The post began with the 27-year-old outlining her relationship with her boyfriend. They might not even bring their wallet along with them anymore because they expect you to pay for all of their expenses now. He uses the words "I'm not going to abandon my family", but they are the ones that abandoned him (boarding school that he hated for years + his mum lives in another country for almost half the year, so he has to look after his brother and sister). Please help, any advice would be much appreciated! She came in our room this morning and ask my bf if she could have $100 - he didn't even question her, he just said "oh yeah, no problem, I'll give you a check later." He's making it clear that he thinks that not only he should support his mother, but your salary should go to supporting her as well (i.e., you need to compensate and fill the gap for any money he shills out on his mother). Then, she will spend money on clothes, her boyfriend, even things for making SCRAP BOOKS - but she does not have enough money to help out with bills? But aside from the obvious traits one should avoid in a mate: aggression (passive or outright), disrespect, a lack of manners, empathy and/or intelligence, there are those red flags that look a softer shade of pink behind rose-colored glasses. Although it might be difficult to come to terms with the fact that your husband could be financially abusing you, its important that you deal with it straight away, as soon as you confirm thats what hes doing. Robin Hartill is a certified financial planner and a senior writer at The Penny Hoarder. Son is 50k in the red, he needs to prioritize his finances before he has to declare bankruptcy in the future. I think, I just want a strong future, and I don't see that with his family in the picture. Its important to have alone time, friend time, and hobbies outside of the relationship to allow partners to be excited to come back together and share their stories, says Estes. by Jessica Blake Oct 11, 2019. If your man cant live on a budget, and its your money that hes going over budget with, - hes not keeping to a budget because he doesnt care about spending your money, its not his after all. I dont have a real relationship with his parents, and Im not willing or able to offer my own financial support to them. But I financially support my partner, and I feel extremely judged as a result. Hes Reckless With Spending Your Money, 5. It has been proven to have numerous physical and mental health benefits, including reducing stress, boosting the immune system, and improving mood. Youre not moving in together until hes brought his support to a sustainable level. I told him how unfair the situation is and he said if he gets serious with someone it will change and he will ask his sibling to contribute too. IF this is an absolute dealbreaker I would just move on without commenting on his financial situation. .You are not going to like my reply but this is hardly a surprise. For example you can say that you're volunteering and get . Or youd be forced to drastically lower your living standards to accommodate their support. My financial situation is significantly better than his. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My Boyfriend Never Helps Me Financially - Evan Marc Katz Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in your area. In about half (49%) of couples in which the husband and wife are both at least 25 years old . It is not your position to lend or give . My boyfriend and I have an income gap in our professions, so he financially supports me. His income is barely covers his outflow. This is about him and his inability to be emotionally independent from her. He doesnt see it this way. Financial Favoritism: Giving More Money to One Child boyfriend financially supports his family how do i reinstate my nursing license in virginia? I chalk these things up to being the side effects of a full life. Call Georgia's Aging and Disability Network at 1-866-552-4464 as soon as possible. 2. The beauty (yes, beauty) in being knocked down when you're in a relationship is that you have some help getting up. Even if you tried talking to him about this earlier, sit him down, tell him how serious this situation is and make sure he understands you. I am okay with his current financial situation. It is my feeling, and I feel his mother is very manipulative. We have started talking moving in, marriage . We're looking for an apartment that we can afford together, which, given our expenses, shouldn't be an issue. because she said she just is too "nervous and anxious" to deal with problems, so tries to get my boyfriend to deal with all of her bull * * * * . It's very okay to support your boyfriend financially. If your spouse expects you to pay for everything, they will have gotten so used to it that theyre taking advantage of your kind ways by never even offering. He told me he cannot stop supporting them. . If he anticipates that mom will live with you guys and you will be supporting her, you can be alerted to that and leave him if that doesn't work for you. New Member. His income is barely covers his outflow. Is this situation fixable, or am I just screwed??? 3. But as of now, he spends more on supporting them than himself. In 69% of married or cohabiting couples, the man earns more than the woman, though this is down from 87% of married couples in 1980. I'm a two-time cancer survivor, I got it first at a young age and also recently in my 30s. Read this: I Hacked Into A Cam Girls Computer And What I Found Truly Terrified Me, The Teaser Trailer For Daisy Jones & The Six Just DroppedHeres Everything We Know SoFar, The Best Relationship Advice No One Ever ToldYou. These skills are not only about self-sufficiency (and a dislike of smells and critters), but show that one is interested in enjoying life and not too lazy to go beyond the basics. How is he going to save for his own retirement if he is supporting his parents for the rest of their lives? Give him a reasonable time frame and pay attention to his dedication and energy level. You can continue to be naive but you will continually be blamed in this situation. Will this be a Red Flag for her? It's ok for her to suck all of his money that is supposed to be saved for OUR future, but the second he sees I don't have as much saved as I had planned previously (still have a good amount) he is very mean and yells at me? Am I making a mistake? They seem really happy for him that hes dating and are very nice to me. 2. Want more of our free, weekly newslettersinyourinbox? No sense taking on someone else's bad financial decisions. Let me make a distinction of what I am NOT saying here: I am not saying to reassure him. TL:DR: My boyfriend (M39) (I am F37) of ~1 year has been responsible for his parents financially since their retirements. He is a very capable person with good education. In a healthy relationship, your partner should never begrudge you for spending your own money, unless youre being reckless with it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Men seen as financial providers in U.S., even as women's contributions I have more in my savings than he does and lately he has been VERY nasty towards me saying things like, "well if you were more motivated and weren't so bad at saving money we wouldn't have to live with my mom anymore" I feel that this is not the case, but he is unwilling to see or except ANY of his faults (another big red flag) How come it is OK for him to give his mom money and cater to her needs/sugar coat EVERYTHING for her..but he is so mean, nasty and down right just hard on me? Being a motivated human being is far sexier than sitting on a fat stack of cash (although I'm not going to lie, the fat stack of cash doesn't exactly hurt your case). Supporting Your Man Financially? Here's What To Expect - MadameNoire boyfriend financially supports his family. Though its admirable that he wants to help his parents, its a sign that they will always come before you and your relationship. Seriously. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. Or maybe youre simply wondering what the signs of financial abuse are because you feel as if youre being used? He is working long hours and it seems his parents dont really care and okay with it. 3. Your boyfriends life is on hold as long as he allows this arrangement to continue. My Boyfriend Doesn't Help Me Financially (8 Wise Pieces Of Advice) He has a good career and could have makeup for his financial difficulties if he did NOT have to support them. 9 Signs Your Boyfriend is Totally Wrong for You I would clearly ask what he expects and I would state your concerns, and if things don't change to a livable situation that does not end with a married couple with their own lives and privacy like you want, then end it. If you two are serious about building a future together, set a deadline for moving in together. We don't have shared bills, because we where living apart until this weekend. You guys need to sit down together and work this out peacefully and non-judgmentally. His mom over the course of the past year, has stopped paying the same amount of rent she used to and has pushed ALL of the bills possible onto my bf and I. Thanks. Better yet, these traits can help to make a relationship work even when youve had an initial set-back. Perhaps you feel as if youre the one doing all the hard work and your husband is just spending your money? A lot of men will also try to control the money of their wife or use a woman financially because they cant deal with the fact that a woman is more financially stable than they are. dudelikewhoa If he needs to work two jobs to pay his parents bills while hes still living with them, he certainly cant afford the expenses of a second household. By extension, your life is on hold as well. To that end you need to have a serious conversation and find out how he lost his savings and exactly what these "poor financial decisions" were and why is he so far in debt. Also each family is a unit that is accustomed to. The point is, he doesn't have disposable income left, but I do. You seem to have the experience that they are basically leeching off of him, so what are you guys going to do about it? If he refuses to do his part, always puts it off until tomorrow, or worse, thinks that only ladies do laundry, pack up and go. The relative financial contributions of men and women differ significantly by the educational attainment of each partner. I feel bad when I take advantage of people that are honestly trying to help me, and I know that I'm doing it..I just need to be stronger" A few days later, she is back in our room asking him for more money (that he doesn't have). Offering to do something, such as making their car payment, may help them avoid a short-term crisis and give them the little extra time they need to work out of their situation. There is no problem in supporting your boyfriend financially. You perfectly describe our situation and possible options. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Now, heres the caveat, ladies: You should be able to offer all of these things, too. This suggests that hes hiding something and what hes hiding is most likely that hes using you for your money. He's putting money towards your family goals (10K saved ain't nuthin') and also using money to support his family. Your boyfriend isnt the one who asked me for advice, though. TL:DR: My boyfriend (M39) (I am F37) of ~1 year has been responsible for his parents financially since their retirements. I know the first step to making it work (if possible) long-term is to move out from his mom, we need to be on our own..but it's getting to that point that I'm struggling with!! In this video from OWN, Iyanla talks to a husband who adheres to the "family comes first" philosophy and prioritizes his relatives over his wife: If you are in the same situation where your spouse believes that family comes first and forgets his responsibility as a husband, the first step is to pray. He's not using our joint savings to pay his family, it's usually his own money, but sometimes he doesn't have it, so I help. Building a career shows an ability to commit, work through difficulties, and showcases a development of people skills. boyfriend financially supports his family - Post author: Post published: June 29, 2022; Post category: spectrum cable line repair; Age gaps in relationships have become more prevalent over the years, and society is becoming more accepting of such relationships. I once dated a guy and was so crazy about him. Im afraid that if you move in together, youd end up indirectly providing financial support for his parents by shouldering most of the bills. Financial insecurity is also one of the top reasons women return to an abusive partner. Its not a equal dynamic, and I don't want to be part of it, but if I shun his family, I will make things alot harder and sadder for him. /r/Relationships is a community built around helping people and the goal of providing a platform for interpersonal relationship advice between redditors. Thanks for taking the time responding to my question. Others have to pay alimony. So you need to sit him down and have a very real talk about money. Get a job, secretly. Full disclosure I'm pretty cynical. Before I met him I was married and my husband left me and . She is Hispanic and my boyfriend says she was raised not to work but be stay at home mom. Can't you all find something less expensive? When you get more serious with someone, there comes a point where you have to decide if your partner's situation looks permanent/unchangeable or if it only appears to be that way but resolves given time, effort, personal commitment and seriousness about change, and a smart and workable plan. His priorities are caring for his parents instead of having a life of his own, you get to decided if you want to support him while he supports them. Here, women who have done, or are currently financially supporting their boyfriends and husbands explain . This man is not a good marriage candidate and I suspect he would probably drag out the dating process and sabatoge his realtionship with you to avoid changing the situation. However, the most obvious sign of financial abuse is if he only shows affection for you and feels attraction for you when youre paying for things, or stays in a marriage with you even though theres nothing left to stay for. I struggle financially and my rich boyfriend won't help. I want to have kids before 30 as I'm worried for my health after. The site owner may have set restrictions that prevent you from accessing the site. I financially support my boyfriend | Metro News Helping a Married Child Financially - Focus on the Family We had a talk a month ago and I told him how I feel about him supporting his parents this way. As crucial as knowing your partner's salary is understanding his financial habits and insecurities about money. He will ask you a lot of financial favors. You can and should make proper decisions about your own future. My parents are in a good financial situation and dont need my help. I always buy him little gifts that he might want or need, and I've mentioned I'd love little gifts too. My bf has made bad financial decisions (according to him) in past and has lost all of his savings and now he is ~ negative $50k. There is a difference between honoring your parents and not having boundaries with your parents. Parent-adult children relationships like these always mean the child's spouse come second. 2. But he can't afford to buy me wife things ( he promised to pay for a coat, that I then had to pay for myself as he didn't have the money). For a woman, she can be unable to commit to paying her bills on time, but she can totally be down to commit to a man for life. Also his mom is the type of person that is very timid/shy and will be very nice to your face because she CANNOT stand up for herself or tell people how she really feels (and cannot deal with conflict ) but will go behind your back and tell other people when she has a problem with you. A man who knows how to take care of himselfand cares enough to make the effort to do so will be far more inclined to step-up and take care of you than someone who just expects you to live according to his low standards or act as a full time maid-service. Started Monday at 02:12 AM. Help! My Boyfriend Is Cheating On Me But He Pays The Rent - Swaay If you are paying more than 50% of another person's necessary living expenses, you financially support that person. This article aims to explore the unique challenges and opportunities that come with navigating age gaps in relationships. Some people have dependent children and they have to pay child support. I struggle financially and my rich boyfriend won't help. - Ask Me Help Desk Boyfriend (M39) supports his parents financial needs 100% When he gets desperate, something will definately pop up. ENA posted a article in Mental Health, 22 hours ago, ENA posted a article in Relationships, 22 hours ago, ENA posted a article in Relationships, 21 hours ago, ENA posted a article in Personal Growth, 20 hours ago, By 13 Signs Your Husband Is Using You Financially. When Your Husband Doesn't Provide What You Need (17 Ways To Cope Well break down the latest business and consumer news and insights you need to know every Wednesday. Answer (1 of 7): I supported my parents for over twenty years. He is smart, has a good career and very hard working at this point, I believe he can makeup for his financial shortcomings if he didnt have this huge commitment. So, without further adieu, lets get into it! Don't expect him to be your financial supporter If he's willing to discuss these things openly, if he's willing to then agree to financial counseling with you before marriage and clean up and address financial issues before any marriage happens and then does so - not just says he will but really does do that - that's a good sign. Don't Marry Your Man If He Lacks These 4 Traits Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. And how unfortunate she feels that his son has to work so hard to provide for them. boyfriend financially supports his family 16 .. It's tough to make an objective, logical decision about how to help your brother or your parents. They never help us, even when asked, and always have a Que of favours ready to ask him. And I do know people who are willing to contribute some money to help support a parent who doesn't live with them and agree to a certain amount and are fine with that if they can afford it, but you need to decide whether you are willing to live with her and/or support her financially, either of those because it sounds like he expects you to do both, and you will be making sacrifices for her for as long as she lives if he decides you as a couple must do this. It sounds like Adam is trying to please everyone and ends up feeling trapped. 10 Realities Of Dating A Man Who Is Not Financially Stable - PROVOKE Thanks for your comment. Location: Napa - wine country. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! Youve got to make sure that the relationship is solid and can handle the conflict no matter what, she says. DISCLAIMER: Financial Samurai exists to thought provoke and learn from the community. There are some people who will live with their parents their whole lives and expect their spouse to accept it. My boyfriend already talks about supporting his parents financially The main issue is money. I'd explore what the meaning of this financial support is and what his end goal is to wean her or not. Let us know in the comments and feel free to share with any women you think need to read it! My financial situation is significantly better than his. This is a man who has financial dependents/serious codependency with his parents that does not sound at all healthy and he will until the day they die. Do you have any advice? We worked it out after, but still. While it has revolutionized communication and allowed people to connect with each other in unprecedented ways, it has also had a significant impact on body image. Additionally, some men may need to be shown the impact that his actions, or his inaction, can have on a person. Dead body found in Hillsborough apartment with unharmed infant, deputies say, Estimated 630,000 gallons of raw sewage spilled into the Hillsborough River, records show, Tampa man arrested in death of woman found in apartment with unharmed infant, deputies say, Hillsborough man dies in crash on Selmon Expressway exit ramp, Tampa race has 4 candidates, including 2 council veterans, seeking open seat, High-profile race for citywide Tampa council seat has seen fireworks, How about spending more on preventing crime? Laughter is often referred to as the best medicine, and it's no wonder why. But now he said, the sibling cant afford having 3 kids and all. He always told me it was 300,because apparently that's an easier amount to accept. He told me that without his support the parents will be homeless. My Boyfriend Supports His Ex. Is it Wrong to Feel Like I'm Being Used? No one should be doing all of the work, you have to have a happy medium. Only you can decide what you can withstand in your financial life together. He's supporting his parents financially while living with them and working two jobs. However, age gap relationships are not without challenges. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It's the complete opposite for men. Is a Man Obligated To Take Care Of His Exif She's Raising Their I am wondering where you live that you pay $1100 a month for an apartment? Because to me it makes zero sense they made good money but never did anything for retirement, that there's another sibling who doesn't contribute and that he's paying for two places when most people taking care of parents live with them. Read this: 30 Things Smart Women Know By The Time Theyre 30, Read this: I Am A Mother Of Two Children And I Cannot (And Will Not) Support Feminism, Read this: 6 Facebook Statuses That Need To Stop Right Now. I do want that extra money spent on me, or in our future, instead of giving it to "family" that don't really care about him. Many times, men don't realize that their girlfriends are in need because they aren't vocal about it. It will never be your job to fix someone else's financial mistakes. My extended family felt entitled to look through my mother's paintings, her purses, her jewelry and everything else. Love knows no boundaries, and it is not unusual for individuals of different ages to fall in love. When theyre able to work, they earn low wages. They have money, but they don't want to touch it. If you find that whenever you go out for dinner or head to the shops youre always the one paying because your guy never offers, this is a problem. Your personality influences everything from the way you make decisions to how you respond to challenges and opportunities. When your boyfriend doesn't help you financially, you're left to use up all of your own money and that's not all right. This signals that he may not see you as an equal. He makes the bed, you dust the tables. Its nice when a man is close with his mother, but if she knows where you are 24-7 or is snuggling in-between the two of you on movie night, youll feel more like a sibling than a significant other (been there, dated that). His mom has even recently had a heart-to-heart with me and said "I know I have not been trying as hard as I could to get another job or make more money, and it's time for mommy to stand on her own to feet so her son can grow up and start a life with you. Thats a much bigger problem than figuring out who is going to take out the trash. No matter how feminist a man may be, it . However, forgiveness can play a crucial role in healing and growth, both for individuals and for relationships as a whole. Whether youve found out that your partner has a credit card, multiple credit cards or hes deep into his overdraft in his checking account and suffering from a multitude of money problems caused by lack of self-control, and if hes showing other signs mentioned in this article, he could be using you for financial stability.
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