Save 20 Hours a Week By Removing These 4 Useless Things In Your Life. Displays a list of component messages for the last 12 hours for a specified site code, computer, and component. Starting in version 2203, you can perform client notification actions, including Run Scripts, from the Deployment Status view. Displays a list of computers that have a specified amount of RAM (Total Physical Memory rounded to the nearest MB). The SmartDeploy Client automatically scans and reports the Windows Update status for every endpoint in your environment. Deployment: Operating System: List of devices and operating system deployment statistics in . OS 3. Key Roles & Responsibilities are: Click Cancel when the data is loading. SCCM 2012 Package Deployment Status Report. Displays a summary of the deployment status of wake-up proxy for a specified collection. Displays all the resources in a specified collection. Displays a summary of computers that have the specified App-V application package. Download the Power BI reports directly from Microsoft download site and use . Displays information about all the issues reported by clients. Displays the inventory history for the operating system on a specified computer. Displays a summary of the compliance of configuration items in a specified configuration baseline. You are first presented with a gridview list of all current app deployments. 19th May 2020, 03:04 PM #4. Click on Client apps Apps Add. Historical: View malware that has been detected in the organization. The site calculates the period of time based on the deployment start time. Displays information about rules in a deployed configuration item that conflict with other rules. Displays applications deployed to a specified device or user. It's a combination I'm liking more every day In this post, I give you a PowerShell script that will query your ConfigMgr SQL server and return the deployment status of a ConfigMgr Application.. Comments. Computer Name 2. To get the DeploymentID, go to Monitoring -> Deployments -> Right Click the column header and select AssignmentID. You can filter this report by product name. Displays all software update deployments that are deployed to a specified computer. Displays all Windows apps installed to the specified user. Display a count of detected App-V applications. Displays all mobile devices with the specified amount of free removable memory. Over 16+ experience in End-user services along with cloud technologies<br> Primarily worked on various packaging, repackaging, release and testing tools such as Install Shield 2012-2019, App-v Sequencer for various versions of Windows 10.<br> Involved in Configuration Manager Application deployments end to end life cycle for Windows 10 Migration Program, Imaging/re-imaging laptops . Displays a list of computers that the site hasn't recently discovered. Displays the number of peer cache source rejections per boundary group. Displays information about application content that was deployed to a specified distribution point group. Chose a location and file name for the Application Pack, and then click Save. KACE Cloud, now with third-party application patching, has transformed endpoint management with . Displays all user device associations for the specified collection, and groups the results by collection type (for example, user or device). Go to Software Library > Overview > Application Management > Application Groups. The following 13 reports are listed under the Software Metering category. Displays the total monthly energy consumption (in kWh) for a specified collection over a specified time period. These values apply to application, task sequence, and package deployments. The following reports are included with Configuration Manager. Displays the number of computers inventoried by each sound card type. Displays the number of computers assigned and installed for each site. SmartDeploy Alternatives, Competitors & Similar Software. Displays a list of computers that have a processor of a specified speed. . The reports appear in various categories. Goal-oriented professional offering over 11 years of experience in Windows Desktop Support, System Administration, Vendor Management & Troubleshooting<br> Proven skills in end-to-end management of IT operations from strategy to implementation involving requirement analysis, scheduling, tracking, system study, designing, testing & debugging<br> Visited the United Kingdom twice for . The list organizes for every hour since an administrator creates the package and program deployment. This tells the client to both check to make sure it has the latest list of deployments and then runs the Installation check for each of them to determine whether the app has installed successfully or not. WIP Troubleshooting Checklist - Check Work Account Info to confirm if device. Displays a list of clients that haven't reported discovery data, hardware inventory, or software inventory in a specified number of days. Displays Terms and Conditions items and which version each user has accepted. Displays computers that act as Key Management Servers. For example: A user signs in to two devices. Displays the evaluation state for a specified software update deployment, which is typically the first phase of a deployment assessment. Displays a summary of the compliance of configuration policies. I'm looking to basically export Monitoring -> Deployments -> Application Name with Error: The client failed to deploy the application because of an error. Select Application Deployment Summarizer, and the select Edit. The following 10 reports are listed under the Software Distribution - Application Monitoring category. Displays a list of client computers in a specified site. Displays users and the count of computers on which they're the primary user. Expand Databases and right click SCCM database and select New Query. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. Select Run whether user is logged on or not. Displays the mobile devices managed by the Exchange Server connector that haven't connected to an Exchange Server in a specified number of days. In my opinion, the best place to view the status of your deployment (at least at first) is on the Monitoring Node. Lets find SCCM Application Deployment Status SQL Query Custom Report. Displays the states for all software updates in the specified deployment for a specified computer. Displays all computers in a specified state for a software update deployment. Displays a count of products that have their licenses managed by the Software Licensing Service. The following 10 reports are listed under the Operating System category. In addition to improvements in performance and layout, the console now supports a quicker way to monitor application deployments. Get-CMAppDeploymentReport -ChooseFromGrid -DetailType Both -OutputType Text. Displays all content currently installed on a specified distribution point. Displays a list of the computers that a specified version of a product is inventoried on. Historical: View computers that are missing software updates. Displays a list of computers that the site hasn't recently inventoried. For example, the OS on the device isn't applicable. In the Configuration Manager console, go to the Monitoring workspace, and select the Deployments node. Click on the Execute button. The only real lead this would be providing was that we had a challenge, as "Program rejected (wrong platform . Displays security scopes and the Configuration Manager administrative users and security groups associated with each scope. Displays a list of computers that have processors that run at or slower than a specified clock speed. App Portal - Application deployment failure report. In this post, you will learn how to make a working Application Deployment SQL query to find the deployment status from your configuration manager (a.k.a ConfigMgr) database. Configuration management (CM) is a process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life. Displays information about the deployment status of Wake-Up Proxy for each device in a specified collection. Displays a list of all computers that the specified site discovered. Get up to date quickly with clear, expert coverage of SCCM 2016 Mastering System Center Configuration Manager provides comprehensive coverage of Microsoft's powerful network software deployment tool, with a practical hands-on approach. The following 22 reports are listed under the Compliance and Settings Management category. Displays all of the package and program deployments at this site. Displays scan errors at the site and a count of computers that are experiencing each error. Displays a list of computers running Remote Access Server. Displays information about the client push installation process for a specified site. Displays the health state details of the roaming user profile for a specified user. Displays the progress of all deployments for the specified task sequence. View a list of computers on which a specified product is detected. For example, if an application is deployed to a collection of users, you can view the compliance state of the deployment and the deployment purpose in the Configuration Manager console. Display a summary of the files inventoried that are associated with a specified software product. Refer to the following documentation to understand the basic. Displays total site data replication traffic on a specified link for a specified number of days. Displays all computers with specified software installed. Displays all software installed on a specified computer. Displays a list of software configured to automatically run on computers. Then in the Settings group of the ribbon, choose Status Summarizers. Displays the number of inventoried SCSI cards by card type. Lets see how the result looks like for the deployment status. Displays a count of licenses nearing expiration by a specified time range. Displays the software updates in a specified deployment that don't have all of the associated content retrieved. Displays computers, managed by the Software Licensing Service, that include a specified product. Displays detailed information for issues reported by clients in a specified collection. Displays mobile devices that recently enrolled with Configuration Manager and successfully assigned to a site. Displays compliance information for the specified application within the specified collection. Monitor application deployments by using the Monitoring workspace in the Configuration Manager console or by using reports. Displays the number of IP addresses inventoried for each IP subnet. Displays all deployments that include a specified software update and the associated target collection for the deployment. Displays information about the rules evaluated as compliant for a specified configuration item for a specified device or user. Devices that are managed by the Exchange Server connector aren't included. Displays the overall compliance data for a software update group. When clicking on a number, you are sent to the Deployment - Application report. Displays securable objects, the security scopes associated with the objects, and which administrative users have rights to the objects. Displays categories for a specified driver. Select your update deployment in the top pane, and the bottom pane will populate with some . Displays all corporate owned mobile devices. The main KPI is the first bar and all the others should simply help identify patch problems or flaws in your deployment strategy. Specify a site to display all computers with a specified compliance scan state. Displays the number of modems inventoried for each modem manufacturer. Displays USB devices, grouped by manufacturer. The following five reports are listed under the Hardware - General category. Displays an Asset Intelligence summary view of computers in a collection you specify. Applies to: Configuration Manager (current branch). Displays the users enabled for the Microsoft Intune subscription. Displays the compliance data for software updates defined in a software update group. If multiple agents discovered a computer, it may appear more than once in the list. Displays the summary information for the specified task sequence deployment. If a collection member has a deployment on a different collection you are out of luck. Displays information about users and devices that have apps installed that aren't compliant with a policy you specified. The following four reports are listed under the User Data and Profiles Health category. It also shows any deployment types for the specified virtual environment. The following five reports are listed under the Hardware - Memory category. The following 10 reports are listed under the Replication Traffic category. These filters are computer name, Configuration Manager site, domain, top console user, operating system, manufacturer, or model. Displays the list of users with the most number of detected threats. Displays executable programs that the specified user used recently. The following five reports are listed under the Migration category. Displays a summary of the overall compliance of a specified configuration baseline. Displays details about clients that client check failed for a specified collection. Displays software titles based on matching of all specified custom label criteria. For more information about how to configure reporting in Configuration Manager, see Introduction to reporting. Displays details about a specified computer and the list of malware found on it. Displays supported platforms for a specified driver. If one of the deployments fails, the aggregate deployment state for the computer displays as Error. T here are no default reports that can display results for each collection member. Displays detailed information about deployment failure for mobile devices that are managed by the Configuration Manager client for Windows CE. Displays summary information about the logical disks on a specified computer. The following one report is listed under the Vulnerability Assessment category. Displays the summary of health states for folder redirection and roaming user profiles. Displays general information about Windows servicing for a specific collection. Historical: A summary of software distribution for a specific advertisement and machine. Our team has decades of combined experience helping companies like yours in diverse industries to drive their digital transformations using Microsofts powerful solution set. For more information, see List of reports. These clients must have an assigned fallback status point. Displays the number of CD-ROM drives inventoried per manufacturer. These rules are for locally installed software, or using Terminal Services. Displays all software titles that don't have a custom label defined. Highlight one and click OK. Endpoint Manager. Displays a summary of status messages indicating remote control of client computers by a specified user. Displays a summary of the progress of all task sequences. Select the site for which you want to configure the summarization interval. Displays information about the mobile devices that have the Configuration Manager client installed. This product contains two SCCM Application Deployment reports : Deployment - Applications Overview : Overview of all your application deployments. Displays the software updates that are contained in a specified deployment. Displays a list of computers where a specified Microsoft product that supports per-processor licensing is installed. Displays all computers that have installed software with a specified software identification tag enabled. Displays all computers for which a specified user is the primary console user. The major objective of these posts is to reach out to the audience who are working as Support team members as SCCM Admins in their organizations. Displays detailed information about the power capabilities, power settings, and power plans applied to a specified computer. Note: To troubleshoot Application Model issues at the client end, follow the Deep Dive Application Model Troubleshooting client end link. Displays total global data replication traffic on a specified link for a specified number of days. Displays the number of computers inventoried by operating system. Software Update Compliance Status; Software Update Deployment Status; There are actually two ways to download these Power BI reports. I am trying to get detailed progress messages of a Deployment that deploys a Task sequence, using Powershell. Status of Configuration Manager update within hierarchy: Displays a summary of the software installed on a specified computer that is registered in Add Remove Programs or Programs and Features. Displays computers that installed the licensed product with a specified version. Displays a graph showing monitor, computer, and user activity for a specified computer on a specified date. Displays all computers in this collection that have the specified custom-labeled software title installed. Displays all package and program deployments for the site with a summary status of each deployment. The following seven reports are listed under the Data warehouse category. 2. Displays the inventory history for CD-ROM drives on a specified computer.