After that, Orthodoxy is by far the best possible choice of religion for Russia because of Byzantium. We think the fundamental Christian schism occurred when Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg church, October 31, 1517. On June 16, 1054, Pope Leo IX's legate, Cardinal Humbert, delivered a Bull of Excommunication to the Orthodox Patriarch Michael Cerularius on the altar of the Church of the Holy Wisdom at Constantinople while the patriarch prepared to celebrate the Divine Liturgy, condemning him and his court. Rather, they are a source of revelation. Here, according to Ronald Roberson's 1993 book The Eastern Christian Churches, is a list of these churches and their approximate sizes: Constantinople, 3.5 million Others charge complicity with the state, both past and present. And yet, not all of these journeys have worked out. Its not something you can figure out by studying the Church Fathers. 2. My husband had been an Episcopal priest for 16 years, and we had gradually moved from an evangelical-style low church to the more liturgically-fancy high church. Orthodoxy looked like taking that escalator up one more floor. If anyone is unwilling or not ready to submit to the Church in all areas of life, they should stay awayuntil or unless they are ready to do so. Poland, 1 million Thus, when an Orthodox believer once asked why his church did not do more doctrinal teaching, his priest responded, "Icons teach us all that we need to know." At the beginning, I thought I knew what I was getting into. But that was too little, too late. (Some within Orthodoxy say there are 15, but this is a minor, internal debate.) Overall, is the Orthodox church growing in America or is it slowly dying, as the older cradle Orthodox are dying and fewer cradle Orthodox either convert to other churches [primarily Protestant churches] or morph into Deists or worse?. After being dunked in this sea of hymnography for a few years I began to recognize an underlying unity among all the elements of Orthodoxythe worship, the fasting, the exhortations to humility, the companionship of the saints, all of it. Assuming that, after subsequent visits, you grow into the conviction that Orthodox Christianity is the fullness of Truth as revealed by Jesus Christ and discern your desire to embrace faith in Our Lord in its fullness, make your desire known to the parish priest, who will initiate the period of instruction and spiritual formation that eventually would lead to your reception into the Church. Buddhists fast, pray, and give alms. Here is an overview of the steps you can take to convert to Orthodox Christianity: The so-called Eastern Orthodox Church is actually not one but thirteen "autocephalous" or independent, self-governing churches. The Search for Authority and the Fear of Difference, Nostalgia Without Memory: A Case Study of American Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, The Eastern Church in the Spiritual Marketplace: American Conversions to Orthodox Christianity, New York Times Article on Calvinist Revival., If Not Sola Scriptura, Then What? And I would try hard, no doubt to the point of rudeness, to convince them this was not so. Orthodoxy affirms the real, physical presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist (as do Catholics, Lutherans, and many Anglicans), yet unlike Catholicism it is content not to explain how this happens. The conversion of 2,000 evangelicals in 17 congregations "from Alaska to Atlanta" in 1987, recounted in Peter Gillquist's Becoming Orthodox, is only a small window into a larger phenomenon. Subscribe for our weekly newsletter not to miss the most interesting articles on our blog. Vladimir I formed an alliance with Basil II of the Byzantine Empire and married his sister Anna in 988. Why did Kievan Rus convert to Orthodox Christianity? But perhaps our theology of the church is too "low," much lower than our Protestant forebears would have it. Beyond the recovery of history and liturgy, there are deeper and more important questions. These thirteen churches are united in their understanding of the sacraments, discipline, doctrine, faith, government, and worship, but they administer their internal affairs separately. These Protestant movements, important in their own right, are liturgical light years from Orthodoxy. But whether a non-Orthodox person can even be saved is an open question in Orthodox ecclesiology. Toggle signature In the dystopian film,Children of Mendirected by Alfonso Cuarn, a world is imagined in the future where no more children are born, and, as the decades pass, humanity is plunged into despair. One finds that the Orthodox Church is indeed "the pillar and foundation of the truth" ( 1 Tim. There are no doubt some ways that he is the same person he will always be, and there are ways Orthodoxy and every other church has significant points in common, not least that we love the same Lord. But only lately has it dawned on me that I must have strained friendships over the years due to my vocal enthusiasm for my adopted church. One is attracted to Orthodoxy in the same way one falls in love. Religion became a state of the Roman Empire, and Christianity became an enormous and influential religion nationwide. Whatever honor Protestants bestow upon tradition, they deny that its authority is coequal with Scripture. For such a question presupposes a particular person's journey of faith. In 1993, I was chrismated and joined the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is not a religion but rather a way of life. Emmanuel Hatzidakis | January 19, 2013. Icons are absolutely central to Orthodoxy, distinguishing it from both Catholicism and Protestantism. For employment at a seminary? This is no archaic, dusty doctrine, either. The first is by Lactantius, a tutor to Constantine's son and a good authority. Geoff. Each of them had his idiosyncrasies, and they regularly disagree. To the extent, however, one could intellectualize the reasons for converting, he or she would probably summarize them along these lines: In our ever-changing world, in the constant re-design of services and re-evaluation of beliefs, Orthodoxy stands as a mountain of granite, unshakable by fads and movements and political correctness. In addition, a new convert must undergo a formal process of initiation. YouTube | Albania, 160,000. Many would find themselves back in Rus with their new faith and establishing Churches (Spinka, 42-44). The secret is out. And these prayers are jam-packed. "It's typically an immigrant faith, so I was really interested in that experience and why it spoke to. Is it wrong for Western missionaries to seek to convert the Orthodox in lands like Russia, Romania, or Greece? They are the efficacious means by which God transmits his salvific and sanctifying grace to us. The basic framework of services like the Divine Liturgy or Vespers doesnt change much, but every day of the liturgical year provides prayers for saints and feasts that can be added to that framework. The Orthodox Church is indelibly marked by the One who is its origin and source. Now let's hear from Frederica. Maybe you have to soak in it for years, till the evidence becomes overwhelming. Spiritual enlightenment changes everything. Then the reality sets in. Has Orthodoxy in these lands obscured the gospel, becoming merely a "cultural" religion thoroughly assimilated to ethnic identity? In any event, feel free to introduce yourself to and speak with the priest and his parishioners. We have challenges here in Africa to find such information for, So glorious+++ Most Holy Theotokos save us, Pectoral Cross Constantine had once controlled the entire Mediterranean perimeter, and as a result, Christianity flourished. Clearly this stability is found in no other church. Over coffee one day I asked an Orthodox priest whether I, as a Protestant theologian, might be considered a true Christian. Is the church made up of those who have been "regenerated" by infant baptism in an Orthodox church institution, or by those who have experienced new birth and been justified by grace through faith? Our digital archives are a work in progress. Not to be outdone, the Orthodox could respond in kind. Such a question cannot be answered through the use of dogmatic assertions or theoretical musings. Conversion means belief and acceptance in Jesus Christ, the God-man, as the Savior of the world. Once inside, a Western Christian experiences sensory overload: the near absence of chairs or pews, dim lighting, head coverings for most women, icons and frescoes covering almost every inch of space on the walls and ceiling, a massive and ornate iconostasis separating the priest and the worshipers, the smoky smell of incense and hundreds of candles burning in memory of the dead, the priest resplendent in his ornate vestments and enormous beard, and worshipers repeatedly prostrating themselves, kissing the icons, and making the sign of the cross. Frederica Matthewes-Green reflects on how new converts to Orthodoxy can sometimes be overzealous. People often assume that most Jews by choice convert because they have a partner or spouse who is Jewish. Well, was it so? In the history and theology of Orthodoxy it is startling to observe the nearly complete absence of any mention of the doctrine of justification by faith. Receive updates and announcements from Orthodox Witness. I have read many things on the internet, as well as a number of books about the Churchs faith, worship and history. Kind of like large scale serial monogamous people. Another issue is becoming Orthodox because one thinks the Church will reward them in some way for doing so. The Biblical Basis for Holy Tradition., On the Path of Love: From Islam to Christianity, Madagascar: Church Opens Huge Complex with Church, Schools, Orphanage, Old Folks Home, Australia: Orthodoxy Fastest Growing Church amidst General Christian Decline. I appreciate this articles use of blunt honesty! They saw this as a perception skill, something anyone could (with diligent practice) hone; it has nothing to do with emotion. Yes, because clearly a Christian is the most honest person to talk about the inner thoughts of atheists . From Islam to Indonesian Orthodox Priest In "Clergy" 97% of Moldovans Identify as Orthodox Christians In "Latest Stories" Hope this helps, and hope that your journey to Orthodoxy is filled with every blessing. Young teens go through a few years when they are trying to understand their own unique identity, and trying to establish it in the face of well, it would be one thing if they had to establish it in the face of hostility, because, even though that would be hard, it would be bracing and clarifying. In 1523-24 the Reformers Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther donned the gown of the university scholar. we'll be happy to answer it! Before you start the process of converting, you will want to speak with a priest in the Greek Orthodox Church. Affectionate attempts to obscure this quest feel suffocating. For example, on the Feast of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, the chanter launches into this: Of the Father before the morning star You were begotten from the womb without mother before all ages, even though Arius did believe You to be created, not God, classing You in ignorance and impudence with creatures Thats just a fraction of a thorough march through what happened at the first Council of Nicaea, and why it was important (including Arius unpleasant death from digestive indisposition: his bowels were torn by a divine hookin a repulsive manner his soul came out). It is why I think a number of people have a list of groups they have been in here. For instance, John of Damascus (675-749), Orthodoxy's most famous systematic theologian, epitomized the Orthodox ethos when he wrote in his The Orthodox Faith, "we do not change the everlasting boundaries which our fathers have set, but we keep the traditions just as we have received them." I love the Church, and so I find it difficult to understand how a person could not see the beauty in our faith, leaving it all behind. Suspicion and recrimination have often characterized relationships between Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Protestantism. Forgetting early on that Orthodox worship is liturgical and cyclical (i.e. If someone is approaching the Orthodox Church from a purely rationalistic standpoint, they will almost surely find it wanting. Heres a clue to a third possibility. Handcarved Have something to add about this? When I visit prisons where floors are shiny, morale is noticeably higher. 1:4). It takes a while to get it, because its received by a process of immersion, by soaking in a context of worship. This is not just an explanation but an apology, and even an appreciation for the perseverance of friendship in the face of truly annoying behavior. This perspective presupposes a defective Christologyone that fails to account for the anthropos of the theanthropic (Divine-human) Church. Romania, 19.8 million Icons. Orthodox Christians were more inclined to appeal to the ecumenical councils than to a single bishop to settle theological matters. Geoff Harvey on Thu, 20/11/2008 - 11:15am. Wynona is a Catholic planning to marry an Orthodox man, but as she tells us, "my Catholic parish priest is not giving his consent for this marriage, so it will be held in an Orthodox church.". There is not going to be a restored "Celtic" Orthodoxy or "Anglo-Saxon" Orthodoxy. Your email address will not be published. Any objective historian can discover that the permanence of Orthodoxy is due to the preservation and the passing on of the apostolic faith unadulterated, pure. "Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." Turning to Jesus brings you to God, and you begin to understand His plan of salvation. All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. On the other hand, there are cases where a person rejects the Church for what I would consider to be erroneous reasons. Most notable are its beliefs about baptism and the Eucharist. And such a journey can only be spoken of from experience. Twitter | The Orthodox Church does not fit into the paradigms of modernity; it is not a wholly rational faith. Another danger is converting to Orthodoxy simply because it is beautiful. These groups mostly came over willingly. It was like seeing a face emerge from a random pattern of dots, and then wink at you. Who can explain why one has fallen in love with a given person? Modern speculation is simply just that, speculation, and . John A. Peck, The Apostolic Mission of Journey To Orthodoxy, On the Path of Love: From Islam to Christianity, Madagascar: Church Opens Huge Complex with Church, Schools, Orphanage, Old Folks Home, Australia: Orthodoxy Fastest Growing Church amidst General Christian Decline. The last reason Orthodox converts are obnoxious resembles the reason adolescents are obnoxious. Put more starkly, Orthodoxy explicitly rejects the historic Protestant idea of sola scriptura. Conversion involves a change or transformation in vision, direction and heart, one rooted in repentance and the acknowledgement of Our Lord as the One Who is truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who came into the world to save sinners. As we move constantly between Unity and Trinity in God, so we must move between the parts and the whole in the Church, the whole being infinitely more than the sum of the parts. That there are too many people joining the Church with a silly belief that they rebelling against the modern world, and hoping to instate absolute monarchy. She rightly claims the wholeness of the truth. Heres a clue to a third possibility. I do not wish to antagonize anyone and if there is a place online where I might go to better have my questions answered, please. It must sound like vague, fluffy religious talk (though in my experience it is anything but). Orthodox spiritual life gives central prominence to the sacraments. He promptly left Constantinople. The Mission of The Orthodox Church in America, the local autocephalous Orthodox Christian Church, is to be faithful in fulfilling the commandment of Christ to Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. After his marriage Vladimir I officially changed the state religion to Orthodox Christianity and destroyed pagan temples and icons. We are looking forward to our journey in the church. There is an organic quality here, and the thing itself is inexpressibly alive. Orthodoxy knows where she stands, and she is in no need to re-define herself. So it would be wise to visit a parish near you, perhaps for the celebration of Vespers on a Saturday evening or the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy. Since the World Council of Churches' Canberra Assembly in 1991, evangelical and Orthodox believers have joined in a series of wcc-sponsored dialogues on matters challenging historic Christian faith. Two theological controversies drove the final wedge between Catholic and Orthodox Christians: papal supremacy and the so-called filioque controversy. However, they rarely spent any time in Orthodox worship services or their local parish, developed no relationship with a priest, and did not engage their spouse or family in their studies and interest in the Church. In an encyclical letter of 1848, the Eastern patriarchs stated this most emphatically: "Infallibility resides solely in the ecumenicity of the church bound together by mutual love. Many times, inquirers approach the Orthodox Church as a safe haven from controversy and scandal, believing that the Orthodox Churchas the one, true Churchis immune to such things. There is world of difference between going Orthodoxy vs staying pagan. 3:15 ). Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. We must be willing to embrace mystery, to submit to other authorities, and to ultimately submit to the Church Herself. The final declaration of the Second Ecumenical Council of Nicea (787) that ratified the use of icons appealed to the "written and unwritten" tradition of the early church. I think people just dont believe me, and I hardly provide a good personal example. All Rights ReservedDesigned by Fr. But why is our kind so characteristically obnoxious? Yeah, I think Ive gotten it out of my system. Because we confess and believe in the one holy, catholic and apostolic Church, this means we are not looking for a Church that fits our own preferences and ideals, but rather one that teaches us what our preferences should be. There most certainly will never be a "Southern" or "Confederate" Orthodoxy".And yet another reason not to join is the hopes of having a base of operations for a goofy political ideology. Converting to Orthodoxy. Perhaps this unanticipated experience of encountering something unknown and marvelously organic accounts for the distinctive lapel-grabbing impulse among converts to Orthodoxy. Hymns like these offer quite a theological education to anyone who comes to services, and if you didnt catch it all, theres a good chance theyre going to sing it two more times. I can't be the only one who's observed a friend converting to Orthodox Christianity and noticed them instantly, literally overnight, losing their sense of . John 17:14.16). Why Are There So Many Curses and Cruelties In The Psalms? Today 23 percent of all Orthodox Christians in the United Statesabout one in fourare converts, as are 30 percent of the clergy and 43 percent of seminarians. Different Orthodox theories exist as to what, exactly, this means. What do they find so attractive? The so-called Photian Schism brought this matter to a head. Orthodoxy generally affirms the same seven sacraments as Catholicism: baptism, chrismation or confirmation, the Eucharist, repentance or confession, holy orders or ordination, marriage, and holy unction or anointing of the sick. Click for reprint information. This period of instruction, discernment and spiritual formation also affords you with the opportunity to develop and strengthen your relationship with the parishs clergy and faithfulthose with whom you will worship in Spirit and truth and with whom you will share in fellowship as a member of the Body of Christ, the Church. Thats surely a factor, but I think theres something else going on, more specific to Orthodox converts. ", Icons are not merely sacred art. Christianity had, in fact, penetrated "Russia" by the early 900s, when at least one church had been built in the ancient city of Kiev. John A. Peck, The Apostolic Mission of Journey To Orthodoxy, Armenian Muslims Living in Turkey are Returning to Christianity, Devotion to Orthodox History leads Malaysian Priest to Mount Carmel. The Orthodox Church is the ancient Church that Christ and the Apostles established. We should expect nothing less of ourselves than total respect for and even love of the history, theology, and culture of Orthodoxy; still, two things ought to be said about Orthodox complaints about Protestant proselytizing. My ideas havent changed, and Im always glad for a good discussion, but maybe Im past the need to belabour them. Persons wishing to become Orthodox of their own free volition, without any direct or indirect pressure from anyone, should firstly meet with a Priest of the Church. He senses that its something much more profound than that, as he is turning into a different person, the adult he is destined to be. It makes no appeal to a doctrine of transubstantiation and instead simply affirms the mystery. One who would claim that he or she wishes to embrace the faith but doesnt want to get involved with other people and their lives falls short in his or her understanding of the Church as the People of God and, as such, has yet to make that internal conversion that must take place before one is received into the Church. Orthodox churches are full of them. Further, Protestants have long enjoyed rich liturgical traditions of their own (see, for example, Bard Thompson's classic Liturgies of the Western Church). When you convert, you must verbalize your commitment to live in accordance with all of the Torah 's commandments as they are explained in Torah law. ), since the Reformation, justification by faith and substitutionary atonement have enjoyed pride of place in our understanding of the doctrines of sin and salvation. There was plenty of ceremony and beauty, but without the mainline churches affection for keeping up-to-date. And these prayers are jam-packed. This doesnt mean we shun catechesis, but just that its not always done in the same way everywhereand where it exists, its likely different from what a catechumen might expect or even hope. 3:15). But one insightful reader asked a penetrating question: "Your book does a fine job comparing the two traditions; why have you not converted to Orthodoxy?" They push it down the road that they will be able to transition to that in their new group eventually. Reaching for the Transcendent on the Streets of New York,, cool blog entry by Fr Andrew Damick - Christian Forums,,,, Converts from Protestantism claim that Orthodoxy is strongest where evangelicals tend to be weak-its robust liturgical celebration of the majesty and mystery of God, its unyielding insistence on the indispensable role of tradition in theology, and its admirable heritage of perseverance amid terrible fires of persecution. Discussion online about converts to Orthodoxy in America includes papers and blogging by writers in venues such as Public Orthodoxy of the Fordham Orthodox Christian Studies Center, the allied Orthodox Theological Society of America, and various blogs and social media. Even before entering the church one is taken aback by the unusual architecture-the glittering gold onion domes that sparkle like diamonds on a sunny day. Telegram | An evangelical explores the ancient and alien world of the Eastern church. Are you sure you heard the Meaning of Christmas? For such a question presupposes a particular person's journey of faith. Disclaimers, Amon Sl Tolkien & Orthodox Christianity, 5 Differences: Orthodoxy & Roman Catholicism, 5 Differences: Orthodoxy & Evangelicalism, The Equal of Martyrdom: Fr. Naturally, it is crucial to know what the Church teaches and acquire an Orthodox mindset on the intellectual level, so to speak, but it is equally crucial to grow in identifying with the People of God, the worshipping community, through fellowship. Around 2-3 months ago I decided that I wanted to convert to Christianity. But why is our kind so characteristically obnoxious? Vladimir I, a great prince of Kiev, reigned from 980 till 1015 and succeeded in the mass conversion of the Eastern Slavs.1 Throughout his reign Vladimir's agenda had .
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