AVID. 7241 W. Rose Garden Lane. Sky View Academy-Elementary Sky View Academy-Secondary . 100% Virtual (APEX) Learning. Calendar. P: 843-399-6136 F: 843-399-2233. Middle School Course Catalog. 2023-2024 Open Enrollment Inter/Intra-District Transfer Request DUE February 15th! Tues.- Fri Bell Schedule. Hagan que sus padres se sientan orgullosos de ustedes siendo responsables y tomando buenas decisiones todos los das. Sierra High School; Bell Schedule ; 2022-2023 Bell Schedules. Bell Schedule; News Archive; Safety; School Boundaries; School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) . . Click for more information. Sierra Madre Middle School Our Children. Ontario Clippers Family Night For Kucera Middle School Hey Coyotes and all you basketball fans out there! Staff Intranet; Parent Portal; Menu; Search; Close Nav. 01:40 PM. El15 de agosto es un gran da para nuestro personal, sus padres y, lo ms importante, para ustedes los estudiantes. Sierra Vista K-8 / Middle School 6-8 / Bell Schedule. Cerro Villa Middle School. For information, visit our Bridge website. Sierra Middle School is Integrity, Innovation, Inspiration, and Excellence. Leading Tomorrow. Sierra Rangers are strong and resilient. Forms and documents must be returned within 3 weeks of email notification. Support and coordination can be found at . Middle School Bell Schedule. SIERRA WEEKLY UPDATE. The mission of Sierra Middle School is to provide students with a safe, supportive, and diverse learning environment. We are dedicated to developing an educational environment free of discrimination.By law, where LCPS has a designated limited public forum, it may not deny equal access or a fair opportunity to meet, or discriminate against, any group officially affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, or any other youth group listed as a patriotic society. Please welcome Kristine to the Spartan family! Leading Tomorrow. Gold Rush Elementary School. Virtual Parent Conferences // Conferencias Virtuales para Padres, Survey for Parents // Encuesta para Padres, Where to check your grades // Dnde revisar tus calificaciones, How to access your classes // Cmo acceder a sus clases, Accessing your digital textbooks // Acceso a sus libros de texto digitales, How to use Zoom on a Chromebook // Cmo usar Zoom en un Chromebook, MacArthur Fundamental Intermediate School, Po Pico Spanish Dual Language Immersion Academy, Field Trip to Segerstrom Concert Hall: 5th Grade, Field Trip: Segerstrom Center for the Arts, Boys' Basketball/Girls' Soccer: Sierra vs. Mendez @ Sierra, Girls' Soccer & Boys' Basketball @ Sierra Prep, Girls' Soccer & Boys' Basketball @ Mendez, 2021-24 Adopted Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The Santa Ana Unified School District is committed to providing a working and learning environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying. In 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill (SB) 328 Pupil Attendance: School Start Time into law. 15959 E. Gale Ave., City Of Industry, CA 91745 Revised Bell Schedule Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Introducing new Sierra Asst. Will after school programs still operate. Tel: 520-462-0832 6188 E. Pima . For inquiries related to Title II, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Title II Coordinator, 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5656 or via email at Bianca.Barquin@sausd.us. Sierra House Elementary School Home of the Mountain Academy. Graduation Requirements. Bell Schedule. Block & Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday; 8:20 AM - 8:30 AM: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Block 1: Hillcrest High School. 8th Grade Promotion Video! Alta Sierra Intermediate School. Estamos aqu para apoyarlos con cualquier cosa, solo comunquense con nosotros y siempre encontrarn una persona cariosa en Sierra. Attendance: (949) 936-6601. Click here to begin the process. PARENT VUE. The District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, gender/sex (including gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and pregnancy-related medical conditions) sexual orientation, mental/physical disability, immigration status, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental status, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age (40 and above), genetic information, political belief or affiliation (not union related), a person's association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance, or regulation in any program or activity it conducts or to which it provides significant assistance. Resources. The Clovis Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a persons actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact: Equity Compliance Officer - Norm Anderson, Deputy Superintendent, 1450 Herndon Avenue, Clovis, CA 93611, (559) 327-9000, Clovis Unified School District: Be the best you can be in mind, body, and spirit, 380 W Teague Ave Clovis, CA 93619 | (559) 327-3500, Part of the Clovis Unified School District, California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF), Principal's Advisory on Student Affairs (PASA). Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Tucson, AZ 85706 Area II Transportation - 703-446-2050. site-search. Please visit our Parent Resources page below for helpful information in preparation for this coming school year. All Rights Reserved. Junior high is a LEMAN VIRTUAL ACADEMY. Area I Transportation - 703-446-2150. Matthew Gage Middle School; Riverside STEM Academy; Sierra Middle School; University Heights Middle School; High School; Abraham Lincoln High; Arlington High; John W. North High; . 10101 Cross Creek Boulevard. January 23, 2023, at 8:00 am -- August 1, 2023, at 4:00 pm. We are here to support you with anything, just reach out to us and you will always find a caring person at Sierra. After school meals will be served at dismissal time, as part of the after school/enrichment programs. Hello Sierra Rangers. Contact Us. Sierra Vista Middle School. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees, and members of the public. Mr. Robinson, Principal Phone: 1-951-788-7501 Dr. Cherilynne Hollowell School Hours M, T, Th, F: 8:15 am - 2:40 pm Wednesday: 8:15 am - 12:50 pm Office Hours Monday - Friday: 7:30 am-3:00 pm New Registration Hours Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm QUICK LINKS Virtual Wellness Center More Info S que algunos de ustedes han sido afectados personalmente por los retos que hemos enfrentado a resultado de la pandemia, y los animo a que se comuniquen con una consejera o cualquier miembro del personal de Sierra en quien confen si necesitan ayuda con cualquier emocin o sentimiento con el que puedan estar teniendo dificultad. Mission Statement. Sierra Middle School Facebook Page Principal Debbi Norris dnorris@risd.k12.nm.us Click here to view on Google Maps 615 S. Sycamore Roswell, NM 88203-1451 575-627-2850 In-Person/ Canvas Learning 100% Virtual (APEX) Learning The Sierra Monthly Athletics Calendar Library RISD Home School Board PowerSchool SMS Facebook Clever Technology Staff Directory Forms and documents must be returned. Find Us . Sports. All rights reserved. Para los alumnos de los grados 6-8 la escuela comienza a las 8:30AM, pero les pido que estn en la escuela a las 8:10AM para que puedan encontrar su primera clase en nuestras hojas de informacin y puedan desayunar antes de este dia importante. CONTACT INFORMATION: 160 N Caon Ave Sierra Madre, CA 91024 (PHONE) 626-396-5910 (FAX) 626-836-2964 Site Map. Lauffer Middle School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule. Educational Talent Search, 8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Para los alumnos de los grados TK-5, la escuela comienza a las 8:15 AM, pero les recomiendo que estn al menos 15 minutos antes en la escuela para que tengan la oportunidad de desayunar y saludar a sus profesores y compaeros de clase. Infinite Campus Portal For parents/caregivers and students. Our goal is to ensure that every Golden Sierra graduate leaves our school prepared for higher education and high . 1709 Remington Trail South Lake Tahoe CA 96150. This is the disclaimer text. The School Districts Compliance Officer and Title IX Coordinator to address complaints alleging sexual harassment under Title IX is Aaron Henderson, 620 Wilcox. End Time. Sign up now to join our Family Night with the Ontario Clippers! Sierra Vista Middle School is one of 10 middle schools in the Hacienda La Puente Unified School District and serves students in grades 7 and 8. Sierra Middle School. STUDENT VUE. Start of School - Starting 22-23 school year California will be implementing later start times for high schools and middle schools, per a new state law intended to help kids get more sleep. Click here to view on Google Maps. SCHOOL MENU. Campus News. The District's 504 Coordinator is : Janice Ede, Director of Student Services, 823 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford CA. 9:00 AM. La Puente, CA 91744 (626) 933-4000 . Senate Bill 328, passed in 2019, dictates that high schools cannot start before 8:30 a.m. Acceptable Use of School Technology Policy, English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC), Sierra Student Request for Support Services. Request For Qualification/Proposal (RFQ/P), Special Education Community Advisory Committee (CAC), Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP), Senate Bill (SB) 328 Pupil Attendance: School Start Time. Sierra Middle School1700 E Spruce AveLas Cruces, NM 88001P: 575-527-9640F: 575-527-9768. Bell Schedule 2022-2023. . Sierra Vista Middle School 13400 Foster Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Phone: (626) 962-1300 Fax: (626) 608-3704 . 10:00 AM. If parents have other questions or concerns regarding transportation, they may call the school principal or the Area Transportation Office. Bell Schedule & Calendar Downloads. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. that inspires and motivates excellence - allowing all students to S.O.A.R. The cost savings (approximately $700,000) from implementing a three-tier bell schedule allowed the District to provide counselors and social-emotional learning supports for students in all Kyrene schools. Email Us. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. See All Posts . Make your parents proud by being responsible and by continuing to make good choices everyday. Douglas County School District teachers and staff are leaders of public education in Colorado, with many innovative educational approaches tailored to our students. Several staff members will be available to help all students get to their destination on the first day of school. SCIENCE MAGNET. Taking responsibility for our actions is essential. SPORTS SCHEDULE. Soy su director, el Sr. Ramirez y me gustara darles la bienvenida al comienzo del ao escolar 2022-2023. Welcome back Students and Parents! Sierra Middle School 1700 E Spruce Ave Las Cruces, NM 88001 P: 575-527-9640 F: 575-527-9768. El Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Bakersfield prohbe la discriminacin, la intimidacin, el acoso (incluido el acoso sexual) o el acoso basado en la ascendencia, el color, la discapacidad, la etnia, el gnero, la expresin de gnero, la identidad de gnero, el estado migratorio, el estado civil, el origen nacional, estado parental, estado de embarazo, raza, religin, sexo, orientacin sexual o asociacin con una persona o grupo con una o ms de estas caractersticas reales o percibidas. Complaints regarding violations of Title VII (employment) and the ADEA (prohibiting age, discrimination in employment) may be filed directly with the Federal Office of Equal, Employment Opportunity Commission, 303 E. 17th Ave., Suite 510, Denver, CO 80202, or the, Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 1050, Denver, CO 80202. Sierra Vista Middle School. Area III Transportation - 703-249-7000. . Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Schedule Regular day schedule First bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Girls' Soccer & Boys' Basketball @ Mendez, Ryan Ramirez, Principal2021 North Grand Avenue. Principal's Bio; School Governance Team (SGT) School SIte Council (SSC) Testing and Accountability; . Fax (530) 544-1043. Every individual has intrinsic worth. I confidently believe that every single one of us has the potential to Read More, Important Message from Superintendent Gastelum. 22-23 Bell Schedule | Sierra Vista Middle School Home About News News Center Print 22-23 Bell Schedule June 6, 2022 Bell Schedule Since November, we have engaged in an elaborate process to determine our 2022-2023 Bell Schedule. 2238 East Ginter Road Grades 6-8 (Middle School) -- will proceed directly to their lockers. Always remember, that no matter how hard your parents and teachers work to give you the opportunity of a world-class education, its up to you to be responsible and make the choices that will bring you success. Our Children. // Video de promocin de octavo grado! LCPS Notice of Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Equal Access. In response to this new law, Lodi Unified has adjusted school start/dismissal times for the 2022-23 school year. For full schedules for all schools, please refer to the 2022-23 Start and Dismissal Times. Achieving Excellence for all Students through Equity and Innovation. Start of School - Starting 22-23 school year California will be implementing later start times for high schools and middle schools, per a new state law intended to help kids get more sleep. The school recently celebrated its 50th anniversary and leads the district in teaching pedagogies across many academic areas. Field Trip to Segerstrom Concert Hall: 5th Grade, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
"For additional information, please see the complete LCPS Notice of Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity and Equal Access.The following individuals are designated to handle questions regarding the non-discrimination, equal opportunity and equal access policies of the LCPS, requests for reasonable accommodation and complaints of alleged discrimination: Facilities and 504 Compliance / Title IXGabe JacquezDeputy Superintendent of Operations & Leadership(575) 527-5981, Community Concerns/ComplaintsJaime CalderonCommunity Relations Executive Director and Advisor to Supt/Board(575) 527-5801, Students 504 /Title IXDolores PolancoCoordinator for Student Services(575) 527-6693, Employment/Human Resource DevelopmentSection 504 / Title IXCindy DonnellyAssociate Director of Human Resources(575) 527-6051. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. 2023 Irvine Unified School District. About our School Daily Bell Schedules School Meals Calendar Staff Directory Students Aeries Student Portal Clever Google Classroom Dress Code Teacher Tutoring Hours Parents Visiting AEMS Raptor Visitor System Deliveries Attendance Registration Forms Portal Account and Data Confirmation Instructions Back to School Documents Celebration and Awards Office Return & School Registration Dates: Bell Schedule: Bell schedules for each school (pdf) Visual & Performing Arts: Dates, times, and locations of district and school performing arts events . Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Beacon Park Cadence Park Plaza . In-Person/ Canvas Learning. 08:35 AM. At Sierra 2-8, we all own the shared belief that we have the capability of impacting change and growing as learners. THANK YOU FOR KEEPING OUR SCHOOL POSITIVE! Sierra High School Home Parents & Students Bell Schedule Bell Schedule Bell Schedule Bell Schedule 2022-2023 Bell Schedule If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Staff. 623-376-4800. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Central Middle School 4795 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92506 Phone 951-788-7282 Central Prime Time 951-966-7597 Administration Shani Dahl ext 51100 Delta Sierra Middle Henderson School Lodi Middle Millswood Middle Morada Middle High Schools Bear Creek High Liberty High Lodi High Middle College High Plaza Robles High Ronald E. McNair High Tokay High Other School Sites Independence School Lincoln Technical Academy Lodi Adult School Lodi Unified Digital Academy School Readiness & Preschool MEDIA MAGNET. The Fontana Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of . Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Home Home . Renaissance Home Connect; Comprehensive Sexual Education Information; 2022-2023 . Parent School Partnership (PSP) Bell Schedule/Daily Rotation; Volunteering; Traffic Procedures; School News app for mobile devices; Bell Middle School Principal - Mrs. Hola Sierra Rangers. Choose Us. Bell Schedules Printer Friendly. Bell Schedule. The ongoing effort to reduce and remove physical and attitudinal barriers is designed to assist individuals with disabilities to enjoy the Districts facilities, programs, and services to the fullest extent. Search: Search. Click here to view on Google Maps. All children have the right to a safe, nurturing learning environment. Kucera Bell Schedule 2022 - 2023. District Home; Board of Education Agendas; Staff Portal (opens in new window/tab) . This will help prepare you for high school and any post-secondary options you desire. Attendance (949 . Leman Academy has staggered start and end times (see below for Bell & Class Schedules). 11800 Indiana Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503 (951) 358-1755 (951) 358-1768 Sierra Vista, AZ 85635. The District's Title IX Coordinator is: Ward Whaley, Assistant Superintendent - Administrative Services, 823 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford CA 93230. Office (949) 936-6600. Google meet code: wxm-xvox-wpj . Bell Schedule - Mesa Middle School. See All Posts . . . Precious J. Hubbard. Daily Bell Schedule. Frontier Valley Elementary School. We had a Bell Schedule Committee--comprised of teachers, counselors, support staff, administrators, parents, and students--so we could develop a bell schedule that best fits the needs and interests of our entire community, post-pandemic. 615 S. Sycamore Roswell, NM 88203-1451. Students will still receive transportation services. Our school cannot be the best without a commitment from you. Free breakfast will still be served before the start of the school day at all Lodi USD schools. View updated start and dismissal times. The Bakersfield City School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or . While earning college credits on campus and becoming a community leader, innovator and socially conscious thinker, your . 03:45 PM. Fundamental High School Lottery! Community Announcements. Update information online via Aeries. Bell Schedule. Bell Middle School. Sierra's principal is Mr. Renell Robinson We are a school that sincerely cares for each and every student! School Office Hours . Bell Schedule School begins at 8:00 am promptly. Last item for navigation. U.S. Department of Education, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, CO 80204. Transportation for resident students granted permission to attend a school or program outside their neighborhood attendance area shall be furnished by their parent/guardian. Benito Middle School A Hillsborough County Public School . 6th and 7th Grade Awards // Premios de sexto y sptimo grado, Open Enrollment Inter/Intra-District Transfer Request // Inscripcin Abierta Entre Distritos (Inter) o dentro del mismo Distrito (Intra). We have a long 35 minute lunch so we can serve all of our students free meals, and we will have a Bonus period so students required to take an intervention class will have the opportunity to take an elective of their choice. Phone (530) 543-2327. Section 504/ADA (handicap or disability), may be filed directly with the Office for Civil Rights. Please contact your childs school for more information. Start Time. Sierra Madre Middle School Clubs & Activities Webpages, English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Parent Student Teacher Association (PTSA), Jackson STEM Dual Language Magnet Academy, John Muir High School Early College Magnet, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The last Wednesday of the month. Open Enrollment Round 2 for the 23/24 school year is now open. SRVUSD Athletics. MIDDLE SCHOOLS. Winston Churchill Middle School; Bella Vista High School; Casa Roble Fundamental HS; . Mendez Fundamental Intermediate School; Middle College High School; Mitchell Child Development Center [CDC] . Los Rangers de Sierra son fuertes y resistentes. It can be found here. Catalyst Kids; My Spanish Journey; Attendance Handbook; Spirit Wear; Parking Lot Safety; Parent Conference Scheduler. Sierra Verde STEAM Academy. News. Sierra is home to the Eagles. 575-627-2800. Have you ever thought of yourself as a leader, a change-maker, or someone who can grow and develop things and people? Parents, check out information about the California Healthy Kids Survey HEREfor 5th grade or HERE for 7th grade. Sierra Preparatory Academy (TK-8) 2022-2023 Pre-enrollment Form for new students to SIERRA. Glendale, AZ 85308. 08:35 AM. Wednesday. See All News . 54137 or akimbrough@riversideunified.org Please bring in a completed registration packet and all required documentation at the time of registration. When you choose Sierra High School, you are choosing a community school steeped in tradition, where your unique talents and gifts are exposed, examined and explored in academics, athletics, and the arts. Start Time. Listening to all community voices unites us. Regular Day Schedule 6th - 8th Grade Piensen siempre en los sacrificios que tus padres hacen para darle lo que ustedes necesitan y tengan en cuenta las grandes cosas que la educacin podr hacer para ti y tu familia. For inquiries related to Section 504, please contact: Bianca Barquin, Assistant Superintendent, K-12 Teaching and Learning and District Section 504 Coordinator, 1601 E. Chestnut Avenue, Santa Ana, CA 92701, or by phone at (714) 558-5656 or via email at Bianca.Barquin@sausd.us. The Clovis Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a person's actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these . We do not provide transportation, and this alleviates long carpool lines and honors our parent's time. For questions or complaints, contact your school site principal and/or the Districts Chief Equity Compliance Officer, Section 504 Coordinator, and Title IX Coordinator: Erin Johnston, Director I, Human Resources, 1300 Baker Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305, (661) 631-4663, johnstone@bcsd.com. Principal Debbi Norris dnorris@risd.k12.nm.us. Menu. Since November, we have engaged in an elaborate process to determine our 2022-2023 Bell Schedule. Start Here. Irvine, CA 92620 (949) 936-6600. Sierra Middle School's policy was written in accordance with the district's. It can be found here. Bell Schedule Upcoming Events Peachjar Parent Connect Student Connect Meal Menus Staff 380 W Teague Ave Clovis, CA 93619 | (559) 327-3500. Learning Services. Hacienda La Puente Unified School District . Jeffrey Trail Lakeside Rancho San Joaquin Sierra Vista South Lake Venado. 623-376-4880 - Fax. Parent Groups; School & District Rules; Volunteering; 2019 -20 Supply Lists; Sierra Oaks Wellness Center Newsletters; Attendance; Activities" Departments . United States, Apollo Middle School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Apollo Middle School - Standard Bell Schedule, Challenger Middle School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Challenger Middle School - Standard Bell Schedule, Craycroft Middle School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Craycroft Middle School - Standard Bell Schedule, Desert View High School - Early Release Schedule, Desert View High School - Late Start Bell Schedule, Desert View High School - Standard Bell Schedule, Drexel Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Drexel Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Elvira Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Elvira Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Esperanza Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Esperanza Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Gallego Intermediate School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Gallego Intermediate School - Standard Bell Schedule, Gallego Primary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Gallego Primary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Lauffer Middle School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Lauffer Middle School - Standard Bell Schedule, Liberty Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Liberty Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Los Amigos Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Los Amigos Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Los Nios Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Los Nios Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Mission Manor Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Mission Manor Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Ocotillo Learning Center - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Ocotillo Learning Center - Standard Bell Schedule, Rivera Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Rivera Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Santa Clara Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Santa Clara Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Sierra 2-8 School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule (Grades 2-5), Sierra 2-8 School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule (Grades 6-8), Sierra 2-8 School - Standard Bell Schedule (Grades 2-5), Sierra 2-8 School - Standard Bell Schedule (Grades 6-8), Star Academic High School - Standard Bell Schedule, Star Academic High School - Wednesday Bell Schedule, Summit View Elementary School - Early Dismissal Bell Schedule, Summit View Elementary School - Standard Bell Schedule, Sunnyside High School - Standard Bell Schedule.