law that could leave some voters who move with no registration at all, and could make felons out of volunteers who get people to register. Check Voter Registration Deadlines and Laws in Your State Gov. Ducey vetoes voter registration cancellation bill - Restricted Use 3-Day Permit You may submit a voter registration at the same time you apply for a driver license by completing the voter registration area on the application. Specifically, the bill prescribes specific criteria that County Recorders and the Secretary of State should use to maintain and correct proper voter registration lists, including removing dead voters. To view your current voter registration status, visit or click the link below to access the Arizona Voter Information Portal. Vehicle title, registration and renewal, custom and specialty license plates, duplicate driver's license and ID, and more. to cancel your voter registration (make sure to include: name, birth date, address, and signature). Snow has set no date for a hearing on the legal challenge. A person who engages in a trade, profession or occupation in this state or who accepts employment in other than either: Temporary seasonal work for a period of not more than three months if the state in which the temporary seasonal worker is permanently domiciled has a similar exception. Another nearly 450,000 individuals registered to vote in multiple states. Full name Date of birth Residential address where registered Zip code Ive had folks come to me and insist this has happened, he said. Cancel. State lawmakers across the country appear poised this year to continue a trend of revisiting rules for granting voting rights to people who were convicted of a felony. 12. He said that effectively conscripts Arizona residents into helping the state purge their neighbors from the voting rolls.. Proof of identity is required when registering to vote and identification is required to receive a ballot on Election Day. If you have any questions about Voter Registration, or any questions about voter registration in general, please contact the Secretary of State at (602) 542-8683 or toll free within Arizona at (877) THE-VOTE (M-F 8 am to 5 pm). Under the leadership of Editor-in -Chief Huey Freeman, our team of staff reporters bring accurate,timely, and complete news coverage. Arellano said that will deter voter registration efforts and new Arizona residents will have less support in registering to vote and voting.. Requires the Arizona Department of Transportation to furnish a list of people who have been issued a driver license or the equivalent of an Arizona nonoperating identification license in another state to the Secretary of State monthly. The last day to register in person to vote in the March 25 primary election is Wednesday, Feb. 22. Statewide Voter Registration Totals Page View All Links FEDERAL ONLY VOTERS Per A.R.S. Theres a bill to do away with early ballots, the voting method of choice by 8 in 10 voters. Additional voter registration and election information can be found at the Secretary of State web siteSecretary of State web site. California . Once this occurs, a voter will be moved back to active status. Log on to Service Arizona Select your language preference, then click "Begin/Update Voter Registration" Verify your voter eligibility Enter your information in the required fields Update your address if you have moved, otherwise select No on question A & B and click continue. Title: 01/21 MCRO Request Cancellation of Deceased Voter Spanish Author: Maricopa County Recorder's Office Keywords: DAESk1X8t5E,BACkDIAqgoE Created Date: If you have not received your voter registration card within three-to-six weeks of completing Voter Registration, please contact your county recorder for status of the Voter Registration Card. The conclusion: 281 of those 282 voters were alive and kicking when they cast ballots. If you are currently registered to vote in California and would like to cancel your voter registration, you can complete the California Voter Registration Cancellation Request Form (PDF) and submit it to your county elections office. Please excuse our site and file changes as we transition to Secretary Fontes. Just this month, aLake Havasu City woman, Marcia Johnson, was sentenced to one year of supervised probation and fined $1,000 after pleading guilty to casting two ballots in the November 2018 federal election. Name Change. If you are not offered the opportunity to register to vote at any of these offices, please notify the Secretary of State's Elections Division. Fifty-six percent? Section 6 of the NVRA requires . Download and print the National Mail Voter Registration Form. It is but one of the dozens of kooky bills born of MAGA zealots and their absolute refusal to consider the fact that maybe they are losing statewide races because their candidates just arent acceptable to a statewide electorate. You are not required to register to vote to obtain a license. Senate Bill 1566 would wipe Arizonas voter rolls clean every 10 years, requiring millions of Arizonans to re-register to vote. NOTE: If you have been convicted of a non-disqualifying felony and have completed your sentence, you must register to vote, even if you were previously registered to vote prior to your felony conviction. to reprint your confirmation/receipt. Directs the Secretary of State, each month, to compare the statewide voter registration database to the driver license database and notify the appropriate county recorder if a person who is registered to vote in that county is not a United States citizen or has changed the persons residence address. You can conduct Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) business online, any time from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. How do I apply for an Arizona Birth and/or Arizona Death Certificate? Keep reading with a digital access subscription. Can I change my address to a military address? of Instructs the county recorder to cancel a voter registration when the county recorder receives and confirms information that the registered person: a) Is not a United States citizen, including when the county recorder receives a juror questionnaire on which a registered voter has stated that the person is not a United States citizen; b) Has been issued a driver license or the equivalent of an Arizona nonoperating identification license from another state; or. Theres no mechanism of Arizona law allowing people to be automatically registered, but Republican Rep. Jake Hoffman of Queen Creek, the bills sponsor, said its important to prevent county recorders from operating outside the law. You may also re-register if your name or address changes. Arizona governor vetoes voter registration cancellation bill New: A full-featured online MVD experience is now available. c) Is otherwise not a qualified elector as prescribed in statute. Not be presently adjudged as mentally incompetent as to your ability to vote by a court of competent jurisdiction. Switching political parties to be able to choose which primary to vote in is . Certain types of ID can be used at the polls, and the name on the ID should match the name . Arizona House Passes Bill To Remove Dead Voters From Registration Rolls _____ (Print Full Name) Signature (Required for cancellation) Date of Birth (Required for Identification purposes) Mail completed form to: Pima County Recorder, P O Box 3145, Tucson AZ 85702 . For Star subscribers: Rules taking effect next month create "arbitrary" investigations into voter eligibility in Arizona, the lawsuit claims. Between midnight and 2:00 AM each Sunday. Replace your lost, stolen or damaged license. June 9th, 2016. Updating your address for both voter registration and MVD records, as well as specify a mailing address (if required). And even if a voters registrations are not all canceled, nothing in the Cancellation Provision prevents the cancellation of the voters registration where the voter currently resides, is eligible and intends to vote a scenario that could also lead to disenfranchisement without notice.. State of Delaware - Department of Elections - Voter Registration A person who is registered to vote in Arizona. "Our lawfully registered voters deserve to know that their right to vote will not be disturbed without sufficient due process," Ducey wrote in a veto letter. They came up with only a handful of potential cases, all of them isolated instances. Register to Vote or Update Your Current Voter Information | Arizona A portion of fees are donated to the sponsoring organization. A County Recorder may move a voter registration to inactive status only after sending the voter two pieces of Official Election Mail that were returned to the County's office by the United States Postal Service marked "undeliverable." After filling out the one-page application, follow the instructions, and mail it to the designated location in your state. Directs the county recorder to cancel a voter registration when the county recorder is informed and confirms that the registered person is dead. Where will my voter registration card be mailed? Voter rolls should be regularly checked against our own state resources to ensure they are current and accurate.. To change your address, you will need your name, date of birth, and driver license or identification card number. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. MVD has developed a computer system that links all of your records together. Yes. Canceling Voter Registration | Arizona Secretary of State Doug Ducey vetoed a bill Friday that would require county recorders to launch an investigation anytime someone claims that a persons voter registration is invalid. Were not trying to catch any old person who makes an innocent mistake, Mesnard said. 10. this Title, 16-101 - Qualifications of registrant; definition, 16-102 - Power of attorney; prohibited use, 16-103 - Qualified person temporarily absent from state; persons in the service of the United States, 16-104 - Registration in incorporated cities and towns, 16-105 - Registration required by city ordinance or charter, 16-112 - Driver license voter registration, 16-121.01 - Requirements for proper registration, 16-122 - Registration and records prerequisite to voting, 16-124 - Public officer residing in county of post of duty, 16-125 - Change of residence to different county during twenty-nine day period preceding election, 16-126 - Authority to vote in presidential election after moving from state, 16-131 - Registration of electors; deputy registrars, 16-132 - Voter registration assistance; hunting, fishing, trapping licenses; definitions, 16-133 - Voter registration events; website posting, 16-134 - Return of registrations made outside office of county recorder; incomplete or illegible forms, 16-135 - Change of residence from one address to another, 16-138 - Voter registration database; federal only voters; analysis; annual report; investigation, 16-139 - Registration expenses as county charge, 16-140 - Voter registration assistance agencies; definitions, 16-141 - Armed forces recruiting offices; voter registration assistance, 16-142 - Secretary of state; national voter registration act; uniformed and overseas citizens; voter fraud hotline, 16-151 - Forms for registration supplied by county recorder and secretary of state, 16-153 - Voter registration; confidentiality; definitions, 16-161 - Official record of registration; federal form; reporting, 16-162 - Retention of registration forms and record of cancellation, 16-163 - Assignment of registrations to general county register; exception; notification to elector; electronic storage of registration forms, 16-164 - Change of registration on new registration form effecting change of precinct, party, address or name, 16-168 - Precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies; reports; statewide database; violation; classification, 16-168.01 - County contributions to the voter registration system fund; exemption, 16-169 - Disposition and use of precinct registers; signature roster; form, 16-170 - Transmittal of signature roster to county recorder; comparison of names by recorder, 16-171 - Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records, 16-172 - Use of county registration rolls by political subdivisions, 16-173 - County recorder to file data processing system or program, 16-181 - Return of registration; violation; classification, 16-182 - False registration; classification; cancellation of registration, 16-184 - Additional violations; classification, 16-192 - Use of state, special taxing district resources to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalties; definitions, 16-193 - Active registered voters; applicability, 16-202 - Notice of offices for which candidates are to be nominated at primary, 16-203 - Primary election for nomination of candidates in municipalities, 16-204 - Declaration of statewide concern; consolidated election dates; definition, 16-204.01 - Declaration of statewide concern; city, charter city or town; political subdivision consolidated election dates; voter turnout; definitions, 16-204.02 - Implementation of consolidated elections; term of office; alternative expenditure limitation, 16-205 - Election dates; notice; administration, 16-212 - Election of presidential electors; electoral college votes; vacancy; replacement, 16-213 - Election of United States senator, 16-214 - Issuance of proclamation for general election by governor; publication by clerks of boards of supervisors, 16-221 - Special election to fill vacancy in Congress, 16-222 - Vacancy in the office of United States senator or representative, 16-223 - Issuance of proclamation for special election by governor; publication by clerks of boards of supervisors, 16-224 - Proclamation by governor; time for electing delegates to convention for ratification of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 16-225 - Special district election dates, 16-226 - Nonpartisan elections; local elections; time of calling; definition, 16-227 - Publication of call of election for nonpartisan elections, 16-228 - Notice of election for nonpartisan elections, 16-230 - Vacancy in certain state or county offices; election, 16-241 - Presidential preference election; conduct of election, 16-242 - Qualifications for ballot; nomination paper, 16-243 - National convention delegates; vote for candidates, 16-246 - Early balloting; satellite locations; additional procedures, 16-247 - Write-in candidates prohibited, 16-249 - Certification of election to parties; automatic recount inapplicable; tabulation, 16-301 - Nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election, 16-302 - Failure to nominate candidate in primary election, 16-311 - Nomination papers; statement of interest; filing; definitions, 16-312 - Filing of nomination papers for write-in candidates, 16-313 - Filing of nomination paper and petitions for special primary election, 16-314 - Filing and form of nomination petitions; definition, 16-315 - Form of petitions; registration of circulators, 16-316 - Secure online signature collection; candidate petitions; five dollar contributions; statewide and legislative candidates, 16-317 - Secure online signature collection; municipal, county and precinct committeeman offices, 16-318 - Secure online signature collection; federal offices, 16-321 - Signing and certification of nomination petition; definition, 16-322 - Number of signatures required on nomination petitions, 16-331 - Election of superior court judges by declared divisions of court, 16-332 - Election of justices of supreme court or judges of court of appeals by declared terms, 16-333 - Preparation and filing of nominating petition for certain judicial offices, 16-341 - Nomination petition; method and time of filing; form; qualifications and number of petitioners required; statement of interest, 16-342 - Special election nominations by delegate convention, 16-343 - Filling vacancy caused by death or incapacity or withdrawal of candidate, 16-344 - Office of presidential elector; appointment by state committee chairman, 16-351 - Limitations on appeals of validity of nomination petitions; disqualification of candidate, 16-351.01 - Nomination challenges; expenses, 16-401 - Applicability of general election law to primary elections, 16-402 - Absence from employment for purpose of voting; application therefor; violation; classification, 16-403 - City or town primaries; duties of officers, 16-404 - Preparation of polling place; voting booths; ballot boxes for paper ballots, 16-406 - Public display of voting equipment, 16-407 - Election officers; qualifications; certificates; certification programs; plan; exemption; election training fund, 16-407.01 - Election administration; private monies prohibited, 16-407.02 - Elections training classes; statement; water; registration form, 16-407.03 - Election deadlines; filings; violation; classification, 16-408 - Cost of special district elections; bond, 16-409 - Certain cities, towns and school districts; mail ballot elections; report, 16-410 - Cancellation of certain elections; appointment to office; filling vacancies, 16-411 - Designation of election precincts and polling places; voting centers; electioneering; wait times, 16-412 - Effective date of new precincts, 16-413 - Precincts; special district boundaries, 16-441 - Effective date of article; approval of counting equipment, 16-442 - Committee approval; adoption of vote tabulating equipment; experimental use; emergency, 16-442.01 - Accessible voting technology; recommendations; certification; applicability, 16-443 - Authorization of use at all elections, 16-444 - Definitions; applicability of general laws, 16-445 - Filing of computer election programs with secretary of state, 16-446 - Specifications of electronic voting system, 16-447 - Voting devices; inspection; specifications and number of booths, 16-449 - Required test of equipment and programs; notice; procedures manual, 16-450 - Location and acquisition of vote tabulating devices, 16-452 - Rules; instructions and procedures manual; approval of manual; field check and review of systems; violation; classification, 16-461 - Sample primary election ballots; submission to party chairmen for examination; preparation, printing and distribution of ballot, 16-465 - Arrangement of candidates' names at primary election, 16-468 - Form of ballot; optical scanning system; sample ballots, 16-501 - Compliance with primary election law as prerequisite to printing name on ballot, 16-503 - Duty to prepare and provide ballots; cost of printing ballots and instruction cards as public expense, 16-504 - Antifraud ballot paper; vendor certification; antifraud measures, 16-507 - Presentation of presidential candidates on ballot, 16-508 - Number of ballots furnished each polling place, 16-509 - Delivery of ballots to election officers, 16-510 - Sample ballots; preparation and distribution, 16-511 - Duty of board of supervisors to furnish election supplies to precinct officers, 16-512 - Displaying United States flag at polls, 16-513 - Instructions for voters and election officers; overvote notice, 16-513.01 - Right to vote a provisional ballot; notice, 16-515 - "Seventy-five foot limit" notices; posting; violation; classification, 16-531 - Appointment of election boards; qualifications, 16-532 - Instruction of election board inspectors and judges; certificate of qualification; optional training; instruction of counting center election officials, 16-533 - Filling vacancy in election board by electors, 16-534 - Inspector as chairman of board; powers; power of board and clerks to administer oaths; oath of members, 16-535 - Election marshal; appointment; powers and duties, 16-536 - Compensation of election board officers, 16-537 - Powers and duties of election officers with respect to special elections, 16-542 - Request for ballot; civil penalties; violation; classification, 16-543 - Application for ballot; United States service; emergency procedures, 16-543.02 - Federal write-in early ballots; procedure; registration form, 16-544 - Active early voting list; civil penalty; violation; classification; definition, 16-548 - Preparation and transmission of ballot, 16-549 - Special election boards; expenses; voting procedure for ill electors or electors with disabilities, 16-550 - Receipt of voter's ballot; cure period, 16-551 - Early election board; violation; classification, 16-552 - Early ballots; processing; challenges, 16-558 - Special districts; mail ballot election option; conduct, 16-562 - Preparation and arrangement of polling place with voting booths and ballot boxes, 16-563 - Posting sample ballots, instruction cards and notice to voters before opening polls, 16-564 - Opening, exhibiting and locking ballot box before receipt of ballots; removal and opening of box, 16-565 - Hours polls opened and closed; proclamation of opening and closing polls, 16-566 - Opening and closing of polling place; unused ballots, 16-570 - Conduct of election; duties of officers; placing machines, 16-571 - Poll lists to be kept by election clerk; posting, 16-572 - Delivery and custody of ballots at polling place, 16-573 - Substitution of ballots when official ballots not available, 16-574 - Repair or substitution of machines; use of paper ballots, 16-579 - Procedure for obtaining ballot by elector, 16-580 - Manner of voting; assistance for certain electors, 16-581 - Elderly persons; persons with disabilities; inaccessible polling places; definitions, 16-583 - Voter not on precinct register; inactive voter list; procedure, 16-584 - Qualified elector not on precinct register; recorder's certificate; verified ballot; procedure, 16-590 - Appointment of challengers and party representatives, 16-591 - Grounds for challenging an elector, 16-592 - Proceedings on challenge; disposition of ballot, 16-593 - Rules determining residence of voter upon challenge; reading of rules upon request, 16-594 - List of challenges, grounds and rulings, 16-602 - Removal of ballots from ballot boxes; disposition of ballots folded together or excessive ballots; designated margin; hand counts; vote count verification committee, 16-603 - Inspection of ballots by party representative, 16-604 - Election integrity fund; purpose; exemption, 16-608 - Delivery of ballots; electronic voting system, 16-609 - Questioned legality of ballots; procedure, 16-610 - Uncertainty of voter's choice as cause for rejection, 16-611 - Certain defects invalidating vote for particular office, 16-612 - Determination of write-in choice of voter, 16-614 - Signing of tally lists after completion of tally, 16-616 - Preparation and disposition of unofficial returns, 16-617 - Transmittal of signature roster and precinct registers after election, 16-621 - Proceedings at the counting center, 16-622 - Official canvass; unofficial results, 16-623 - Copy of abstract of vote of certain counties filed with secretary of state, 16-624 - Disposition of official returns and ballots, 16-625 - Electronic data and digital images; ballots; security, 16-642 - Canvass of election; postponements, 16-644 - Effect of want of form in precinct returns, 16-645 - Canvass and return of precinct vote; declaring nominee of party; certificate of nomination; write-in candidates, 16-646 - Statement, contents and mailing of official canvass, 16-647 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election, 16-648 - Canvass for state offices, amendments and measures; postponement, 16-649 - Determination of tie vote; notice to candidates; exception, 16-650 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election, 16-651 - Proclamation by governor on amendments and initiated and referred measures, 16-661 - Automatic recount; requirements; exemption, 16-662 - Certification to superior court of facts requiring recount, 16-664 - Recount of votes by automatic tabulating system, 16-665 - Determination of results by court; distribution of copies of order of determination, 16-667 - Supplementary nature of article, 16-672 - Contest of state election; grounds; venue, 16-673 - Statement of contest; verification; filing, 16-674 - Contest of county or other election, 16-676 - Time for hearing contest; continuance; findings of the court; judgment, 16-677 - Inspection of ballots before trial; petition; bond; appointment of inspectors, 16-678 - Inapplicability of article to contests of election of legislators, 16-701 - Applicability of election laws, 16-703 - Qualifications of candidates for delegate; nominations, 16-705 - Determination of delegates; vacancies; delegate bound to vote in accordance with pre-election statement; classification, 16-706 - Meeting of delegates in convention, 16-710 - Compensation and mileage of delegates, 16-711 - Congressional provisions as superseding article, 16-801 - Representation of new party on ballot at primary and general elections, 16-802 - Representation of new party on ballot for county or municipal election, 16-803 - Filing petition for recognition; submission of petitions to county recorder for signature verification, 16-804 - Continued representation on basis of votes cast at last preceding general election or registered electors, 16-805 - Findings of fact and statement of public policy by the legislature of the state of Arizona concerning steps which must be taken to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens of this state and the safety of this state from international Communistic conspiracy, 16-806 - Proscription of Communist Party of United States, its successors, and subsidiary organizations, 16-821 - County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman, 16-822 - Precinct committeemen; eligibility; vacancy; duties; term, 16-823 - Legislative district committee; organization; boundary change; reorganization, 16-824 - Meeting, organization and officers of county committee, 16-825.01 - State committee; vacancy; filling of vacancy, 16-826 - Meeting, organization and officers of state committee, 16-827 - Executive committee of state committee, 16-901.01 - Limitations on certain unreported expenditures and contributions, 16-905 - Committee qualification; requirements; exemption; adjustments, 16-906 - Committee statement of organization; amendment; committee limitation, 16-907 - Committee recordkeeping; treasurer; accounts, 16-911 - Exemption from definition of contribution, 16-912 - Individual contribution limits; requirements, 16-913 - Candidate committee contribution limits; requirements, 16-914 - Political action committee contribution limits; requirements, 16-915 - Political party contribution limits; requirements, 16-916 - Corporation, limited liability company and labor organization contributions; separate segregated fund; limits; requirements, 16-917 - Partnership contribution limits; requirements, 16-921 - Exemptions from definition of expenditure, 16-922 - Independent and coordinated expenditures, 16-925 - Advertising and fundraising disclosure statements, 16-926 - Campaign finance reports; contents, 16-927 - Campaign finance reporting period, 16-928 - Filing officer; statements and reports, 16-931 - Biennial adjustments; committee registration; contribution limits, 16-933 - Transfer and disposal of committee monies; limitations, 16-934 - Termination statement; filing; contents, 16-937 - Failure to file; penalties; notice; suspension, 16-938 - Enforcement authority; investigation; reasonable cause; notice of violation; appeal, 16-941 - Limits on spending and contributions for political campaigns, 16-942 - Civil penalties and forfeiture of office, 16-943 - Criminal violations and penalties, 16-947 - Certification as a participating candidate, 16-948 - Controls on participating candidates' campaign accounts, 16-949 - Controls on spending from citizens clean elections fund, 16-950 - Qualification for clean elections funding, 16-952 - One-party-dominant legislative district, 16-953 - Return of monies to the citizens clean elections fund, 16-955 - Citizens clean election commission; structure, 16-956 - Voter education and enforcement duties, 16-959 - Inflationary and other adjustments of dollar values, 16-1001 - Applicability of penal provisions, 16-1002 - Counterfeiting or distributing unlawful ballots; classification, 16-1003 - False endorsement, knowing destruction or delay in delivery of ballot; classification, 16-1004 - Interference with or corruption of election officer; interference with voting equipment; violation; classification, 16-1005 - Ballot abuse; violation; classification, 16-1006 - Changing vote of elector by corrupt means or inducement; classification, 16-1007 - Election officer ascertaining or disclosing elector's vote; classification, 16-1008 - Election officer changing vote of elector by menace or reward; classification, 16-1009 - Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer; classification, 16-1010 - Refusal by election officer to perform duty; violation of election law; classification, 16-1011 - Counterfeiting election returns; violation; classification, 16-1012 - Intimidation of elector by employer; classification, 16-1013 - Coercion or intimidation of elector; classification, 16-1014 - Corruption of electors; classification, 16-1015 - Election wagers; classification, 16-1016 - Illegal voting; pollution of ballot box; removal or destruction of ballot box, poll lists or ballots; classification, 16-1017 - Unlawful acts by voters with respect to voting; classification, 16-1018 - Additional unlawful acts by persons with respect to voting; classification, 16-1019 - Political signs; printed materials; tampering; violation; classification, 16-1020 - Signing of petitions; violation; classification, 16-1021 - Enforcement by attorney general and county, city or town attorney, 16-1022 - Campaign finance violations; classification, 16-1101 - Redistricting; legislative district designation, 16-1103 - Legislative and congressional redistricting; census enumeration.
Guns N' Roses Tour Dates 1988, Articles C
Guns N' Roses Tour Dates 1988, Articles C