That. "(wild cheers and applause)RICHARD: Thank you, please. Script your way to gaming glory in Family Feud with BlueStacks Script. Thank you so much. O'Hurley: Name a famous pig.Contestant: My mother-in-law. O'Hurley: A magazine you'd hate to find in your child's bedroom.Contestant: Weapons-R-Us. Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. Harvey: (starts laughing) Just Just shut up! Thank you. Karn: Name something that starts with the word "club".Contestant: Golf club. Combs: Name an excuse that a girl uses not to invite you in after a date. Write and run a set of commands to automate . I'm (your man)Steve Harvey. Family Feud . Richard Dawson: Alright, there's our families, now let's start the Feud! Combs:[during Fast Money]Name something you must have in order to live. Playing against (the challengers,)the (insert family #2), on your marks! "You got the cash/$5,000/$10,000!" Harvey: We asked one hundred women, name a reason you'd dump a guy. Dawson: Name the most lovable breed of dog. Combs:[during Fast Money]The month people shop for fall clothing. Karn: Name a famous Dennis.Contestant: Buddy Holly. Harvey: No, you didn't, on national TV, set us back 30 years. Karn: Name a sport husbands and wives can play together. The family introductions vary per special edition of the show. Give it up for Steeeevee Harvey! I wish you are. It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! ", takes the points. . - Richard Karn, John O'Hurley, and Steve Harvey, "For this survey, we're asking/we'll ask youfor the Top/Number One answer only. (cue laughter, collective facepalms, and Harvey's WTF face) can I say that? You can't but you don't have to dream of them, 'cause I'm gonna take them with me. - Ray Combs during the Fast Money Round, "ZEROOOOOOO!" The Dubra family against the Spoerri family. [buzzer]. Anderson: Name something teenage boys can do for hours at a time. - said upon the final answer in Fast Money, "But, if he/she does it all by his/herself, don't bring (insert other contestant) out." Harvey: Yeah, man. "It's time for the Family Feud! Plus we can all relate to the families involved in the heat of the trivia battle. I'm sorry. ", 20022003: - Ray Combs, "BULLSEYE!!! What is the top answer to this (Family Feud) question: (insert question)? A purse? - Louie Anderson (1999-2000), "Play Feud at It's the (insert family #1), playing against, the (insert family #2)! I got time, seems like. Don't put no iced tea in that! Come on, let's me and you stand here. And from "How I Met Dat Mama" Miss Alyson Hannagan! Then, the other family gets a chance to steal." Harvey: Name the month when you do your spring cleaning. If you do, you're gonna hear this sound:(buzz-buzz) I'll say "Try again", and you give me another answer. ", Its time to play Family Feud! - said since 2003, 20032006: Dawson: Very good. - Ray Combs (on occasion during the Triple Round if time runs short). Harvey: Alright, number two, okay, okay, you gotta give me a word or phrase that means "Naked". Combs: You know, the #1 answer was "Barks". - Louie Anderson (2000-2001), "Louie Anderson's wardrobe is provided by Rochester Big & Tall Clothing." Let's check the scoreboard." Combs:[during Fast Money]Something that goes on a Frankfurter. Harvey: We asked 100 men, name a part of your body that's bigger than it was when you were 16 Contestant: Said,the medical terminology. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. (We'll)See ya/you (here)on the (Family) Feud. And welcome to the Feud! Celebrity Family Feud Revival (2015Present): Burton: "It's time for Celebrity Family Feud! [buzzer]O'Hurley: I think the holidays are going to be a very different experience for you this year. ), "Is Number (insert number)(insert answer)?" Call me! STEVE walks out to family feud music. Thank you. O'Hurley: If a baby didn't want his mother leaving the house, name something he might try hiding in his diaper.Contestant:Kelly Clarkson. detail ( Bell dings) Tray: Alright. Somehow, he actually gets the Harper clan (including Ellen, but not Fran or Sonia) on . third strike, then the (insert family name) will get a chance to steal (and win the game/remain the champs/play Sudden Death)! This template can be used for showcasing any sort of game content you can think of, including any Family Feud-type games. It could happen." Sometimes, a contestant reads the plug. Give me the most popular answer." Introducing the (insert family #1 and their names), playing against (our returning champions,)the (insert family #2 and their names)! This template is intended for presentations relating to esports and game development. I've never DREAMED I would ever have a job where so many people could touch me, and I could touch them. When we come back, we'll play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000." Here's the question." Weve lost our creator and producer, Mark Goodson. Im sorry! - Said ifthe contestant buzzed in before Steve asked the question, "Welcome back to (the) ((Celebrity) Family) Feud(, everybody)! O'Hurley: 401 Contestant: 401(k) jelly. Contestant: Oh right, that was close in the area. Let's meetthe Del Campo Family: Jim, James, Ed, Steve and Robert, on your marks! I thought that was thestupidest answer Harvey: Name a kind of crack.Contestant: Crackhead.Harvey:(resignedly) This show is going to hell. Alright, today we got great actors versus great directors. We got (insert celebrity team #1) playing for (insert charity of choice), and (insert celebrity team #2) playing for (insert charity of choice). (Somebody's playing for $10,000/$20,000.)" Combs: Name the birthday men dread the most. 4. If you live in the New York City area (or expect to be there), call area code [[4]]. - Gene Wood (1985 Daytime Finale). [Contestant's answer: "A duck."] Our thoughts and prayers go out of his family and friends. - Richard Dawson (on the first Face-Off question from 1976-1985), "We asked 100 people this question, and we put the top (insert number) answers (on the board). We'll start by placing $5,000 in their banks to both families." (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), Im sorry! All right. Steve Harvey: Well, I wouldn't bet on this team right here. A Penis, oh, we gonna keeping that answer. Over the summer, weve lost a beloved member of Family Feud, Richard Dawson, the original host of our show. Combs:[during Fast Money]Give me a word that describes thunder. If you've just tuned in, boy, we've got agreat one for ya! And now, here's your host, RICKI LAKE!!! (with hisAl salute)- Richard Karn (2002-2003), "Come on back tomorrow, you don't want to miss it/this!" Joe and Beldar, come on, let's go! I Know! The original host was Richard Dawson, but Steve Harvey runs the show today! Go back (to the podium)! Who's gonna play? I gotta tell you. ABC - Jackie Smith, Wally Weltmen, Joe C. Albott - they kept us on the air probably a year more than they should have, 'cause were weren't really helping them. - Ray Combs (1988-1994), "(I love this game!) I thanked my crew, and I thanked my director already. Family Feud Script: Roles: Announcer Host (Richard Dawson) Vidors (direct care provider team member) Slayors (Legislayors team member) Sounds: [OPENING THEME] - um, like the opening theme [FACE_OFF] - Theme played just prior to team members facing off at podium [APPLAUSE] - for correct answers [SMALL_APPLAUSE] - for Legislayors answers Contestant 2: Your bra? Contestant: Maybeher husband's home. No, just come on. But I want you to know,that I'm excited about being on CBS, and hosting this show. I feel likeGene Rayburn. His very small package. "Some (of the) departing contestants/families will receive (insert prizes)." Playing against the (insert family #2 (and their names)), on your marks! We would take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show a dream come true. Right after the show, outside, Don and Woodstock are gonna be kicking each other's ass. It's time to play Fast Money for WINNING TEAM: $10,000/$20,000!" - Louie Anderson, "If it's there, you guys have stolen the points and taken first blood; if not, the (insert family name) keeps those points for themselves!" You got to try to find the most popular answer. [BUZZ]. You'll get the answer as we play Bullseye on the Family Feud Challenge!+ Introducing (our returning champions,)the (insert family #1), ready for action! Combs:[during Fast Money]Name a place you check in and out of. Oh rats! YOU SAID IT, AND THEN YOU SAID "DO I HAVE TO MAKE YOU SAY IT AGAIN?" Everyone/Everybody settle down! Harvey: (starts laughing) What did he want do to you? GENE: Because they love you, Richard. "This is the Perry Family: Don, Yana, Doug, Heather and Ivan, ready for action! Dawson: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night. Introducing the Madvig Family: Alan, Carolyn, Ida, Carol and Alan, on your marks! So, I leave you with love, and for the little girl, that,nine years ago I first signed to - I guess she's 13 now - I'll think of you everyday. Here are the rules and a list of 100 Family Feud survey questions and survey answers you can use to play the game with. - John O'Hurley from the first episode from 2006, "Thank you,thank you, everybody. - Richard Dawson/Ray Combs, said when a player fails to reach 200 points in the Fast Money round. Discover everything about America's hottest game show, hosted by Steve Harvey. STEVE: Hey everybody, how y'all doing today? I had the best staff you've ever dreamed of. If you said Milk, you had the Bullseye answer. Original Airdate 05/05/2020. HOO! Hello/Welcome to (insert family #1)! He was also known for his humor, and was very loyal to our viewers. Dawson: Who is it that you don't want to see the results of your IQ test? Harvey: Fill in the blank, pie in the what. Combs: Name something a woman out on a date would hate to discover on her face. Groups and organizations are most welcome." I Know! - Ray Combs (at the start of the second and subsequent Face-Off), "Welcome back to (the) Family Feud. - Ray Combs' alternate versions of BAM! A food associated with Christmas. Harvey: It explains, you know this explains, you have all the answers, but that we will be on the board. ", "Did any of our 100 people in the survey said (insert answer)?" Karn: Name a sport that'sNOTplayed with a ball.Contestant:Bowling. "Hey, you can play Feud online anytime at - Richard Karn (2004-2006), "I'm John O'Hurley saying goodbye for now." Arthur's Family Feud/Transcript < Arthur's Family Feud View source Introduction The TV shows a journalist standing in front of a partly destroyed building. "All the way from (city, state) (returning for their (x) day), it's the (insert family #1)! - Family Feud host (on the second and later Face-Off questions; Ray Combs and Richard Karn will not say the first line on the second and later questions; since 2010, Steve Harvey will not say the first line at the start of Round 1), "We asked 100 people these five questions." O'Hurley: Name the age when men start coloring their hair.Contestant: 42. What is the number 1 Bullseye answer? O'Hurley: Name a part of your body that never gets sunburned.Contestant: My butt. (All the other questions are normal.)" Have the next group respond and play a sound effect. Harvey: Fill in the blank;when I was a kid, we didn't have what? Sairon: It's time to play family feud! (On your marks!) [This answer was given on two different occasions.]. N-E-K-K-I-D. (pointing at the board and imitating the sound of a answer been up there)Bing. 2011present: Dawson: Real or fictional, name a famous Willie. Contestant: Well, Richard uh, I mean Ray Combs: You can call me Richard. Oh ho! 2023 Jeopardy! "Harvey: Bald?Contestant: I'm offended.Harvey:Damn. Combs:[during Fast Money]A country where people have long last names. Harvey: Instead of a casket, name something a person might choose to be buried in Harvey: (starts laughing) In a---In a-- Let's see here. - said before the second contestant plays Fast Money, "Let's remind everyone of (insert name)'s answers!" From 2002-2021, this was said before the final commercial break/fee plugs. You can't possibly be trying to pull that off on national TV, you can't possibly, Arvell. Bring the fun and excitement of America's favorite game show to your home computer or laptop when you download Family Feud 2 on PC or Mac. 3. ", "If you plan on being in the Los Angeles Area and would like you and your family like to become a contestant on Family Feud, send a postcard to: Family Feud (Contestants), 6430 Sunset Blvd. "Listen (very) carefully as we move (very) quickly." Dawson: Name the first thing you take off after work. I that was very touching. I've done lots and lots of jobs, and I've never, ever had a job like Family Feud. Harvey:[deadpan]They're black, okay. - Louie Anderson about the Family Circle Tournament finale, "(insert score recap). We surveyed 100 people; top (insert number) answers areon the board. What are y'all clappin' for?! Boy! Go to or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to find out how!" ", 19761985; 19941995: - Louie Anderson (going into a second commercial break from 1999-2002; although he makes funny jokes about the answers after the last round), "When we come back, we're gonna Triple the points and find out who's gonna play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000. Dawson: The price of a dozen roses. You are in a minute. Combs:[during Fast Money]A word used to describe a plane flight. I have no doubt. Combs:[during Fast Money]Something your dog does. Give it up for STEVE HARVEY!!!". Be in total control of your money with Green Dot." I'm gonna ask you 5 Bullseye questions, each increasing value by $1,000, which means you could win up to $30,000." Karn: Name someone you would find in an operating room.Contestant: The operator. Playing against the Roderick Family: Brande, Debbie, Walter, Jason and Betty, on your marks! My aunt & uncle. - Ray Combs on the Tran family only getting 77 points for $385 in Fast Money and left the stage after signing off in the 1994 series finale. Come back and see our families/ours/family, on the Feud. Now, Family Feud can be enjoyed twice a day, for twice as much fun with the greatest families in America battling it out for their family honor, and in the evening version, they're playing for $10,000." Harvey: How long could you go without buying something new. With the star of our show, AL ROKER! Journalist: The war in Bolodzka raged on today as rebel troops seized control. The host asks a question, and the player who buzzes in first tries to guess the number one response. And/Playing against(insert team #2) playing for (insert charity)! - said during Fast Money. If you've just tuned in, we welcome you to the premiere episode of our evening version. "You know, I've done this show for six years, and this could be the first time that I had a person that actually got no points, and I think it's a damn fine way to go out. ", and she changed my whole life with that statement. Dawson: Your bra! While Ray wont be around for this revival of the Feud, we will remember him for being part of our family, and we will miss him. - Louie Anderson (commemorating former Feud host Ray Combs, who died in 1996, in the premiere episode of the 1999 revival), Hi, folks. (insert first winning family member). Welcome to Family Feud. I'm sorry. Vint's latest money-making scheme is to get on "Family Feud" (the nighttime syndicated edition) and win $10,000 in Fast Money. Game Shows Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Today, we're going to see two wonderful families battle it out for family honoron their way to $5,000, with a chance for $5,000. Combs: A CONDOM!!?!?!?!?! (1989-1994), 19992002: If player 1 makes a correct first guess, they get control of the round. Uh (scores 4 points). ", 1992 Pilot (First Half): - demo of the Fast Money round mostly said by Richard Karn, "Now, if you put together 200 points, you will win-" - Richard Karn, "Clear the board, and let's bring out (insert name)!" [laughter]. Family Feud is a game where players must guess the most popular survey answers. - Louie Anderson from the first episode from 1999, "It's time for the Feud. Thank you very much, you made me feel right at home." NOTE #1: When Richard Dawson hosted the show, he will sometimes omit "said" before the number of people appeared on the board. Thank-(hitting the end music in the air with his fist) Thank you so very much, thank you for tuning in at home. It's/Introducing (insert team #1) playing for (insert charity)! Harvey: Name a place people like to escape to.Contestant: A drunken state!Harvey:*looks up with a 'what the hell' expression*. Mama's Family; s1e5 - Family Feud - script; Search. You made me feel like a man. - Richard Dawson (to the Controlling Family during the Triple Round if time runs short), "Top three answers on the board. There were more bad answers, including Spain, Fiji, Armenia and Saudi Arabia. Please do not (attempt to) ask me to repeat. ", 1987 Pilot: {turns to board] Shoes! - Host, "If (number of people needed) said (2nd player's answer to final question), you'll win $XX,XXX." - John O'Hurley (whenever there's one answer left to be revealed on the Survey Board from 2008-2010), "We'll be back right after this." Because, if it's not up there, there's not enough points, so the other team wins." - Ray Combs after the first family member gets over 200 points on the first try, "Come out here and hug 'em!" - Ray Combs (on a Face-Off during the Triple Round if time runs short), "You only get one strike, so they get to steal immediately." Dawson: Name something that people take with them to the bath besides soap and a towel. I just got this job! He didn't just folded his arms. It's our last show, and I have to tell you, that whoever wins this and they play, normally they'll come back, they won't. . Van Waylon we've got the number two answer up there,I'm pretty sure it's Van Waylon. Combs: Name a good place to keep a second phone. You said "ding-a-ling", any damn thing. O'Hurley: Name a famous giant.Contestant #1: The Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant.Contestant #2:Arnold Schwarzenegger. - said to the player before the start of the Fast Money round, "Turn around!" As of 2022, this phrase is said during the credits. O'Hurley: Name something that a fed-up wife might finally tell her husband to do for himself.Contestant: Umsatisfy himself. Karn: Name something you feel before you buy it.Contestant: Excited. - Ray Combs (whether or not there's one answer left to be revealed), "Not there!" Thank you." Good night." You will hear it. Sure! (insert score recap)." To start the server, run the script found at /run/server.command.To start the client, run the script found at /run/client.command.Because the .command files are bash scripts, windows users will have to run them with a tool like cygwin.All server code is found in the /src/ file and all . You don't--we're gonna point to the board and this is the reason you'd dump a guy, ok? Harvey:(mocking her) "We're goin' for the money, so that makes it alright! Show me Van Waylon! - When the losing team gets $500 in the form of the Green Dot Prepaid Card(used since the 2015-16 season), "(X) points is tough in the second position. - Richard Dawson (when the answer made the survey), "(No,) They didn't/did not!" 401(k) jelly! Come on back and see us." Introducing (our returning champions,) the (insert family #1), ready for action! (audience cheering continues)If you do too much of that, I won't be able to do a show for you, because I'll cry." Oh, you gotta put your shoe. Make those answers count!" - 2002-present. And now, here's your host, JOHN O'HURLEY!!! Family Feud is a mainstay in American (and international) television because people love the game. He was a producer in the beginning of the show, and he helped steer and guide the way that we went, and he and I fall a lot of times, but I tell you, that he is important, and I should acknowledge him, because he was the one, with me, that, we said, "Let anybody come on this show, anyone that could play this game, no matter what color or creed, no matter if they're in a wheelchair or they have no sight!". If it wasnt for him, we wouldnt have had this great show. Besides, he hosted the very same show I'm hosting now! Just help me. Harvey: Those--Those people on top row over there. [buzzer] You're a little strange. Thank you, America." ", "This answer is worth $XXX,XXX to someone. family feud sounds at triggered events (sounds are subject to copyright and will be changed later) timers for fast money 1 and 2 game window screen can go back in history Changeable team names Hostable/Joinable Rooms with generated room codes Localization support English Espaol Indonesian Start ", Steve: "Welcome to Celebrity Family Feud! And now, here's the star of our show,STEVE HARVEY!!! Happy Birthday, America. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Combs:[during Fast Money]A position on a football team. I am going to read the question once/one time. - Steves opening tagline,the speech in parenthesesis used since 2011, "Before we start, there's somebody/someone who wants to wish you luck (in this Comfort Inn Hotel Family Moment)." What are you trying to do?! - Louie Anderson, John OHurley, and Steve Harvey, "I'll/I'm gonna/Let me finish (reading/asking)/re-read the question." That said, the show *does* rerack questions. Thank you! Thank you! DISPLAY SLIDE 1 - TITLE SLIDE "FAMILY FEUD" Sound Effect - TV Show Theme Song THE HOST ENTERS (Waving to the audience, carrying a stack of game show cards) HOST The sex jelly that you use. - Richard Dawson/Ray Combs (said when a contestant checks the answers in Fast Money), "(insert name) is offstage where he/she can't see your answers. (scored 0 points). Harvey: Name something Steve's wife doesn't want anyone else to do to his head. Be good to your family/families. Come here, give the animal right here. O'Hurley: A famous Christina.Contestant: Christina the Car. Combs: Wet [[laughter]] Shut up, or I'll kill you! - (said when a host forces a contestant to give them an answer quickly or they will get a strike), "(insert number) answer(s) better/will/can beat it. Harvey: You don't want nobody to sit on it. Contestant: No. "Welcome to the newFamily Feud Challenge! Family feud is a favorite game show in the UK and US. [long, awkward pause]It's up there! ONE TALL STAND IS POSITIONED IN THE CENTER OF THE STAGE. Karn: Name a famous Jamie.Contestant 1: Jamie Fonda.Contestant 2: Judge Jamie Brown.Contestant 3: Jamie Star. When Joey Fatone became the new announcer, he says his name, location and the name of the game show. Survey said [11 -- and Dawson faints] After getting up:I've get to retire after this show. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Bye." Mark created several game shows, including The Price is Right, Match Game, and of course, Family Feud. - John O'Hurley, "First team/family to (reach) [[1]]points/dollars plays Fast Money for (insert amount)! Here's the star of Family Feud, RAY COMBS!!! It's packed with side-splitting humor and charm. Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! Dawson: Besides a bird, something in a birdcage. Just drop them in the ground. You come over here with me. On the one-hour edition of the NEW FAMILY FEUD CHALLENGE!!!! Traditionally, Family Feud teams consist of five players, so teams of 4 to 6 are ideal. - Louie Anderson (at the start of the Triple Round from 2001-2002), "But, I'm only going to read the question once, so everybody pay attention/listen (closely/carefully). Now, here's the star of our show, RICHARD KARN!!! 1975 Pilot: "It's time for the Family Feud! - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. "- Richard Dawson, "This is going to be a little different from normal. Let's try to hit the Bullseye answers for more than $25,000! (audience laughing)They are so special and wonderful. What are you doing at your house? $10,000 in cash for the relatives!" - Richard Dawson, "(You got control.) I'm gonna ask you the same 5 questions, you cannot duplicate the answers. (wild cheers and applause continue) Stop, please. ", you (champions) remain the champs, otherwise the new champs are called the (challengers)!". Combs: You think that made the survey? Thank you so much, and welcome to Family Feud. I said, "God.". Karn: Name something you push a pin into.Contestant: Your eye. I just have to thank this crew. It doesn't matter I'm a pastor's wife, a ticket to Hell is worth $20,000! We got a good one today. Playing against (our challengers,) the (insert family #2), on your marks! What is the number 1 Bullseye answer? Mike:(buzzes in)Shit.
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